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【#英语资源# 导语】写读后感绝不是对原文的抄录或简单地复述,不能脱离原文任意发挥,应以写“体会”为主。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《初中生英语读后感》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.初中生英语读后感 篇一

  Hello, everyone. I believe you should be familiar with the book Journey to the West. The book has 100 chapters, which can be divided into three parts in terms of its structure. The whole book mainly tells the story of Tang Monk and his four disciples who went to the West to get sc riptures. They encountered many difficulties on the way, and finally obtained the true scri ptures and achieved the correct results.

  This book twists and turns reflects the contradictions in the real society. Through the struggle between people and demons and the relationship between the first-level demons, it shows the optimistic spirit of the people to overcome difficulties and the decadence and chaos of the ruling class in the feudal era.

  The author, Wu Chengen, was very clever since childhood. He entered school very early. He achieved his ambition as a young man and became famous in the countryside. Volume 16 of Tianqi's Annals of Huai'an Mansion said that Wu Chengen was "sensitive and intelligent, and wrote a lot of books. It was a poem and a writing.". However, as an adult, Wu Chengen was not successful. He suffered setbacks on the way to the imperial examination. Only when he was in his forties did he make up for a year old tribute student. In his fifties, he served as the head of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, and later served as Ji Shan of the King Jing's Mansion. This is an unofficial position at the same level as the head of the county.

  One of my favorite chapters is the resurrection of Kou Shanren. The story is full of twists and turns. I regret the death of Kou Shanren, and am glad that Wukong helped me to revive. The change of the story also touches my heart, as if people were in this situation.

  Well, after listening to my explanation, do you also want to travel in the world of Journey to the West?

2.初中生英语读后感 篇二

  Today, I read "The Story of Wang Erxiao" with my mother, and I felt deeply. I think Wang Erxiao is a smart and smart child, and I am encouraged by his wit and courage. In that war era, the young Wang Erxiao was able to be fearless in the face of danger, calm and tactful, and led the devils into the encirclement of the Eighth Route Army. He made sacrifices for the country and the people, while preserving the lives and property of the villagers. His sacrifice is great and glorious.

  Today, our good life is hard-won. It is the result of countless Wang Erxiao's blood and life. We should cherish it, and at the same time, we should study hard to repay the country and society in the future.

  As primary school students, we should start from the small things around us, and be diligent and diligent in learning. In life, we should unite our classmates and be willing to help others. We have no reason to waste our time. The new generation of us is the future of the motherland and the backbone of the country. We should inherit the glorious tradition of the revolutionary martyrs, cherish the happy life they have earned with their lives today, study hard, contribute our strength to the socialist cause, and add bricks and tiles to the prosperity of the motherland!

3.初中生英语读后感 篇三

  "Father and Son" is a world comic strip, which is the work of the famous German writer E. O. Braun. Among them, I like the cartoons "Enough" in "Father and Son", "New Year's Eve", "Good result is all right", and "Hat with anchor".

  The first "Bad Family Composition" in "Father and Son" means that the hero's son can't write a composition, and his father has little culture, but his father acts as a very literate, so his father helps his son finish the composition. The next day, the teacher criticized his son and said that his composition was the worst in the class, almost all of which were typos. The teacher asked him how he wrote it, and his son said that his father helped him write it. The teacher was even more angry. He took his son back to his home and saw his father at home. So he used the book to fight his father's shares.

  The second "One year later" mainly talks about this day, which is cloudless, and I don't know how my father can remember to measure his son's height. So my father called my son over and asked him to lean his back on the tree, and then my father nailed a nail on the tree where his son was overhead. On this day in the next year, my father remembered the matter of measuring his height. So the father called his son again, and his son looked at the nails on the tree. I think I am not only tall, but also short. Seeing the confused son, the father said to his son, "You are not getting shorter, but the tree is also growing."

  Through the book "Father and Son", I learned a truth: Don't do stupid things for fun.

4.初中生英语读后感 篇四

  Bambi the Little Deer is about the growth of a young deer from birth to adulthood.

  Bambi is a lively and lovely stag. He is curious about everything. If he doesn't understand anything, he asks his mother "why". Bambi grows up day by day, and his mother is not like before. She accompanies him all the time. Bambi asks her why, and her mother replies, "You have grown up and should learn to live independently.".

  In that massacre, Bambi lost his mother. Since then, Bambi has lived alone. Bambi gradually got used to living alone and learned to be strong. After growing into a big deer, Bambi became prince.

  After reading Bambi the Little Deer, I felt that human beings are really cruel. If human beings and deer were friends, the deer would surely live better. At the same time, it also tells us that children should learn to be strong and independent, learn to take care of themselves, and support themselves. Parents can't be around you at all times. We should also learn to think twice before doing anything. Don't take risks when you shouldn't, sometimes you will lose your life.

  How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. The vitality of the flowers in the greenhouse can never compare with that of the weeds in the mountains. Finally, we should make ourselves have a pair of strong and powerful wings to fly freely in the sky of life.

5.初中生英语读后感 篇五

  I recently read an article called "Mother's Rice Bag", which is a tear-provoking article.

  This story tells of a mother who suffered from rheumatism for her son to go to school. The son wanted to help his mother, but his mother beat him into school. At that time, I had to pay 30 jin of rice per month. Although my family was very poor, my mother sent it. The first time and the second time, Master Xiong in the canteen asked for it. The third time, Master Xiong said nothing. At this time, my mother actually knelt down! Mother said that she asked for the meal! Master Xiong wanted to tell the headmaster that he was stopped by the mother who wanted to protect his son's self-esteem. Later, the headmaster exempted his son from all the expenses for three years of high school in the name of poor students. My son was admitted to Tsinghua University. Knowing this, he held his mother in his arms and cried loudly.

  Students, what kind of environment do you live in? Do you think about your parents. Can you throw a tantrum when you taste that the food you cooked is not to your taste? Don't complain about your poor conditions. Compared with the poor mother and son, we have got too much. I think of my situation, the past and the parents who worked for me day and night. I don't feel that way. I should strive to open up my own world, repay my parents with a successful future and let them live a good life. We should seize every day and take every step well. Our success and success are the best gifts for our parents.
