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【#英语资源# 导语】农历五月初五是我们国家的传统节日—端午节。以下是®文档大全网整理的《有关端午节的风俗英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.有关端午节的风俗英语作文 篇一

  Dragon boat race is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. Originating from ancient times, the people of the State of Chu died because they could not bear to throw Qu Yuan into the river, and many people chased them by boat to save them. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, we will row a dragon boat on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Dispel the fish in the river by rowing a dragon boat to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat Zongzi, which is the traditional custom of the Chinese people. Zongzi is officially designated as the food of Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, in addition to glutinous rice, the raw materials for wrapping Zongzi were also added with traditional Chinese medicine Yizhiren. The cooked Zongzi said that "the varieties of Chinese chestnut, red dates, red beans, etc. were increased. Zongzi was also used as a gift for communication.

  Famous Artemisia argyi and Artemisia argyi. Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oil. The peculiar fragrance it produces can repel mosquitoes, flies, insects and ants, and purify the air. Acorus calamus is a perennial aquatic herb. Its long and narrow leaves also contain volatile aromatic oil. It is a medicine for refreshing, invigorating, removing stagnation, killing insects and sterilizing

  It can be seen that the ancient people inserted wormwood and calamus have a certain role in disease prevention. The Dragon Boat Festival is also a "health festival" passed down from ancient times. People sweep the courtyard, hang wormwood branches, hang calamus, sprinkle realgar water, drink realgar wine, stimulate turbidity, remove rot, sterilize and prevent disease on this day. These activities also reflect the fine traditions of the Chinese nation.

  By the Tang Dynasty, Zongzi rice had become "as white as jade", and its shape appeared cone and diamond. The wrapping material of Zongzi has changed from wild rice leaves to indocalamus leaves. Later, Zongzi wrapped with reed leaves appeared. The additional materials have appeared bean paste, pork, pine nut kernel, jujube, walnut, etc., making the variety more colorful.

  Until today, at the beginning of May every year, Chinese people have to soak glutinous rice, wash the leaves, and wrap Zongzi, with a wide variety of designs and colors. From the perspective of filling, Beijing jujube dumplings with small dates in the north; In the south, there are bean paste, fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and other fillings, with Zongzi in Jiaxing, Zhejiang as the representative.

2.有关端午节的风俗英语作文 篇二

  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. My mother and I went to my grandma's house to celebrate the festival, the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When I came to Grandma's door and saw some green plants in front of the door, a big question mark came out of my mind. What is this? Why hang it at the gate? I asked my grandmother, and she said with a smile, "This is mugwort. It can repel mosquitoes and germs by inserting it on the doors and windows before the dawn of the Dragon Boat Festival. It can also ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts." Then, my grandmother tied multicolored thread to my sister and me and wore incense bags, she said‘ With these two things, children can avoid the harm of snakes, scorpions, poisonous insects and keep safe. “

  After a while, Grandma began to prepare the materials for making Zongzi. She first put the washed leaves into the pot and boiled them for more than ten minutes, so that the green gas of the leaves can be removed, the flexibility of the leaves can be increased, and the Zongzi won't be broken when it is wrapped. Then wash the glutinous rice and soak it for five or six hours. After everything was ready, we began to make Zongzi. Grandma put two pieces of zong leaves slightly overlapping in her left hand, picked up a proper amount of glutinous rice with her right hand and spread it evenly in the middle of the zong leaves, then put dates and peanuts on it. The two foods point to the middle to protect the glutinous rice, roll it to a semi cylindrical shape, fold the leaves on both sides to the middle and wrap it tightly with thread. A round Zongzi will be wrapped. Wait until all the Zongzi are wrapped and put into the pot, boil it for two hours, turn down the fire, cook it for another two hours, and then turn off the fire and stew it for two hours.

  After eating the sweet Zongzi, Grandma told us about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, which was a traditional way to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a man of the State of Chu in the Warring States Period. He was upright, worried about the country and the people, and devoted himself to the reform and development of the country. However, he was repeatedly attacked and persecuted by villains. In addition, the king of Chu Huai was ignorant, and did not distinguish between loyalty and loyalty. Qu Yuan, who was full of loyalty to the emperor and the people, finally died on the fifth day of May in grief, anger and despair. After Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people drove dragon boats to throw Zongzi down the river to drive away the fish and shrimp in order to prevent fish and shrimp from eating his body. Since then, in order to commemorate Qu Yuan, people have had the custom of eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats every Dragon Boat Festival.

  While I was eating Zongzi, I listened to my grandmother's stories and felt how wonderful life was!

3.有关端午节的风俗英语作文 篇三

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, is a traditional folk festival in China. Whether in the south or the north, there is the custom of Dragon Boat Festival. But I feel that the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is more interesting than that in any place.

  My hometown is Linqu. To celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in Linqu, first of all is to buy or make small sachets related to the Dragon Boat Festival. A few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, the streets were crowded with vendors selling colorful ropes, dragon kites, sachets and Zongzi. Among them, various kinds of sachets are welcome. This gadget is to sew wormwood, cinnabar, etc. into a colorful little purse. It can be worn on the body or hung in the room. Folk say that this can drive away evil spirits. Moreover, it is small and lovely. The children can't wait to see it. Soon, there is one hanging on it. The stall owner behind the adults is also smiling and counting the money in their hands.

  Eating Zongzi is an essential ritual for home Dragon Boat Festival. One or two days before the Dragon Boat Festival, people crowded into supermarkets to choose Zongzi with different flavors. The most common Zongzi are red dates and Babao, which vary in size. Some families still wrap brown seeds themselves, which will have a more festive atmosphere.

  I remember that when we were in kindergarten, the teachers taught us to pack palm seeds during the Dragon Boat Festival. They also talked about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival - in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Since then, when I mention Zongzi, I will think of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan and his great deeds in his life.

  In addition to eating Zongzi, the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown also hung wormwood at the door to drive away insects and evil spirits, and held various activities. These customs show the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

  In my mind, the Dragon Boat Festival in Linqu is the most interesting. Maybe the small city has less prosperity and hospitality than the big city, but it also has a special local flavor.

4.有关端午节的风俗英语作文 篇四

  The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. It is said that this festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. There are many special customs on the Dragon Boat Festival. In our family, we hang wormwood leaves and calamus on the door and make Zongzi together.

  Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my father would get up early and go to the vegetable market to buy a bunch of mugwort leaves and calamus and hang them on the door. The mugwort leaf looks a little like the chrysanthemum leaf. It smells like a light traditional Chinese medicine. The calamus has no taste. It looks like a sharp sword. It is said that hanging mugwort leaf and calamus on the door can avoid disasters and seek benefits. After hanging up, we set off for Grandma's holiday.

  At Grandma's house, we make Zongzi every year. Grandma soaked glutinous rice in water early, and prepared a lot of zongzi leaves to soak in water. As soon as we arrived, we could make Zongzi. Grandma taught me to select a large and long Zongye, fold one end into a funnel, hold it with one hand to prevent it from loosening, then add soaked glutinous rice, add one or two red dates, nearly fill the small funnel, fold the other half of the Zongye back to cover the glutinous rice, wrap it tightly, and finally tie it with a rope, and a Zongzi is finished.

  Grandma's action was very fast. One Zongzi was finished. Together with our assists, one after another, we soon packed a lot. Grandma put Zongzi into the pot to cook, and soon the smell came. "It's Zongzi!" My father brought a large plate of Zongzi. I picked one, untied the rope, peeled off the leaves, and the white glutinous rice filling was revealed. One bite, soft and glutinous, and another bite, sweet and fragrant, the original sweet dates, Zongzi is really delicious! If only it were the Dragon Boat Festival every day.

5.有关端午节的风俗英语作文 篇五

  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Every family is busy buying and making Zongzi. Even our family is no exception.

  Early in the morning, Grandma began to teach us to make Zongzi. I quickly sat next to my grandma and watched her make Zongzi: first, use zongzi leaves to surround a triangle shape, then put in glutinous rice and red dates, and then use ropes to surround them, and Zongzi will be wrapped.

  My sister, I and my grandmother made a basket full of Zongzi. Grandma was very happy and praised me and my sister for their ability. I suddenly heard the sound of "Dong Dong" coming from the TV. I ran to the front of the TV. Oh, it was a dragon boat race on the Songhua River. Each dragon boat has scaly patterns, and the raised dragon head is extremely powerful, and the raised dragon tail points directly at the blue sky. On each dragon boat, there are two rows of rowers sitting neatly. They each wear their own team uniforms and greet the competition with confidence. The first few dragon boats are catching up with each other. The scene is very lively.

  I suddenly remembered the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who loved his motherland very much, but the ruler of the State of Chu at that time was fatuous and incompetent. When the news came that the capital of the State of Chu was conquered by the Qin army, he hopelessly jumped into the Miluo River to die on the fifth day of May. The people love Qu Yuan very much. In order not to let the fish destroy Qu Yuan's body, they put rice into the river to feed the fish, so that the fish will not destroy Qu Yuan's body when they are full.

  Therefore, on the fifth day of May, people will eat Zongzi to commemorate this great patriotic poet. Thinking of this, my tears are coming out. At this time, Zongzi is ripe, and I can't wait to put Zongzi in my mouth. It's really sweet! How wonderful our life is now!
