

时间:2023-08-21 01:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


 1.The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also applies to one’’s ability to achieve.   自尊和成功的直接联系也适用于一个人取得成就的能力。   2.Improving the plight of teachers is indeed a priority item. However, improving the overall education system is likewise no less important.   改善教师的困难处境的确是优先处理的一件事情。但是,改进整个教育系统同等重要。   3.China and United States share many things in common. Firstly, both are major world powers. Secondly, the two nations offer mutually beneficial factors for development-China with its vast potential market and labor force, and the U.S. with its advanced technology and management expertise.   中国和美国有许多共同之处。首先,两个都是世界主要强国。第二,两个国家相互提供发展的有利因素——中国拥有巨大的潜在市场和劳动力,美国拥有先进的技术和专业的管理知识。   4.The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace.   中东不可靠的休战与最终实现和平的相似性很小。   5.Idleness spawns discontent, whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion.   懒惰滋生不满,而过度工作导致精神和身体的疲劳。   6.Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers, lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine life and aquatic resources, but have also jeopardized one of the major necessities for sustaining life-Potable Water.   工业废水和原污水排放入河流、湖泊和近海岸区域不仅给海洋生物和水生资源带来了负面影响,而且也破坏了维持生命的主要必需品之一——饮用水。   7.It will have a direct bearing on the matter under discussion.   这将和正在讨论的问题有直接关系。   8.Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown.   经济迅速增长可能导致过度使用资源,并引起最终巨大的灾难。   9.The immediate results of economic growth have created the illusion of unending prosperity. The best approach at this particular time is to perhaps err on the side of caution.   经济增长的直接结果是造成了关于无止境繁荣的幻想。现在这个特定时刻的办法也许是慎之又慎。   10.The benefits of technology are undeniable. Nonetheless, the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced.   技术的好处不容否认。然而,技术经常否认工作场所需要人类,这一点值得仔细考虑,而且,为受到影响的个人推出再培训项目是必需的。

