

时间:2021-08-18 16:25:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学了,把懒散心思收拢,把学习劲头卯足,把放纵行为收敛,把上进思想端正,把人生坐标定位,把奋进双桨荡起,愿你学业有成,收获满满!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling..." long lost voice, a different mood. The new semester began again.

  Today, the sun is shining brightly. The grass, flowers and trees in the school are blooming with smiles. Welcome to our children. Look, Xiaocao took off his yellow clothes and put on a new light green one. The flower sister is still so gorgeous. From time to time, there is a faint fragrance, which makes people relaxed and happy. Brother tree still stands tall and straight, like soldiers who stick to our campus day and night. I walked briskly towards the classroom. Although I saw familiar faces a month later, I was still very kind and shouted the names of my classmates from time to time.

  After a while, our lovely head teacher Fei came. Everyone shouted "Fei, Fei". The teacher walked to the podium with a smile on his face. In a happy atmosphere, we were cleaning the table, collecting homework and issuing new books... Finally, teacher Fei said many words of encouragement and encouragement to the students in the new semester. In short, let's study hard and be an excellent child with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique.

  Today is a beautiful beginning. I encourage myself with a famous saying and hope to make new progress in the new semester“ If you are in full bloom, butterflies come by themselves. If you are wonderful, the day will arrange itself! " come on.


  On Friday afternoon, our school held the opening ceremony of freshmen once a year. The ceremony was very grand.

  First of all, four students in grade 4 performed brush dance. They danced in the melodious classical music and waved big brushes, as if they were writing brush words on white paper. The children and parents applauded warmly for them. Some parents are still asking, "whose child is this? It's so great!"

  Then read the holy book. Our head teacher, Mr. Chen, read aloud with the freshmen: "it's fun to learn while learning..." every word and sentence of the teacher is like a seed sown in the young hearts of the children.

  Then beat the drum and write. There are four big drums on the stage. The little students lined up in a neat line and sounded the big drum. In the "Dong Dong" drums, they became the students of Confucius, the "eternal teacher"! Students have to write. The school invited famous calligraphy tutors to write. The calligrapher holds a brush and writes a big, vigorous and powerful word "man" on white paper. The character of a person is written and pressed, which represents the mutual support between people and tells us to learn to be a person.

  The last is the certificate. The children lined up to the headmaster and director to get their certificates. The certificate is rectangular, and the background is a picture of the school attached to No. 1 middle school, which reads: "__ Classmate: you are the son of the primary school attached to No. 1 middle school... "Every little classmate holding the certificate showed an excited and proud smile.

  The opening ceremony is over! Suddenly, fireworks splashed and bright colored paper sprayed on people. People's hearts are surging, and their children will start from here to a better tomorrow


  Because I finished my summer homework, I was particularly looking forward to reporting, so the night before reporting, I unexpectedly went to bed before 10 o'clock. This is the earliest time I have slept since the summer vacation. I got up at more than 7 a.m. the next day, but I grinded at home and didn't start until more than 8 a.m.

  When I arrived at the school, I found that there was no change. I thought the school would be decorated. There are so many stairs in the school. Why should our classroom be on the fourth floor? My old legs can't stand such a toss. I climbed the stairs one floor. My legs are too sour. Sure enough, I can't take a long vacation.

  I really didn't expect that the reason why I don't want to go to school now is not that I have too many exams or too heavy learning tasks, but that it is difficult to climb the stairs. Now I admire how I can be so lazy.

  On the way here, I was still wondering where I was sitting. Fortunately, when I came, the classroom was almost full and found my deskmate. I finally knew where I was sitting. These students seemed to be fat after a summer vacation. Was it only me who didn't eat fat during the holiday?

  After a while, Mr. Huang came in. Mr. Huang definitely ate too much during the holiday and his stomach was big again. After the teacher came, the classroom was quiet and began to collect homework. The teacher didn't check it carefully. He just asked the group leader to look through it. He didn't investigate what he didn't write. Lao Xie escaped. I can't believe it.

  I really didn't calculate that I had to hand in two pieces of red and white paper. In the past, it seemed that I had to hand them in at the beginning of school. This time, I handed them in in advance, which was a miscalculation. Fortunately, the teacher didn't investigate and escaped.

  Finally, we were assigned a task. During these two days of vacation, we should draw a handwritten newspaper and a composition about Nian. Fortunately, fortunately, the composition should be as long as the electronic version, so I can write it on my mobile phone. Hand copy newspaper can be completed in less than two hours. This homework is not worth mentioning.

  People really have a holiday. They want to start school. They want to have a holiday when school starts. Now I want to go to school crazy. Now I really look forward to tomorrow's school. At the same time, I hope I don't want to have a holiday without going to school for a few days.

