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【#考研# 导语】考研英语作文潜力大,应该作为最后冲刺的重点项目,多放一些时间和精力,投资回报率大。©文档大全网特别精选2019考研英语精选作文素材(关于教育的词汇),供大家背诵:


入学 enter; entrance

登记;注册 become a member of; to enroll; enrollment;

register; registration

录取 admission; be admitted to; accept

获取进一步教育 obtain further education

要求;录取条件 requirements

录取标准 admission standards

学习成绩 academic record; academic achievements

索要申请材料 request for application material

教育目标 educational goals

文凭 diploma

学位 degree

教育体制 educational system

学前教育 pre-school education

小学 primary schools;elementary schools

中学 middle schools; high schools

初中 junior middle school; junior high school

高中 senior middle school; senior high school

职 业 学 校 ; 技 术 学 校 vocational schools ; technical


大学;学院 colleges; universities; institutes

同样地;类似地 likewise; similarly; in the same way

与……相似;与……一致;和……等同 be the same as;

correspond to; agree with; resemble; be equivalent to

相反;与……不同;相比而言;另一方面;不过 in contrast;

by contrast with/to; on the other hand; on the contrary; by


与……不同 different from

不同之处;差别;差异;区别 distinction; dissimilarity;

尖端科学 advanced science

一流的设施 first-rate facilities

扩大知识面 broaden one’s scope of knowledge

人生观 outlook on life

体验新文化 experience a new culture

优缺点 strengths and weakness

高素质、有经验的老师 highly qualified, well experienced


多文化 multicultural

脱颖而出 stand out from the crowd

核心能力 core competencies

独立思考 think independently

挑战 challenge

机遇 opportunities

开阔视野 expand your horizons

与人交往 integrate with other people

人际交往能力 interpersonal skill

建设性 constructive

前景 prospects

国际声誉 world class reputation

发挥学习潜能 reach his or her full learning potential

素质教育 education for all-round development

知识产权 intellectual property rights

失学儿童 dropout student

扫盲 eliminate illiteracy

人才外流 brain drain

复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent

教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people

精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress

科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the


因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

义务教育 compulsory education

知识经济 knowledge-based economy

丰富生活 enrich our life

扩大视野 broaden my horizon

接触各种思想 be exposed to new ideas/experience

产 生 影 响 have/exert a profound influence on


have a dramatic/undesirable effect on

开阔眼界 broaden one’s outlook; expand one’s mental


充分发挥能力 give full play to one’s ability


大学毕业生 university graduates

儿童教育 child education

热门话题 hot topic

教育专家 educational expert

保护知识产权 protect intellectual property

成 人 教 育 和 职 业 教 育 adult education and vocational education

文化素质 cultural qualities

推动 give a push to

促进进步 promote progress

概念 concept

改进教和学 improve teaching and learning

按分数 according to the grades

培养 train, cultivate

地区性的 regional

读写困难 difficulties for employment

就业机会 opportunities for employment

受过良好教育 well-educated

遗憾的是 it is a pity that

造成了困难 cause some difficulties

希望工程 Hope Project

青年志愿者 Young Volunteers

有用的知识 useful knowledge

创新 innovation

分析的技巧 analytical skill

