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【#英语资源# 导语】梦想,是理想的风筝,带着追梦人的期待和对未来的向往起飞。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I have a dream that my home, our home, will become as beautiful as a garden and as brilliant as a palace.

  I love my family. I want to make my little home with my parents more lovely and practical. The walls are made of chocolate, the doors are made of bear biscuits, the floor is made of sandwich bread, the quilt is made of cotton candy, and the juice flows out of the faucet... Does every child like this kind of home?

  I love my family. I want to make our motherland, China, a big family, richer and stronger. I want to design a car that can run fast and generate electricity by itself to save more resources; I want to develop a kind of crop that can be planted in the desert, so that the desert can become fertile soil; I want to invent a more advanced spaceship, so that all children can travel in the sky by spaceship...... As long as we work together, these dreams may come true!

  I love my family. I want to make the "earth", the home of people all over the world, more peaceful and beautiful, without weapons, wars, junk food and viruses; I also want to work with children all over the world to grow more trees to make the air in this big home more fresh, so that people around the world can be healthy and free from disease forever.

  I hope we can all take good care of our small "home" and big "home". Let's work together for our dream home!


  Everyone has a dream, maybe a teacher or a doctor. But I have a different dream. I want to be a zoologist. Because I like animals, it is a good job for me to love them. They are happy spirits. They fly back and forth, making happiness always surround my heart. At this moment, the more I write, the more energetic I am. No beautiful scenery can make me so happy.

  I seem to be born with this talent, and I have always maintained such an interest from childhood to adulthood. I spare a lot of spare time to lay a foundation for my dream, which is a step by step, so that my dream is not far away from me. On the Internet, I spent a lot of time looking up animal data. I have planned everything. I will lay a good foundation from primary school to high school. I will make more efforts in biology in college. When I get there, everything will come naturally.

  Although I am not an expert in zoology, I will work hard! I believe that as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle can be ground into a needle. Look at the ferocious big brown bear, protecting the child but willing to take his life; The cold-blooded snakes are better at treating children than themselves. Isn't this the same as our human beings?

  Yeah! I hold such a different dream, which is due to my interest and talent. I like animals and love them. They are the treasure of my life. I have nearly 20 animal novels written by Mr. Shen Shixi! I love it! I have seen the true feelings of the cold and warm in the world, as well as the ferocity and ruthlessness of beasts, but who would have thought that they still have a gentle side?


  Every child has his own dream. Like everyone else, my mind is full of rosy dreams.

  I dream that I can be a designer in the future to build a deformed car using solar energy or wind energy. In this way, people who go out to work do not have to work so hard to buy tickets and take the bus when they go home.

  I dream of becoming an architect in the future and inventing a house that can be easily moved and folded, so that no matter where I go, I don't have to worry about the house.

  I also dream of becoming a scientist in the future. Take the space shuttle built by our country and fly into space to see if there are aliens on other planets. If so, learn how astronauts live.

  Of course, I also dream of becoming a doctor in the future. In this way, I can cure the disease and save people, help those who can't afford to look after the disease, and let my grandparents live a long and healthy life, the younger they live.

  My biggest dream now is to enjoy fair education like other students. Let parents who work for a part-time job no longer face difficulties for the high tuition fees every year.

  In order to realize my dream, I will study harder and compete better than other students. Although the road ahead is difficult and far away, I am determined. I will study hard, read more good books and take every step of my life well.


  Dream is a beautiful and magical word. We fight for it. Everyone has his own dream, and I also have my own dream.

  My dream is to grow up to be a teacher, a respected and tireless teacher. I will have a group of lovely students. They will be very smart and naughty, but not too naughty. I will teach them to learn a lot of knowledge, play with them, and play with them. At that time, I will be a good teacher and have a happy life.

  My dream is to become a writer. I like reading. Reading makes me learn a lot of knowledge that is not in the textbooks. I like the beautiful words in the books, which bring me into the books and let me explore in the books. When I grow up, I also want to be a writer. I want to make up beautiful stories for people to read and introduce people into my books. In this way, I will feel very proud, because my books bring people joy, knowledge and touching stories.

  My dream is to be a designer. I can design advertisements that people can remember at once. I want to design houses that are more in line with people's preferences. They are not only square, perhaps circular, or other shapes, just like they are now.

  My dream is to become a director, bring happiness to the audience, and move the audience. I can repeat the history, imagine the future, and

  My dreams are many, some very distant, but as long as you work hard, you can achieve them.


  Dream is rain and dew, which moistens grass and makes flowers more beautiful; Dream is a fertile land, making tiny seeds into towering trees; Dream is a vast sky. Let birds sing freely and let clouds float leisurely.

  What is my dream?

  I often ask myself, when a writer? But my writing is too poor. Be a traveler? But will parents agree? My heart is constantly intertwined, I think it is better to be a writer! However, when I saw art teacher Tan Qingling turning ordinary gouache paint into fine paintings, my mind was filled with waves. Finally, my dream of becoming a writer was washed away by painting. So I fell in love with painting.

  When I began to learn to draw, I often painted people as monsters without hair, and the table where they sat eating was higher than people. My father often scolded me seriously and eloquently. Gradually, I became discouraged and thought that I could not help the wall with mud. I cried alone in the corner, but I thought of the strong Aunt Zhang Haidi. Compared with her, my frustration was insignificant. I became stronger and stronger in my cowardice, so I managed to enter the art room. With the careful care and guidance of Miss Tan Qingling, I was like a fish in water. After a period of effort, I finally created Piglet Diving, and luckily won the gold medal of the "Painting" World Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition at the xx Shenzhen Fairy Tale Festival. At the same time, I was surprised to find out. My father spoke to me more gently and rationally, and I felt that my father was becoming more and more amiable. I am very happy, so I am grateful to my teachers and parents.

  Although the road ahead is still long and far. As long as we take small steps every day, with dreams and the determination of "not regretting when our clothes are getting wider and wider", we will move towards the goal to eliminate the emaciated people in Iraq. In fact, we are no longer far away from the beautiful place.


  Everyone has a beautiful dream of his own. Dream is a goal of effort, a goal of life. It doesn't have to be big or far away, but it must be beautiful.

  My dream is to be a knowledgeable person like Mr. Kang Zhen, and I hope to be an eloquent person like Mr. Kang.

  I know that this can not only stay in my heart, but to turn it into reality.

  I especially like the Chinese Poetry Conference, not because it is full of my love for poetry, but because it has the broadest cultural origin in China.

  Teacher Kang is funny and humorous because he has read poetry books, and gradually becomes my idol.

  I love poetry, because it can repose any kind of feeling of the poet, homesickness, nostalgia for relatives, homesickness. Poets place their thoughts and feelings on poems without reservation, making people feel as if they are in the scene after reading them.

  I prefer Li Bai's poems. I like both the homesickness reflected in the "bright moonlight in front of bed, congealing with frost on the ground" that I have read since childhood, and the unflinching ambition of "riding the wind and waves, flying the cloud to help the sea".

  Because "the mountains are heavy and the rivers are flowing again, and there is no way out." I know that I must persist. Because "thousands of millstones are still strong, regardless of the east, west, north and south wind", I know to be strong.

  It is poetry that makes my life interesting. I sometimes read some sad love stories like "Peacock North and Southeast" to find the feeling of tears.

  I love poetry, I love Chinese culture, and I will work hard for my dream.


  My dream is to be an excellent teacher, because my father often said to me when I was young: "Teachers are hardworking gardeners. Only by spreading knowledge to you can you know so much knowledge." So since then, my heart has planted the seeds of being a teacher.

  After I became a teacher, if a student made a mistake, I would let him review his mistakes and then educate him, instead of beating the student. If so, it would leave an indelible injury in the children's hearts. In learning, I will not ignore some naughty students, but help them, communicate with them, and let them get back on the right track, because the future of students is in the hands of teachers. I will not give special consideration to students with good grades, because students are all equal, and there is no difference in importance. I will learn to blend in with the students, understand them, and let them regard me as a bosom partner. Children in primary schools have white hearts, and teachers leave indelible marks in their hearts. Teachers are such a sacred profession. Only with teachers can we have people who understand knowledge. I feel happy to be a teacher because I see my students growing up happily and healthily day by day.

  Now I must study hard to realize my dream in the future, otherwise just imagine without effort, everything will turn into a bubble. So I will study hard and realize my dream when I grow up.


  My dream is to become a doctorEver since I was little, I've had a secret desire inside of me that I've been almost ashamed of: I want to be a doctor. I don't know why, and I've always known it's ridiculous, since my worst subjects are math and science. I'm not altogether terrible at them, but I'm more of a literature person.

  I'm also pretty lazy, which makes me think there's no way I could survive medical school. Should I make myself stop? Is there any chance of me being somethign I've always wanted to be?


  Everyone has his own dream. The dream is a strange thing. Everyone has it, but everyone is different.

  Of course, I also have a dream. My dream may be the most common - to be a scientist like Galileo. Maybe many people have such a dream, but the people who really pay for the dream are very few. I think I am that little! When I was a freshman, I knew Galileo from the science textbook, and was moved by his spirit of dedication to the truth. He was afraid of death, insisted on the truth, and was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Pope. In prison, he was blind, but still did not change his theory. I think this is the real science. He is the real scientist. From then on, I set my ideal as a real scientist.

  Mother often said: If you want to be a scientist, you must first learn mathematics well, because mathematics is the basis of all sciences. I tried my best to watch math for a while. Every time I took a math exam, I thought, "xxx, xxx, you must do well in the exam. Galileo is watching you. If you don't do well in the exam, you will not become a scientist!" My dream became my motivation for the exam. One time, when I couldn't answer a question, I couldn't help thinking about copying the question. I felt like there were two armies in my mind, one was the blue army that advocated copying the question, the other was the red army that advocated doing it by itself. The advanced weapons of the blue army bombarded the red army, and the red army was about to lose. At this time, Galileo appeared, and the blue army quickly collapsed. I didn't copy the question that time. This is the power of dreams!

  In my life, I carefully observed and found some strange phenomena, so I went to the book to find the questions in my mind, such as "gravity, inertia, buoyancy, refraction of light, etc." One time, when I was playing with the protractor, I accidentally fell the protractor to the ground. Who knew that the protractor was not damaged, and I could not even hear the sound of falling. I tried again, and it was true. I cried happily: "I found a theorem! "What? "My father asked with great interest. I told my father the story. My father smiled and said," This is the theorem of force. Archimedes discovered it 500 years ago! "Knowledge is really everywhere. As long as you observe carefully, there will always be discoveries and new gains.

  It is often said that if there is a dream, there will be miracles. But if you just shout slogans and do not work hard for them, how can dreams become miracles? My friends, from now on, let's work together for our dreams!


  I have a dream. I dream of being a teacher

  I want to be a teacher, a guide light on the way to students, a gardener who cultivates the flowers of the motherland, and a living Lei Feng who is hardworking and selfless.

  I like to teach students knowledge, and I will be very happy when I see that they are satisfied with their knowledge; I like to play with students. During the break, I kick shuttlecock with students. I like to see their happy smiles after playing. I will be very happy then; I like reading the compositions written by students. Although the writing style is very childish and the handwriting is also very childish, but the words do not form a sentence. I always come up with some fantastic things. At that time, I might chuckle.

  In order to be a teacher, I listened carefully in class, answered the teacher's questions carefully, and finished my homework carefully after class. I am looking forward to one day being admitted to the University of X and becoming an excellent teacher after graduation. I may not have done enough, but I believe that as long as I worked hard, I could do nothing. I tried to publish articles in the school journal, but failed. So I bought some books about composition and studied them carefully. Although the writing style was still young, the teacher praised me for making progress. That was the first time I felt the joy of being recognized.

  I believe that as long as I persist, there is nothing I can't do. Teacher, my dream will come true one day and I will become an excellent teacher!
