
时间:2023-05-03 00:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It has been raining for several days. Today is Qingming Festival. Father-in-law sun finally emerges from the clouds. I opened the window. It was sunny outside. The small trees in front of the building had sprouted new buds, and the flowers were in full bloom, a breath of spring.

  Our family decided to go camping in Tongxi. After we had prepared tents, snacks, water and other outdoor supplies, we drove off. Along the way, everyone talked and laughed. Suddenly, bursts of fragrance came to my nostrils. I looked up and found that it was from the endless rape flowers. The rape flowers in full bloom swing in the breeze, just like a yellow butterfly dancing. The scenery was so attractive that I got out of the car and couldn't help running towards the rape flowers, breathing the fragrant air. I shouted to the sky, "it's so beautiful!"

  We continued to drive and soon arrived at our destination - Tongxi reservoir. There was a large green lawn in front of the reservoir, where many people had visited. Some are flying kites, some are taking photos, some are rowing, and others are playing hide and seek. We set up a tent in the middle of the lawn, and then took out all the food. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside while eating in the tent. We were very happy. Our tent is blue and yellow. It stands out on the green lawn and attracts many curious children. I generously introduced my tent to them and invited them to come in and play. I also went to the dam of the reservoir and took photos there.


  We will all have some unforgettable memories, and the most unforgettable one for me is the memory of the first outing during the Qingming Festival.

  On the day of the outing, it was very hot and sunny. We went to the flower garden. The flowers over there are very beautiful. There are white cherry blossoms and red peach blossoms. They are very bright and beautiful. We also played the game of throwing handkerchiefs here. We used my water bottle to make handkerchiefs. Later, I didn't know where the water bottle had been thrown. It was so hot that I lost my water bottle again. Later, I was really thirsty. However, I still had a good time. There are many big clocks over there.

  When it was time for dinner, our two groups were divided into two groups. We sat on the grass and shared the delicious food we brought, and our classmates brought something to listen to songs. We ate while listening to music. It was really beautiful. After dinner, we all threw our garbage into the trash can, because we want to make the flower bed beautiful all the time for everyone to enjoy!

  On this day, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery and learned to protect the environment. In this way, we ended the first outing of Qingming Festival!


  Today is the weekend. It happens to be Qingming Festival again. There is a custom that on the Tomb Sweeping Day, if there is a dead person in the family, the family will go to sweep the tomb, commemorate the dead person, and people will go for an outing in the suburbs. On Tomb Sweeping Day, my mother took me and my friend Wang Yutong for an outing in the suburbs. We talked and laughed all the way. After a while, we came to a place full of golden eyes. We said with one voice, "rape flowers are in bloom." The golden rape flowers look so dazzling and golden in the sunlight. We ran in the rape field, chasing each other. When we were tired, we sat in the rape field and played with stones, scissors and cloth. At this time, my mother said, "let's find a place with beautiful scenery for a picnic." We finally got to a place with water and mountains. I couldn't wait to help my mother open her bag and take out the things in it.

  We played while eating. When we were full, Wang Yutong and I flew kites again. Our kite is a centipede kite with many feet and a Chang'e kite with fluttering clothes. Wang Yutong flies a centipede kite. Wang Yutong holds the centipede kite and runs on the ground. Because the centipede body is too long to fly, it always stumbles on the ground. A gust of wind blew and sent the Chang'e kite in my hand to the sky. The Chang'e really seemed to rush to the moon. It went with the wind and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. Time passed so quickly that we reluctantly left the field. On the way home, we sang happy songs. We had a great time this day.


  Today, my mother and my brother went to the people's Park. The flowers and plants in the people's Park are very beautiful, including pink peach flowers, red peach flowers, white apricot and pear flowers, willows, pines and a big tree. There is a clear river beside the peach blossom. There are people boating in the river and ducklings swimming. The ducklings are black, white and yellow. Two ducklings swim together, three swim together and one swims alone. They can swim happily.

  When we were playing, my brother saw a transformer. He liked it very much, so my mother bought one for him, and then we went on. When I saw a painting place, we stopped to see it. I looked for half a day and chose a small model of two people. I liked it very much, and then we bought it. I sat down with my mother to draw colors for it, My brother was playing with his transformers. When I painted the color of the hair behind the little girl, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the little model was actually a piggy bank. We soon painted it in beautiful colors. I decided to give it to my father when I went home. My brother and I had a good time today. My mother smiled happily when she saw us having a good time.


  One day during the Qingming Festival holiday, my mother took me and my brother to play in the fields. Mother said that going to the fields in spring is called outing.

  The fields in spring are full of vitality. My brother and I are like birds released from a cage, jumping with joy, stepping on the soft land, breathing the air with the fragrance of flowers and grass, watching the green wheat fields and golden rape flowers, not to mention how relaxed and happy we are. I especially like watching rape flowers, a large golden area, like a golden ocean; It's as warm as sunlight. Many bees are collecting honey, flying around and busy. Several butterflies also flew around among the flowers. I saw it stop and wanted to reach out to catch it. It immediately flew away and disappeared after a while. I can't help but think of an ancient poem: "children rush to catch up with yellow dishes, fly into cauliflower and have nowhere to find."

  We walked towards the riverbank. The green river was sparkling in the sunshine. A gust of wind blew and the water surface was wavy again. On both sides of the river bank are rows of willows, with green "long hair" gently blowing in the breeze, and some unknown small trees full of white and pink flowers. These willows and flowering trees, standing in a golden rape field, look so graceful.

  Continue to go forward. After a while, I saw a small forest full of white and pink flowers in the roadside, emitting a strong aroma. When I came closer, some of the flowers were white and white, some were pink and tender, and all had five round and lovely petals. My mother told me that the white ones were pear flowers and the pink ones were peach flowers. When autumn comes, they will bear many fruits. I like their lovely appearance very much. They are like little dolls with smiling faces.

  All the way, all the way to see, all the way to play, all the way to enjoy the past, I think the outing is really fun! How interesting!


  There are many customs about Tomb Sweeping Day, including ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, outing and tree planting. On Tomb Sweeping Day, our family chose to go for an outing in the countryside.

  Walking on the country road, the fresh air and the smell of rape flowers came to my face, which made me like it here at once. Looking from afar, the golden carpet made of rape flowers all over the mountains is like a desolate hill plated with a layer of glittering gold. It is very beautiful!

  The grass under their feet didn't seem to wake up, but miss Chun told them it was time to get up. Curious, they came out of the earth and looked at the grass one after another. The willow trees by the river pulled out new branches and buds, dressed up their willow mother like ornaments, and changed into green new clothes in a twinkling of an eye, looking younger and more beautiful. Colorful butterflies are dancing among the flowers, as if singing about this beautiful spring.

  This outing, the appearance of the countryside is deeply left in my memory. How can this picturesque beauty not make people linger?


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents and I went for an outing in the suburbs. The scenery in the suburbs is so beautiful! When the peach blossoms opened, the peach tree stretched out many small hands and grabbed Miss Chun's sleeve. Miss Chun accidentally scattered the pink flowers on one end of the peach tree. The gale and heavy rain a few days ago made many petals fall to the ground one after another. The rape flowers in the garden also opened. From a distance, large areas of rape flowers glittered like golden silk in the sunshine. When we came to the garden, we found that rape flowers blinked like Venus in the sky. Magnolia trees are also full of flowers, white, light yellow and purple. They hang on the branches like small wine glasses. People scrambled to take pictures around the beautiful scenery. Spring came and the earth was full of vitality. We walked, sang and laughed all the way, facing the warm spring breeze and smelling the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

  Today, my parents took me to qinhedi for an outing, accompanied by several colleagues of my father. They also took their children, so I had two brothers and one sister. The four of us become a team. Of course, the captain is my good brother. His leadership is very good. We follow him in a rhythmic way. Everyone talks and laughs, so we don't feel tired. The scenery along the way was very beautiful. We walked to a place with water. When we were close to a big river, there was a light rain. The adults decided to continue walking. We followed behind them. The rain became heavier and heavier. Although I was wet, we had a good time. I suddenly remembered the poem "rain in succession during the Qingming Festival", which really felt like what my mother said. In the afternoon, we had dinner in a restaurant and talked about the day's itinerary and interesting news. We were very happy! What a happy day today!


  Time flies, and the Qingming Festival comes again on April 4. During this festival, our family decided to go for an outing in the southern suburbs. It was drizzling and breathing the fresh air unique to the mountains and fields. I felt relaxed and happy immediately.

  Looking up at the sky, a few little swallows fell on the distant telegraph poles. The thin lines connected between the telegraph poles are like a staff of staff! The dancing swallow is like a note on the staff, playing a happy "song of spring". Beside the winding path, willows spread out goose yellow tender leaves,; Peach blossoms showed their pink smiling faces, pear blossoms opened their snow-white faces, and they opened up in clusters. After careful observation, the raindrops rolled on the petals like crystal pearls; The grass seems unwilling to be lonely. It scrambles to poke out its green and delicate hands from the brown soil. Maybe it wants to have a close contact with spring! Green buds, red flowers and green grass all gather like going to the market to dress up the field path.

  Continue to go deep, and a stream appears in front of you. The clear water splashed happily. In the gurgling water, several unknown small fish went down the river and enjoyed the happiness of "free travel". On the grass beside the stream, many tourists who went out for an outing gathered. The tents on the green grass are colorful like big mushrooms. The old people are playing Taijiquan in groups, while the young people are playing poker in a circle. From time to time, there was a "giggle" laughter on the grass, which was the happiest laughter of the children. You see, regardless of the coolness of the rain, they played the game of eagles catching chickens.

  Qingming Festival is not only a beautiful festival, but also a good time for us to go out for an outing. I love Qingming, and I love the custom of outing during Qingming.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. The ancients said: it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. It was also cloudy. My family went to Cihu for an outing.

  As we walked along the road, we saw that the strong grass broke through the earth with its tenacious perseverance. It was not willing to be outdone to welcome the spring. It changed into green clothes. There were flowers in the green grass, red, green and yellow... We walked a little further and came to a field. There was a pleasant golden yellow everywhere in front of us, and the rape flowers stood in high spirits, Pearl like dewdrops slide around on the golden flowers... By the side of Cihu Lake, willow braids are decorated with green leaves and buds, which is really more beautiful than any girl's headdress.

  After passing Cihu cemetery, we couldn't help walking in. Looking at the graves of martyrs, wreaths and pure white flowers, my heart can't help the waves. I thought a lot: our happy life today was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, and it was also exchanged with their blood. Therefore, an idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and strive to become the pillars of building the country.

  Then, we went to huangjia'ao. There were a sea of people on the mountain. Everyone's faces were full of nostalgia. Looking at this scene, I felt some regret in my heart. I hope my elders can live long and healthy.


  During the Qingming Festival holiday, my parents took me on an outing to feel the breath of spring. With the desire for outing, the excited family packed up their necessities and set out early in the morning.

  Walking briskly, humming familiar tunes, looking up and walking towards the countryside. On the way, the first person to greet me was "aunt Chunfeng". She gently blew my face with a slightly moist breath, and immediately felt very comfortable; She touched my head with her hand and told me with a smile that welcome to the world of spring.

  Followed the song of the birds, and soon came to the destination. Sure enough, compared with the noise in the city, the natural scenery there is unusually clear and auspicious. The original surging state of mind calmed down in an instant. Walking along the roadside, the grass trees sneaked out of the ground with our steps, as if they couldn't wait to share the beautiful scenery with us. Looking ahead, there is a green grassland. When the wind blows, it rustles, "spring is good, spring is good". The willows on both sides of the grassland are green, and the willow branches swing with the wind and wave their hands to pay tribute to spring. In the green grass under the willow, small wild flowers show their smiling faces. Red, white, yellow and colorful are dotted in the green, which is particularly beautiful.

  Looking up, a few white clouds floated across the sky, waving to us and smiling at us. Blue sky, white clouds and golden sunshine reflect the green space and our happy smiling faces. The beauty of time is so beautiful!

