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  【#考研# 导语】考研英语作文潜力大,应该作为最后冲刺的重点项目,多放一些时间和精力,投资回报率大。©文档大全网精选分享作文素材,供大家背诵:


  表格图 table ;图表 chart;diagram graph column

  描述:show; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent

  数 字 figure; 数 据 statistic; 百 分 比 percentage; 比 例


  一般 have 10%; at 20%; over 40% 在面积上 in area

   peaks; reached a peak/high point

  最低 bottomed out; reached the bottom

  变化 increase; jump; rise; climb; decrease; fall; drop; decline;

  reduce; fluctuate; remain; steady; stable; stay; same

  程 度 sudden/suddenly; rapid/rapidly; dramatic/dramatically;


  1. 产品科技含量 technological element of product

  2. 大学生创业 university students’ innovative undertaking

  3. 双赢局面 win-win situation

  4. 首创精神 pioneering spirit

  5. 振兴中华 make China powerful and strong;

  6. 富裕 affluence

  7. 繁荣 boom

  8. 购买力 buying power

  9. 竞争 competition

  10. 生活费用 cost of living

  11. 解决问题 crack the nuts


  sharp/sharply; steep/steeply;

  12. 大家公认 it is universally acknowledged that

  gradual/gradually; slow/slowly; slight/slightly; stable/stably;

  almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely;increase by

  /decrease by (写出变化幅度)

  合计 200 美元 add up to $200 总数达:add up to

  占世界总人数的 20% make up 20% of

  从……增加到 rose/grew/climbed from…to

  增加到 grew up to 增至峰:Rise to a high of

  减少到 decrease to 跌至最低谷:drop to a low of

  大幅度增长 increase sharply 飞速:rapidly;sharply;steeply

  高居榜首 Top the list/head the chart

  饼状图/圆形图(pie chart) 稳固下降 steady decline

  由…组成:consist of/be made up of /be composed of

  占 44%比例:account for /make up 44 percent

  位居第一:rank the first 仅次于 is second to

  居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一 is the last one

  第二大部份 rank the second/the second largest section

  与..相比:compared with

  A 与 B 成比例 A be in proportion to B

  差不多:About/around/roughly 多达 as many as

  正好:Exactly/precisely 水平:level off

  递增:on the rise/increase/grow/rise/climb/go up

  急剧上升: grow sharply;

  递减:on the decline/decrease/fall/reduce/go down

  曲线图(graph/chart/diagram)柱状图(bar chart)

  增加:increase/grow/rise/climb/go up

  减少:decrease/decline/fall/reduce/go down

  剧 烈/显 著/ 大 幅 度 : sharply/dramatically/significantly / rapidly

  /considerably / enormously/ profoundly/substantially

  平稳/逐渐:steadily / gradually / slightly

  持续上升/下降:on an increase / on the decline

  保持不变:remain stable / remain steady / remain unchanged

  上升后变得平稳:reach a plateau

  达到顶点/低谷:reach the top/peak / fall to the bottom

  波动: fluctuate /rise and fall

  达到了:reach / approach / add up to / amount to / increase to /

  decrease to

  某年发生的变化:1998 saw/ witnessed a sharp increase in….

  是 1998 年的 2 倍:was twice as many as that in 1998

  从图表上看:From these graphs

  得到结论:draw a conclusion

  13. 全力以赴 bring one’s talent into full play

  14. 适应新的形势变化 adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to

  new environment/change

  15. 获得成功 achieve/accomplish success

  16. 提 出 观 点 advance/put forward/come up with


  17. 较好地驾驭生活 be a better pilot of one’s life

  18. 对……很好的了解 have a better understanding of

  19. 把 某 种 因 素 考 虑 进 去 take sth. into


  20. give much thought to

  21. 品味人生/自由/青春 savor the life/freedom/youth

  22. 交流经验 share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge

  23. 发 挥 , 起 到 积 极 作 用 play an important/active/great


  24. 面临困难危险 be confronted with danger/difficulty; in the

  face of

  25. 阻 碍 了 成 功 stand in the way of success; be an

  obstacle/barrier to

  26. 缩 小 差 别 narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and


  27. 把成功 /错误归因于 attribute/owe one’s success/failure


  28. 对……重要 be vital/important/indispensable to

  29. 施加压力 exert/put pressure on

  30. 重视 attach/assign much importance/significance to

  31. 把注意力集中在 focus/concentrate one’s attention/efforts


  32. 抓住机会 grab/seize/take the opportunity

  33. 有可能 there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that

  34. 献身于 devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career

  35. 真正重要的是 what really matters/counts is

  36. 影响思想,态度 shape one’s thinking/attitude

  37. 实 现 自 己 的 理 想 , 愿 望 realize/fulfill/achieve one’s dream/hope;

  38. 减轻压力,紧张 reduce/alleviate the stress/pressure

  39. 提 高 社 会 地 位 upgrade social status; enhance social


  40. 加 快 , 促 进 发 展 accelerate/advance/enhancethe


  41. 随着生活节奏的加快 with the quickening pace of modern


  42. 充满激情 have a burning desire for

  43. 充满渴望 have a great passion for

  44. 沮丧的 gloomy; 客观的 objective; 主观的 subjective

  45. 乐观的 optimistic ;悲观的 pessimistic;

  46. 怨恨的 resentful ;可敬的 respectable

  47. 深远的影响 far-reaching consequences

  48. 以其有力的形式 in its strongest form

  49. 挣钱养活自己 earn one’s living

  50. 赡养父母 support one’s parents

  51. 普遍现象 common phenomenon

  52. 现代社会 modern society

  53. 相互对立 in opposition to each other

  54. 不管 no matter how

  55. 如 何 对 待 财 富 与 幸 福 how to approach wealth and


  56. 一个更美好更光明的未来 a much better and brighter


  57. 从失败中吸取教训 draw useful lessons from

  58. 丧失信心并退却了 lose heart and give in

  59. 人民对待……的看法截然不同 people are quite different

  from each other in their opinions on…

  60. 无可否认 there is no denying the fact that

  61. 赏识他的非凡的能力 appreciate his exceptional ability

  62. 人才招聘会 job-hunting

  63. 大势所趋 the wave of the future

  64. 一时冲动 an impulse activity

  65. 体力劳动 physical labor

  66. 灵活的 flexible

