
时间:2021-08-08 17:41:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】生活,需要一种态度。你也许无法改变上天所给予你的一切,但你依旧可以用 一颗乐观的心去对待他。当你遭遇到挫折和困难的时候,不要抱怨,不要愤怒,要记得微笑。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Reading for the rise of China "tells the correct attitude of cherishing the motherland and serving the country as their life goal, which is not only a good attitude of reading, but also a correct attitude of self-cultivation and life.

  Confucian culture, "cultivate self-cultivation, govern the country and level the world". Self sacrifice, self-restraint and propriety, benevolent love, stabilize the attitude of the world, start with self-cultivation, familiar with the four books and five classics, the art of war and intrigue, and learn from things. With the training of "born in hardship and die in happiness", he dances every day, believes in the way of heaven and will pay for his work, and even hangs a beam to stab stocks to cultivate his self-cultivation. After his first year, he has already taken up the burden of life and put filial piety first, Famous in the countryside“ The great wish of "pacifying the world" has always been the correct and excellent attitude of Confucian scholars to "reach and benefit the world".

  Feng Tang and Li Guang, a generation of famous generals, why are they still thinking of the motherland and fighting on the battlefield in their seventies. They are worried about "Feng Tang Yi Lao, Li Guang Nan Feng", are they worried about passing away without the Lord and opportunity? no They have firm faith and calm attitude. If you are poor, you don't have to be alone. Some of them have an attitude of serving the country and the people. They want the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland. Is it their own reputation of honoring princes and worshipping ministers and leaving their names in history.

  Nowadays, teenagers do not have a correct attitude to study and be a man.

  Many ignorant teenagers spend all day in the vast expanse of the sun and the moon. Who knows that "time flies like a bird, and things in the world are like a new chess game". A person's good years sink into the dark valley only because he doesn't have a correct attitude. A person's good future is ruined in a passive attitude.

  What a wrong attitude to be forced to read and live. It will erode people's mind, kill people's consciousness, make people mediocre and make people not want to make progress.

  When we do not know why to study, we might as well respect the ancient filial piety, think about our parents, the party, when we do not know why to live, we might as well think about the future of the motherland, the future of the nation, and what kind of people we are, and how much national burden we will shoulder.

  A good attitude is the basis of self-cultivation.

  A good attitude is the driving force to actively go in and ride the wind and waves.

  Thinking that "reading for the rise of China" corrects our ignorant and confused mind, and that the motherland is determined to open the ambition of peace for all ages. As our correct attitude towards reading and life, it will be the capital for us to build Dongshan mountain and a bright lamp to walk out of the bottomless abyss and lead to the bright road.


  "Life is a kaleidoscope of changes. Whether you open it and make it colorful and shiny completely depends on your attitude." This sentence is well said. Indeed, attitude determines everything in life.

  After climbing out of the womb, we whirled in the vortex of life, and life accompanied us all the time. With the passage of time, we will gradually realize the hardship and helplessness of life. Unable to fulfill one's wish, he always bumps into a nail in life. It seems to be common that things backfire.

  Admittedly, life is full of setbacks, but as long as your attitude is firm, life is still brilliant.
  Look at life with a sad face, life must be frowning; Look at life brightly and optimistically, and life must be sunny. How to treat life is related to people's attitude: people without sunshine in their hearts are bound to find it difficult to find the brilliance of sunshine! It is difficult to find the beautiful flowers in one's heart!

  In the first day of junior high school, the learning task was heavy. At that time, I was still immersed in the fun time of primary school. I didn't want to study all day. Going to school seemed to be the most painful thing, but I had to bear it. Every time it comes to the exam, I'm also nervous. I'm afraid of failing the exam and the parents' meeting.

  After a semester, I seem to be disappointed with life. Sadness, confusion and disappointment have been haunting me and pressing me out of breath. My heart hurts. In my locked heart, I have no thoughts, no attitude towards life, and I feel that the surrounding environment is suddenly indifferent. The isolation between attitude and life turns out to be so, I understand.

  An unknown source of power flows into my body, perhaps an apology to my parents, or the self-esteem of my classmates. I changed. I began to study hard. I took exams again and again, ranking the third, the tenth... The first. There was an unspeakable impulse in my heart. I looked up at the sky and saw the bright sunshine. This was the warmth I hadn't noticed or had before.

  I found my life shining again. In life, my smile hung on my face again after I lost it. Ignorant of me, I almost wiped out my future. I regained my self-confidence and found my true self.

  Attitude determines life! I really want to say, really, what kind of attitude you have, your life is bound to be different. If you want to be a sunshine, have the courage to dig up the brilliant bits of life. Life is determined by your attitude!


  In front of them were half a glass of milk and a piece of bread. A man sighed sadly, "there's only half a glass of milk and a piece of bread left." The other smiled and said, "there's half a glass of milk and a piece of bread!" A simple story, with only one word difference, contains a deep philosophy: in the face of an unchangeable environment, we can choose to change our mood.

  Edison in an accident, all the previous experimental results were burned. But instead of being discouraged, the great inventor shouted with joy, "thank God, I can start my experiment again!" Therefore, the electric lamp came into being. The world is very objective. It won't change with your mood, but you can choose to change your attitude in the constant reality. In fact, this is very important. The change of thought may change your future life track. Isn't Edison a good illustration?

  "I can't choose my life, but I can choose my life." This is Helen Keller's famous saying. In the face of the torture of the disease, she did not flinch from her disability. She chose a hard life and strong faith. Facing life, we should be as persistent as Helen, but we should also adjust our attitude in time. Everything is developing. Even if the things around us are not conducive to us, and we are unable to change them, we should also change our attitude. If we look at the unchangeable side from another angle, perhaps we will also find the loveliness of frustration and suffering.

  Two people who were put in prison at the same time, one can survive strongly, while the other dies melancholy in prison. Why? Because their mood is different. Facing the same environment, the former firmly believes that there is still a future and that he will return to freedom outside the prison. It was because of this belief and sudden mood that he became indifferent to his surrounding environment. On the contrary, he can't adjust his mood and make his mood trapped in the cage of melancholy. From this point of view, the change of mood is very important. It will determine your view of the surrounding environment and therefore your behavior.

  We will sniff at the ugly things and face the ugly things. This is human nature. But such nature seems to be a framework that imprisons us. What if we change our attitude? Then we will find ugly things and lovely things. Finding good things will also have a disgusting side. Facing life, we should do the same. The pursuit of fame and wealth is everyone's longing, but if we can't get , we will look at ,indifferent (indifferent) fame and wealth in a different attitude, and then you will find yourself detached and extraordinary. The avoidance of difficulties can also be regarded as God's test to us.

