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【#小学英语# 导语】关于假期作业,很多人会认为没有意义,但是哪有这么绝对的,任何事物都应该辩证的来看待,假期作业无疑可以让你巩固知识,不至于遗忘得重新复习,节省学习时间,而且假期作业的目的也不是让学生的时间都用在写作业上面。以下是®文档大全网整理的《六年级小学生英语暑假作业题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  learn _______ sing ________ dance _______ eat _______am/is_______ fly_______
  take _______ climb _______ have ________ buy ________play________ visit ________
  row _______ see _______ get _______ read ________wash _______ clean_______
  do ________ go ________ leave ________watch________
  唱歌和跳舞________________ 照相____________
  游泳_____________________ 看大象___________
  去滑雪___________________ 去滑冰___________
  ( ) 1. _______ did you do on your holiday ?
  A.How B.Where C.What
  ( ) 2. Where _____ you _____ on your holiday ?
  A. did, go B. did, do C. did, went
  ( ) 3. She ________ last weekend .
  A. went ski B. went sking C. went skiing
  ( ) 4. He bought some books ____ me .
  A.to B.for C.at
  ( ) 5. I _______ and ________ yesterday .
  A. sang, dance B. sang, danced C. sing, danced
  ( )1、Where did you go ?   A. Last weekend.
  ( )2、How did you go there?   B.We went skiing.
  ( )3、When did you take the photos?   C.I went to Beijing.
  ( )4、What did you do yesterday?   D. Yes, I did.
  ( )5、Did you have a good time?   E. We went there by plane.
  ( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ?   A. Yes, she did.
  ( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday ?   B. I went fishing .
  ( ) 3. What did you do last weekend ?   C. No, I didn’t .
  ( ) 4. Did you went to the park ?  D. He read a book yesterday.
  ( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ?   E. It was sunn.


  ( )1、A、knee B、knife C 、kite
  ( )2、A、yellow B、coat C、paw
  ( )3、A、class B、game C、name
  ( )4、A、floor B、room C、fork
  ( )5、A、count B、mouse C、would
  ( )1、What ____ he doing?
  A、is B、are C、am
  ( )2、Who are they?
  A、They are bats. B、They are ghosts. C、These are ghosts.
  ( )3、How are you?
  A、I’m fine. B、I’m nine. C、I’m Tingting.
  ( )4、What are you doing?__________
  A、They are practicing English. B、I’m practicing English.
  C、I’m practiceing English.
  ( )5、The toilet is ____ the third floor.
  A、in B、on C、at
  ( )6 、What would you like____ drink?
  A、to B、on C、for
  ( )7 、May I___________?
  A、haveing a look B、having a look C、have a look
  ( )8 、Sit down, please._________
  A、Thank you. B、Stand up. C、Yes, of course.
  ( )9 、Those are potatoes. ____ potatoes____ big.
  A、Those , is B、Those ,are C、The ,are
  ( )10 、_____ a pretty Christmas card!
  A、How B、What C、what
  1、Let me show you around.   A、They are roses.
  2、What would you like to drink?   B、Thank you.
  3、Please sweep the floor.   C、No problem.
  4、What are these?   D、It’s on September 1st.
  5、When is your birthday?   E、Milk,please.
  1、do flowers you send usually what (?)
  2、is study the bedroom the opposite (?)
  3、tell please something me Mid-autumn Festival about (.)
  4、class are in what you (?)
  5、our third teachers’ office is on the floor (.)


  (1) 写出括号中的单词。
  1. Where is the ________________?(医院)
  2. I am going to the cinema __________________.(明天)
  3. Where does the ___________(雨) come from?
  4. My father is an _______________.(工程师)
  5. There is a _____________(图书馆) in our school.
  1. The elephant is _____________ (heavy) than the dog.
  2. I ___________ (take) a picture last Sunday.
  3. Tom likes ___________(ride) a bike.
  4. My aunt is a ___________.(sing)
  5. Tom’s leg ___________.(hurt)
  二、判断下列单词中黑体字母读音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F。
  ( ) 1. hobby collect
  ( ) 2. look good
  ( ) 3. ride bike
  ( ) 4. stamp play
  ( ) 5. week teach
  ( ) 1. 上午见面应该说:
  A .Good afternoon. B. Good morning. C. Good bye.
  ( ) 2. 询问对方身体状况,应该说:
  A.Nice to meet you. B. How are you? C. May I know your name?
  ( ) 3. 询问某人银行在那里时应该说:
  A. Excuse me, where is the bank? B. Sorry, where is the bank?
  C. Thank you, where is the bank, please?
  ( ) 4. 同学过生日时应该说:
  A. How are you? B. Happy birthday. C. Nice to see you.
  ( ) 5. 别人对你说:“Happy new year!”时,你应该说:
  A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C.Goodbye.
  ( ) 6. Mike: Who’s that girl? Kate: _______________
  A. She’s my sister, Sarah. B. He’s my brother. C. She is over there.
  ( ) 7. We go to Beijing train.
  A. on B. in C. by
  ( ) 8. --- How can I get to the post office?
  --- You can _______ the No.11 bus.
  A. take B. on C.by
  ( ) 9. --- What’s your hobby?
  --- I like ____________.
  A. make kites B. made kites C. making kites
  ( ) 10. ---What’s _____ hobby?
  ---He likes playing football.
  A. he B. his C. your
  ( ) 11. ---What did you do last weekend?
  --- I _____my grandparents.
  A. visit B. visited C. visits
  ( ) 12. Ann ___ cartoons on TV every evening.
  A. watches B. watching C. to watch
  ( ) 13. Tom says he ______ China soon.
  A. is going to B. are going to C. am going to
  ( ) 14. ______he learn English last night?
  A. Did B. Does C. Is
  ( ) 15. --- What’s the matter ______ you?
  --- I feel sick. I have a sore throat.
  A. with B. for C. of
  ( ) I went to a park. How about you?
  ( ) Did you watch TV?
  ( ) What did you do last weekend?
  ( ) Yes, I did.
  ( ) I read books with my sister.

