

时间:2022-04-25 15:45:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节,又叫踏青节,因为春天是万物复苏的季节,是一个万紫千红的时节。我们在扫墓祭祖之余,也可以趁着这美好时光,去山上、田野踏青,寻找春天的足迹。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today is Sunday. It rained a few drops in the morning, but at more than nine o'clock, the sky began to clear up, the spring breeze blew, and the warm sunshine began to shine on the earth, making people feel warm and refreshing. Today is really a good day to go outdoors.

  At my suggestion, my parents also put down the trivial things at hand and we set out outside the city together. After leaving the noisy county seat and coming to the fields, I suddenly felt that the air was much fresher. At your feet are vast green wheat fields. Since early spring, the weather has been sunny continuously, and the wheat seedlings have swept away the depression of the severe winter. It is a scene of prosperity. A piece of rape next to it has also pulled out new moss. When you look closer, the new vegetable moss is like a green jade stick carved with emerald. The willow branches at the head of the village in the distance were also soft by the spring wind. The green silk tapestry danced in the breeze, as if welcoming our whole family to the village. At this time, the birds in the woods not far away also tossed their mellow singing voice and began to attract friends and companions, adding a lot of vitality to early spring.

  My family walked and played in the fields like this. My parents were intoxicated by the spring scenery. Only I jumped and rolled on the ground. Inadvertently, we came to a small river. The grass on the riverbank looked withered and yellow, but at the grass root, some goose yellow buds peeped out secretly, dotted. The ice in the river has already melted, and the river begins to become clear. In the shallow part, you can see the sediment at the bottom of the river at a glance. The water and grass also become much softer. They swing left and right with the running water, and many small fish play in it.

  Everything in spring seems so vibrant. I love this beautiful spring!


  Qingming Festival is coming. Many people are busy with sacrificial activities. Fortunately, the old people in my family are very healthy, so I can enjoy the beautiful spring and have a warm hug with nature. Qingming Festival is not only a day for mourning and mourning, but also a good day for outing. Because its arrival symbolizes the real arrival of spring!

  On the way to the countryside, I saw many peach and pear trees, all of which were dressed for spring. A piece of powder and a piece of white. Looking at it, it's a picture of more than ten thousand low branches! It is not difficult to imagine the happy scene of peach and plum trees in autumn! Then I saw the green fields, endless, like a huge emerald. My eyes are very comfortable and my mood is very comfortable. I really want to live here every day. When I open my eyes, a burst of fragrance pours into my nose! After seeing the beautiful scenery in spring, we began a happy treasure hunt - digging wild vegetables.

  At first, I couldn't help worrying. Where can I find wild vegetables? What kind of wild vegetables can you eat? But I don't have to worry about the actual situation. There are so many wild vegetables everywhere that even my mother is not famous. It's just that I came late. I have to pick up some tender ones to dig. Soon filled a plastic bag. But the first time I dug wild vegetables, I became more and more addicted. I dug and asked, "what kind of dish is this? Can I eat it?" Digging and shouting, "there are more here, come on!" My shouting caused everyone around to laugh. No way, who called me grandma Liu's first visit to the Grand View Garden! In everyone's urging and pulling, I stopped digging wild vegetables and repeatedly told my mother to cook them for me when I went back!

  What a knowledgeable Festival, what a happy festival!


  Qingming Festival is one of our traditional Chinese festivals. On that day, we will go to martyrs' cemeteries in various places to offer sacrifices to heroes who died for our peace and, of course, to our dead relatives. However, our family will go to the "Mother River" for an outing, because this festival is a good time for everything to recover and the air to be fresh!

  On the way to the outing, I can't help but see some people who offer sacrifices to their dead relatives. Then I look at the emerald green wickers fluttering in the wind, and the yellow rape flowers dancing gracefully in the wind. I can't help but think of the poem "flowers fly everywhere in the Spring City, and the cold food east wind resists the willows".

  In the laughter and laughter along the way, we finally arrived at the "Mother River". After a big meal in the nearby hotel (on the boat), we went ashore to the Yellow River. I was also a little excited because I saw all our Chinese "mothers", which raised our Chinese people!

  But we didn't come empty handed. I also invented a game. It's quite dangerous, but it's fun. We first step on the bank near the Yellow River slowly with small steps, and then it will become softer and softer, and sometimes blisters will appear. At that time, I was very scared and nervous, and always felt that I was going to fall down, because the soft ground always felt that a big hole would fall out and sink me in. The principle is like this: the Yellow River water has soaked the land on the shore. Although it looks solid, it is actually very dangerous. My mother said that when she was a child, someone played on it, and someone fell into the water and drowned, so don't play with the timid!

  In this outing, I ate good things, played good things and saw good things. It's great! Come and play if you don't believe it!


  Qingming Festival is coming again. One family goes outing in the suburbs.

  Early in the morning, the car arrived and drove along the winding path in the countryside. After a while, it stopped by the clear river. As soon as we got out of the car, we ran to the grass quickly. The grass grows so high, neat and green. I roll on it with the grass under me. It's thick and soft. It's very comfortable to sleep on the carpet. There are rows of trees along the river. When you look closely, the green buds take off their brown coat and lie on the branches. From a distance, the willow bud looks like a layer of yarn on the willow tree. The long wicker fluttered on the river, waving waves of fine lines, frightening the little fish straight to the water.

  Beside the river is a field of crops. There are green wheat seedlings in the field. When the breeze blows, there are dark green wheat waves. I the scene of wheat harvest. There is also a rape field in the middle of the wheat field. Rape grows high vegetable moss. Flowers appear on the vegetable moss and bloom, attracting a group of bees and butterflies to dance among the flowers. The flowers and bones split, revealing a touch of yellow, and eager to give a little beauty for spring.

  Behind the field is a neat row of villages. Beside the village, I saw a group of children [source] chasing happily. I was absorbed in the sight and smelled a pungent fragrance. Around me, there were peach trees behind the farmers' houses, with pink peach blossoms on the trees. The fragrance floated with the wind. I was pleasantly surprised. The peach blossoms in the garden smelled the fragrance of the garden and couldn't help being intoxicated in the brilliant sea of flowers

  Then, a group of children came to invite me to play with them. I happily joined in, chasing and playing on the path between the fields... Enjoy the beautiful spring in the bright sunshine.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. The ancients said: it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. It was also cloudy. My family went to Cihu for an outing.

  As we walked along the road, we saw that the strong grass broke through the earth with its tenacious perseverance. It was not willing to be outdone to welcome the spring. It changed into green clothes. There were flowers in the green grass, red, green and yellow... We walked a little further and came to a field. There was a pleasant golden yellow everywhere in front of us, and the rape flowers stood in high spirits, Pearl like dewdrops slide around on the golden flowers... By the side of Cihu Lake, willow braids are decorated with green leaves and buds, which is really more beautiful than any girl's headdress.

  After passing Cihu cemetery, we couldn't help walking in. Looking at the graves of martyrs, wreaths and pure white flowers, my heart can't help the waves. I thought a lot: our happy and perfect life today was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, and it was also exchanged with their blood. Therefore, an idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and strive to become the pillars of building the country.

  After that, we went to huangjia'ao. There were a large number of people on the mountain. Everyone's faces were full of nostalgia. Looking at this scene, I felt some regret in my heart. I hope my elders will live a long life and be in good health.

  This Qingming Festival outing gave me more feelings and made me understand the soft side of nature again. My harvest is so great!


  Qingming Festival is one of China's traditional festivals. On this day, we have to do many things, such as tomb sweeping, outing and so on. Spring is coming, and bud green is slowly integrated into this matter. But I don't know that today's air has already solidified. I found that people who came for an outing looked sad, as if they had a deep heart, but this did not hinder the development of life. When the east wind blows, pears, apricots and peaches are in bloom. They are accompanied by the grass with strong vitality. A few small flowers are dotted on the grass, as if ashamed and afraid to come out. It's very lovely.

  The ice in the river has long melted, and many fish have built their homes there. Several old willows along the river have long hair like little girls. From time to time, several magpies fall on the branches and sing songs. After the winter, the little swallow flew back early. He had put on his tuxedo and was ready to sing! take a look! Everything is so alive!

  Outing, let us feel the yearning for our loved ones and sigh for the beauty of the beautiful scenery in spring. Let us feel the extraordinary significance of the Qingming Festival outing!


  Qingming Festival is off. My brother Kangkang and I made an appointment to go for an outing.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, six of us came to Gongqing Forest Park in Yangpu. There were so many people! It was not easy to find a place to stop the car. My father lined up for more than ten minutes to buy tickets.

  Entering the park, we first went to the South amusement area and passed through a dense forest full of purple flowers. Many people took photos there.

  We first went to the children's paradise, played trampolines, played swings, then played crazy mice and electric slideways, and took a small train with my brother. Later, my father and I caught a lot of tadpoles in the stream and took them home in bottles.

  After lunch, we came to the North amusement area. From the guide map, we knew that there were many exciting amusement projects here. Before entering the park, we heard bursts of screams inside. We hurried to see that it was the rapid windmill rolling with tourists! I really want to have a try, but I'm not tall enough now, so I have to wait until I grow up.

  We chose the torrent to advance bravely. The wooden boat rushed down the high slope. My father's clothes were splashed with water. I lowered my head in time, only a little wet on my forehead.

  Finally, I rode a real horse. The horse was tall, with long brown hair hanging around my neck. It was very powerful. After we rode it quickly, we found that it was a little sweating.

  At the end of the day's tour, each of us was very happy.


  It was a sunny and sunny weekend. Our family went to Zhoujiazhuang, Jinzhou for a youth tour.

  When we got there, we couldn't wait to enter the pear garden. Pear flowers are in various forms, layer by layer and cluster by cluster, like snow covered with branches. Some are shyly blossoming, like flawless white pearls, pure and elegant; Some have opened a few petals, like a small white horn. The petals are surrounded by fine velvet stamens, and the top is wearing a small red hat. It's very beautiful!

  Walking through this pear garden, we can see a large golden rape field. Under the blue sky, the rape flower held hands and looked up to the sky. Fluttering butterflies and bees flutter among the flowers, busy gathering honey. I couldn't resist the hospitality of rape flowers, so I walked into the rape land, roamed and rotated in the golden ocean, full of bright yellow in my eyes and drunk in my heart

  How time flies! In the twinkling of an eye, our visit to the pear garden and rape garden will be over. Before leaving, I looked at the beautiful fields, the golden rape flowers and the charming pear garden. I was full of reluctance.

  I love everything here, like snow pear flowers and passionate rape flowers. I will come back next year!


  In spring, the annual Qingming Festival comes. Because it is spring, the grass is green and the apricot flowers are in bloom, my mother and I decided to go for an outing.

  My mother and I walked to the ecological park together. After arriving at the ecological park, the beautiful scenery of spring deeply attracted us. We enjoyed the spring ecological park while walking.

  At this time, a smell of apricot flowers came towards me. It led me to the apricot tree. I looked up and saw that an apricot flower happened to fall on my nose in the breeze. Several trees were full of flowers. On the ground under the tree, there were countless apricot flowers, which became a sea of flowers. I picked up the apricot flowers on the ground and waved them in my hand. The apricot flowers flew down like white butterflies.

  A spring breeze blew me into the low bush that had just sprouted. The Bush was trimmed into all kinds by the gardener, some like a small pagoda and some like a cuboid.

  I looked up to the distance again. The sky was full of paper kites in different forms, some like parachutes; Some are like butterflies; Some are like Phoenix. Of course, I don't want to fall behind. I quickly took out my Eagle paper kite and put it away. The eagle paper kite flew smoothly into the blue sky, flying higher and farther.

  My paper kite is flying. They all look at me and my paper kite with envy. Suddenly, the wind was small, and their paper kites fell down. My paper kite was still flying in the sky. I comfortably enjoyed the feeling of pride.

  This is the happiest outing I ever had.


  Qingming is coming. It's a good season for spring outing. Where should I go with the warm sunshine? It is said that there is a scenic spot in Anhui, that is Huangshan. At the foot of Huangshan, there is a small mountain with children's laughter - Monkey Island. Let's go here.      In the morning, along the winding path, listening to the Ding Dong sound of spring water and the crisp song of birds, we set off for Monkey Island. Ah, I'm so excited to finally arrive at Monkey Island! You can see the lovely little monkey soon. We came to a hill. There was a stream between me and the hill. From a distance, the hill is really like a staircase, and each staircase is covered with lush trees. When I was fascinated, the leaves suddenly moved and made a "rustle" sound. I thought happily: it should be the little monkey coming out. It seems that the finale is about to begin. Sure enough, as I expected, the little monkeys came out, and then one, another, another... Some little monkeys jumped to the top of the mountain and jumped around happily; Some little monkeys swing around with trees and vines; Others are playing around together. It's so interesting.

  Just then, the leaves moved again. I looked at the leaves with expectant eyes. I thought to myself: what kind of monkey will come out this time? I'm looking forward to it! From time to time, a monkey came out and looked around slowly. I was surprised to find that the monkey still held a lovely little monkey in his arms. I think: she should have brought her baby to see me. The little monkey looked at me with innocent eyes, and I was fascinated at once.

  "We're going home." Cried mother. Alas, how time flies. I looked at the little monkey reluctantly and said, "goodbye. I'll see you again next time."

