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1.Where does this news program take place?
A. at a shopping center
B. at a local school
C. in a city market place
2.How does the young girl, Elizabeth, celebrate this holiday with her family?
A. They go out to eat at a restaurant.
B. They visit close relatives.
C. They go to see a movie.
3.What does Johnny and his family eat on this day?
A. turkey
B. ham
C. chicken
4.What sentence best describes Steven's feelings about Christmas?
A. It's a time when people exchange gifts with friends, family, and teachers.
B. It's a holiday when friends give gifts during an elaborate dinner.
C. It's a day when people think of others without waiting for a gift in return.
5.The final young woman says that the best thing about Christmas is:
A. receiving presents from classmates.
B. having a vacation from school.
C. sleeping late every day.
1.at a shopping center
2. They visit close relatives.
3. turkey
4. It's a day when people think of others without waiting for a gift in return.
5. having a vacation from school
News Reporter: Hello. This is CharlesRichards from Channel 7 News, and we're down here, uh, at the City Mall,interviewing people on how they celebrate Christmas. And, uh, hi young lady.What is your name?
Young Girl: Elizabeth Carter.
News Reporter: And, uh, Elizabeth, uh. Howdoes your family celebrate Christmas?
Young Girl: We go sledding, and we go overto my grandparents' house and have dinner with them.
News Reporter: Well, that is great, and letme ask this young man. Hi, what is your name? [Johnny.] And Johnny, how old areyou?
Johnny: Five.
News Reporter: And, uh, does your familyeat anything particular for Christmas?
Johnny: Turkey . . .
News Reporter: And what does Christmas meanto you?
Young Girl: Going to my grandma's andmaking their breakfast.
News Reporter: Going to grandma's andmaking breakfast. And let me ask another young man. Hi, what is your name?[Steven.] Okay, and Steven, what does Christmas mean to you?
Steven: Giving but not expecting to get.
News Reporter: Now, that's kind of hard fora young man like yourself. What does that mean: Giving by not expecting?
Steven: Well, one thing that we do issecret giving.
News Reporter: Secret giving? Now how doesthat work in your family?
Steven: We sneak up to the porch ofsomebody that we want to give to, we put the gift that we want to give to them,ring the doorbell, and hide.
News Reporter: Ring the doorbell and hide?Uh, so you're not expecting something; you just want to be generous to someone else.Is that right?
Steven: Yeah. That's correct.
News Reporter: And let's interview onemore. And, uh, how do you celebrate Christmas? What is the best thing aboutChristmas and what does it mean to you?
Child: It means getting off from school!
News Reporter: Getting off from school?! Doyou all feel that way?
Group of Children: Yeah!!
Young Girl: Because I hate homework.
News Reporter: Yeah. Well, that all herefrom the City Mall. Channel 7 reporting.
1.sledding (noun): the activity or sport of ridding on a sled, usually in snow
- I took the kids sledding yesterday down a real fun hill, and we had a greattime.
2.particular (adjective): special or specific
- Our family doesn't do anything particular on Christmas morning besidesopening up gifts.
3.sneak (verb): to advance or approach without being seen
- My son often tries to sneak into the kitchen and take a cookie when no one iswatching.
4.hide (verb): to prevent from being seen or discovered
- Parents often hide their children's Christmas presents to keep them a secret.
5.generous (adjective): willing to give or share freely
- People are often very generous around the holiday season and donate.