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【#小学英语# 导语】你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2018年小升初英语时态练习【三篇】》供您查阅。


1. He __________ back a month ago. (come)

  2. My mother often tells me __________ in bed. (not read)

  3. I must take it back the day after tomorrow. You can only __________ it for 24 hours. (keep)

  4. Why have you kept me __________ here for so long a time? (wait)

  5. Please come to our meeting if you __________ free tomorrow. (be)

  6. She __________ to the Great Wall several times. (go)

  7. In his letter, he said that he __________ us very much. (miss)

  8. The film __________ for nearly fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema. (be)

  9. He said he became __________ in physics. (interest)

  10. This film is worth __________. (see)

  11. He went to school instead of __________ home. (go)

  12. In the old days it was difficult for the poor to __________ a job. ( find)

  13. It‘s cold outside, so you’d better __________ your coat. (put on)

  14. He is hungry. Please give him something __________. (eat)

  15. Please don‘t waste time __________ TV every evening. You should word hard at English. (watch)

  16. We found the window __________. (break)

  17. You have dropped your pencil. __________. (拾起它)

  18. Mother often tells me __________ too late. (not come home)

  19. You had better __________ by bus, or you will be late. (go)

  20. I will __________ Li Ming the good news as soon as I see him.( tell)

  21. Great changes __________ in our country since 1978. (take place)

  22. I __________ my daughter since last month. (hear from)

  23. It __________ me two days to write the article. (took)

  24. Don’t touch that __________ child. (sleep)

  25. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheels __________ deepersintosthe mud. (sink)

  26. When I got home, I found that my room __________ breaksintosand a lot of things __________. (steal)

  27. If I had arrived there earlier, I __________ him. (meet)

  28. I didn‘t remember __________ her the book before. (give)

  29. He called at every door, __________ people the exciting news. (tell)

  30. Yesterday Mary couldn’t finish her homework, so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon. (do)

  31. We __________ football when it began to rain. We had to stop and go home. (play)

  32. Xiao Lin __________ from here for about two hours. (be away)

  33.swheres__________? Can you find your birth place on the map?

  Sorry, I can‘t. (be born)

  34. Last night we __________ back home until the teacher left school. (not go)

  35. Comrade Li Dazhao __________ in prison in 1927. (put)

  36. Where is professor Lee?

  He __________ to the library. He’ll come back soon. (go)

  37. We could not help __________ after we heard the story. (laugh)

  38. Would you please __________ me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come? (bring)

  39. He told me that he __________ the Great Wall the year before. (visit)

  40. I‘ll tell him the news as soon as he __________ back. (come)


41. The boy __________ by the door is my brother. (stand)

  42. Do you remember __________ the film last year? (see)

  43. There __________ a physics test next Monday. (be)

  44. __________ I finish my homework in class? (必须) No, you needn‘t.

  45. I’m sorry you‘ve missed the last bus. It __________ ten minutes ago. (leave)

  46. Wei Fang is heard __________ English every morning. (hear)

  47. John stopped __________ a rest (have) because he __________ for three hours. (work)

  48. I’m sorry to have kept you __________. (wait)

  49. A new theatre __________ now. (build)

  50. The boys __________ basketball on the playground are my classmates. (play)

  51. I regretted answering like that, I was sorry __________ so. (do)

  52. Can‘t you see I’m busy __________? (cook)

  53. He __________ worried when coming into the teacher‘s office. (look)

  54. __________ come beef! (随便吃点)

  55. It’s a great shame for me __________ in front of so many people. (laugh at) 56.Look!That man_ (open)the door of your car.

  57.T.he moon_ (go)round the earth.

  58.I must go now.It_ (get)late.

  59.Let‘s go out.It_ (not/rain)now.

  60.Julia is vera good at languages.She_ (speak)four languages very well.

  61.Hurry up!Everybody_ (wait)for you.

  62.“_ (you/listen)to the radio?”“No,you can turn it off.”

  63.“_ (you/listen)to the radio?”“No,just occasionally.

  64.We usually_ (grow)vegetables in our garend but this year we_ (not/grow)any.

  65.Ron is in London at the moment.He _ (stay)at the Park Hotel. He _ (always/stay)there when he’s in London.

  66.Can we stop walking soon?I_ (feel)tired.

  67.Can you drive I_ (learn).My father_ (teach)me.

  68.Usually I (finish)work at 5:00,but this week I (work)until 6:00to earn a bit more money.

  69.My parents_ (live)in Bristol.They were bron there and have never lived anywhere else.

  Where_ (your parents/live)?

  70.Sonia_ (look)for a place to live.She (stay)with her sister until she finds somewhere.

  71.”What_ (your father/do)?”“He‘s an engineer but I_ (not/enjoy)this one very much.


72 According to the time table, the train for London ___ at seven o‘clock in the evening.

  A. was leaving B. has left C. leaves D. will leave

  73 You should visit this part of the country when ___

  A. spring will com B. spring comes C. It has been spring D. It will be spring

  74 You needn’t hurry her. She ___ it by the time you are ready.

  A. will have been finishing B. Would finish C. Will have finished D. Will be finishing

  75. We can go home when the ground ___

  A. is drying B. has dried C. dried D. will dry

  76. Obviously, he ___ a bad cold. He sneezes so often.

  A. has B. has been C. had D. was

  77. Darwin proved that natural selection ___the chief factor in the development of species.

  A. has been B. had been C. is D. was

  78. While Peggy ___, her brother is playing records.

  A. reads B. is reading C. has read D has been reading

  79. It‘s been a long time since I ___. How are you?

  A. had last seen you B. saw you last C. have least seen you D. last was seeing you

  80. We ___ on it for several hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion.

  A. work B. are working C. have been working D. have been worked

  81. He said that he ___ for Shanghai the next day.

  A. will leave B. has left C. would leave D. had left

  82. This is the first time I ___ this kind of refrigerator.

  A. saw B. have seen C. am seeing D. see

  83. “As soon as I ___ home, I’ll have a hot bath.” He promised himself.

  A. got B. will get C. have got D. am getting

  84. —_____ my glasses? —Yes, I saw them on your desk a minute ago.

  A. Do you see B. Have you seen C. Had you seen D. Would you see

  85. —Who is Clarke? —_____ him yet? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

  A. Haven’t you met B. Hadn’t you met C. Didn’t you meet D. Don’t you meet

  86. I think this time yesterday he ___ an English class in No. Three Classroom Building

  A. had B. will have C. was having D. would have

  87. By 2000, the university ___ 20,000 postgraduates.

  A. will be trained B. trains C. will have trained D. would have

  88. I will ask her for the book now, for she ____ plenty of time to read since I lent it to her.

  A. has B. has had C. had had D. was having

  89. Our football team _____ every match so far this year, but we still have three more games to play.

  A. wins B. was winning C. had won D. has won

  90. —Who sings best in your class? —Mary _____.

  A. is B. does C. do D. sing

  91. She _____ her pen in her room now.

  A. finds B. is finding C. looks for D. is looking for

  92. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _____ at a radio shop at that time.

  A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked

  93. What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning?

  A. are/going to do B. are/doing C. are/done D. have/done

  94. I _____ as soon as you come back.

  A. went B. have gone C. am going D. shall go

  95. The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back.

  A. has gone to/comes B. has been to/will come C. has gone to/will come D. has been to/comes

  96. He found his book this morning, but now he _____ his pen.

  A. loses B. is missing C. has lost D. lost

  97. She ___?_ to her hometown several times.

  A. has been B. has gone C. went D. is going

  98. It _____ Jane and Mary who helped me the other day.

  A. is B. was C. are D. were

  99. I _____ to bed when the telephone rang.

  A. have been B. went C. am going D. was going

  100. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday.

  A. is doing B. had done C. was doing D. did

