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【#英语资源# 导语】读完一本名著以后,相信大家一定领会了不少东西,写一份读后感,记录收获与付出吧。但是读后感有什么要求呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《英语读后感初中生》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.英语读后感初中生 篇一

  Previously, I saw the friend of mischievous Pony Little Jump at the same table, which left a deep impression on me, and now I still have endless aftertaste.

  There is a scene where Ma Xiaotiao's friend Lu Manman fell ill and asked for leave. The teacher asked Ding Wentao, Xia Linguo, and Ma Xiaotiao to visit Lu Manman. Originally, Lu Manman was still sick in bed, but when he saw Ma Xiaotiao coming, he ignored his own condition and talked incessantly about Ma Xiaotiao. Throughout the afternoon, Ma Xiaotiao spent the whole afternoon criticizing him, and Lu Manman, who was also angry with Ma Xiaotiao, recovered. Lu Manman's mother naturally, I am also happy to leave Ma Xiaotiao for dinner.

  In fact, before Lu Manman and Ma Xiaotiao, what existed was not hatred, but deep friendship! Although Lu Manman talks about Ma Xiaotiao every day, if Ma Xiaotiao needs help, Lu Manman will still lend a helping hand. When Lu Manman is unhappy, Ma Xiaotiao will also make faces, tell jokes, and make Lu Manman happy. This is friendship! Seeing this, I can't help but think of my former desk mate.

  Once, my desk mate scolded me, and I was extremely sad. When my desk mate saw me, he couldn't bear to blame me anymore. Instead, he comforted me and asked me to continue working hard. This is friendship!

  As long as you observe carefully, you will find that friendship is everywhere!

2.英语读后感初中生 篇二

  The Little Scriber "tells the story of a Florentine boy named Sulio, who silently suffers from his father's misunderstanding and blame for four months and secretly helps his father copy envelopes to earn money and support his family. It touches many innocent hearts and makes many people cry and feel ashamed after reading it!

  How many people reflect on their behavior and personality as a result of Sulio's actions.

  Indeed, the current society is no longer what it used to be, and life is no longer what it used to be. Nowadays, children always rely on clothes to reach out, food to open their mouths, dependence is too strong, self-care ability is too poor, and they do not understand the hard work of adults, do not know how money is earned, do not know how to save... In short, there are many things that do not know, do not know! But Sulio is completely opposite to us.

  Indeed, we should learn from the spirit of Salio. Although he is just a small person, we should also follow his example. This is because if we cannot do small things well, how can we do big things? How can I take care of myself when I grow up?

  So, we should set an example of ourselves by setting an example of ourselves to those around us who are doing better than ourselves - learning to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses - learning to let go, understanding adults, and doing our own things!

3.英语读后感初中生 篇三

  During winter vacation, I read many books, such as "Terrible Science" (Mathematics Series) and "220 Essays Moved by the Marking Teacher". Among them, the one I feel the most deeply is' Education of Love '.

  In the October episode of "Education of Love", there is a monthly story called "Patriotic Youth of Padua", which gives me a unique flavor every time I "taste"!

  The story goes: A French ship sailed from Spain to Genoa, with French, Italian, and Swiss people on board. Among them was an eleven year old boy. Three passengers kept asking him questions, and he spoke up. He could only communicate with the passengers in three unfamiliar languages. Three passengers gave the boy some money, and then several wives walked out and also gave the boy some money. The boy thought to himself that he could buy some delicious things and some clothes in Genoa. At this moment, the three travelers said that the boy's homeland was an ignorant nation, a vulgar nation, and a thief. After listening, the boy couldn't bear it anymore and threw the money they gave him over their heads, saying, "Take it, your stinky money

  I think the boy in this story is very ambitious. He would rather be hungry and cold than be insulted by others about his country and nation. We must learn from him and love our motherland!

4.英语读后感初中生 篇四

  Not long ago, we learned from Zhu Ziqing's essay "Hurry", which tells us not to waste time.

  The essay 'Hurry', although not too long, has taught me a lot and made me understand the value of time.

  As Mr. Zhu Ziqing said, "Why are our days gone forever?". Later on, I realized that days slip away from our casual lives.

  Looking back carefully, in the past, we used to just watch TV and play computer games everywhere. Perhaps I could have obtained temporary happiness at that time, but what I lost was precious time. Time just slipped away, I really regret it. Why was I still enjoying happiness at that time completely unaware.

  What will happen in the future? Are you wasting your time like before? No, definitely not. From now on, cherish time, cherish every day, every minute, every second.

  Time comes and goes in a hurry, which is a fact that no one can control. However, we can control ourselves and strive to live every moment to the fullest.

5.英语读后感初中生 篇五

  In a corner of the sea, there lives a group of happy little fish

  Today, the warm sunshine was hidden in the clouds. However, when we arrived at Sanwei Bookstore, the teacher wanted to tell us a picture book story called "Little Black Fish".

  Picture book stories may seem childish to students who are already in fifth grade, but the teacher insists on telling them. Alright, then listen!

  The story goes like this: there is a group of small fish, all red, except for a small black fish, which swims faster than its siblings. One day, a huge tuna suddenly appeared in the sea. It was big, fierce, and hungry, and ate many small fish in one bite. Only the little black fish escaped, and it swam deep into the sea, feeling very sad. However, it saw jellyfish like rainbow jelly, and later saw many small fish such as shrimp and strange fish. It found its friends and found a way to form a big fish, with small black fish as its eyes, scaring away many big fish!

  This picture book reminds me of an article we have learned called "The Wolf Group". The little black fish is like the head wolf in the wolf group, able to organize the team, so that the team can unite and work together. Isn't this spirit worth praising?

  This is the strength of unity!
