T: It's eight o'clock. When did you see him? Half an hour ago.
S: I saw him at half past seven.
T: It's Friday. When did she go to London? The day before yesterday.
S: She went to London on Wednesday.
T: It's June. When did Mr. Jones buy that car? Last month.
S: He bought it in May.
T: Now you do the same. Ready?
T: It's eight o'clock. When did you see him? Half an hour ago.
S: I saw him at half past seven.
T: It's Friday. When did she go to London? The day before yesterday.
S: She went to London on Wednesday.
T: It's June. When did Mr. Jones buy that car? Last month.
S: He bought it in May.
T: It's 1988. When did you paint this room? Last year.
S: I painted it in 1987.
T: It's the fifth of January. When did she meet him? Two months ago.
S: She met him on the fifth of November.
T: It's a quarter past eleven. When did they arrive? Half an hour ago.
S: They arrived at a quarter to eleven.
T: It's Sunday. When did he lose his pen? Yesterday.
S: He lost it on Saturday.
T: It's March. When did you call the doctor? The month before last.
S: I called the doctor in January.
T: It's 1988. When did they buy this house? The year before last.
S: They bought it in 1986.
T: It's August the first. When did she speak to him? A month ago.
S: She spoke to him on July the first.