

时间:2021-12-27 23:54:53 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学六年级下册英语作业题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  一、 连线
  1. What did you do yesterday ?      A.I feel sick.
  2. How do you feel ?              B.I climbed a mountain.
  3. What’s the date ?               C.October 1st.
  4. Where did you go ?             D.Yes , I did.
  5. Did you learn English ?          E.I went to Xinjiang.
  二、 情景交际
  1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:(   )
  A.Let's go fishing this weekend.  B.Let's go hiking this weekend.
  C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend.
  2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:(   )
  A.OK,here you are.   B.Fine.   C.I don't think so.
  3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:(   )
  A.Not at all. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.You're welcome.
  4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:(   )
  A.I' m sorry.    B.Hi.   C.Excuse  me.
  5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:(    )
  A.You too.   B.The same.   C.Thank you.
  三、 阅读下面短文,选择正确答案
  Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but Jonh likes drawing pictures. They often help each other.
  1. What are they good at ?(   )
  A. English    B. Math    C. Chinese    D. Science
  2. What do they like to do in their holiday ? (   )
  A. Play ping-pong and run.
  B. Swim and ride bikes.
  C. Swim and play basketball.
  D. Play ping-pong and ride bikes.
  3. Where do they fly kites ? (   )
  A. Near the lake.         B. In the park.
  C. On the beach.         D. Near the river.
  4.Who likes playing football ? (   )
  A. Jack      B. John      C.Jack and John
  5. Do they often help each other ? (   )
  A. Yes, he does.          B. No, he doesn’t.
  C. Yes, they do.          D. No, they doesn’t.


  ()1._______did you do on your holiday?
  A.How   B.Where   C.What
  ()2.Where_____you_____on your holiday?
  A.did,go   B.did,do   C.did,went
  ()3.She________last weekend.
  A.went ski  B.went sking  C.went skiing
  ()4.He bought some books____me.
  A.to  B.for  C.at
  A.sang,dance   B.sang,danced   C.sing,danced


  一、 按要求写词语
  one (序数词)              longer (反义词)             thin (比较级)
  tooth (复数)               I (同音词)                 swim (现在分词)
  have (第三人称单数)       read (过去式)               buy(过去式)
  doesn’t (完全形式)
  二、 选择
  (   ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend ?
  A. did, do      B. do, do        C. does, do
  (   ) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday.
  A. wash        B.washes        C.washed
  (   ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow.
  A. are going     B.are go to      C. are going to
  (   ) 4. I failed my English test. I am ______.
  A. happy       B.sad           C.excited.
  (   ) 5. How____you feeling?
  ----- I’m feeling better.
  A. am         B. are           C. do
  (   ) 6. It’s raining outside. Tom______bored.
  A. feel        B. does         C. feels
  (   ) 7. What did you do yesterday?
  ----- I _____skiing.
  A. go             B.goed            C.went
  (   ) 8. How _____are you ?
  ----- I’m 160 cm tall.
  A. old             B.tall             C.heavy
  (   ) 9. My nose______.
  A. hurt            B. hurts            C. is hurting
  (   ) 10. ______is it ?
  -----It’s Tuesday.
  A. What day        B. What colour      C. What

