
时间:2022-03-30 01:32:53 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#托福# 导语】所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。所以想要考证书的亲们,快去了解一下吧,以下为“托福写作教育类话题词汇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  the craze for graduate school 考研热

  surf the internet 网上冲浪

  cyberspace 网络空间

  inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才

  assignment of graduates 毕业生分配

  net friend 网友

  examination-oriented education 应试教育

  teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

  quality-oriented education 素质教育

  compulsory education 义务教育

  internet bar 网吧

  adult (continuing) education 成人教育

  distance education 远程教育

  campus culture校园文化

  two-way selection 双向选择

  work-study program 勤工俭学

  double degree 双学位

  non-resident student 走读生

  resident student 寄宿生

  extracurricular activities 课外活动

  self-taught examination 自学考试

  become well-educated through self-study 自学成才

  to reduce study load 学生减负

  web-addiction 沉湎于上网

