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  Isn't it comfortable?   真是舒服啊!   A:Isn't it comfortable?   真是舒服啊!   B:You bet.   当然了。   It is so gray.   天色好灰暗。   A:The sky is gray.   天色好灰暗。   B:lt's cloudy and gray again.   天色又多云灰暗了。   What a sunny day!   真是个晴朗的日子!   A:What a sunny day!   真是个晴朗的日子!   B:I'd like to go on a picnic.   我想要去野餐。   It is windy.   风很大。   A:It is so windy.   风好大喔。   B:Yes,and I heard that a typhoon is coming soon.   是啊!我听说台风很快就会登陆了。   How's the weather?   天气如何?   A:How's the weather today?   今天天气如何啊?   B:It looks like it's gonna rain!   看起来快下雨了!   What's the weather like?   天气如何?   A:What's the weather like in your country?   你们国家的天气情况是怎样的昵?   B:It's very hot and humid in the summer.   夏天的时候又热又湿。   Do you have snow in winter?   你们那里冬天时会下雪吗?   A:Do you have snow in winter?   你们那里冬天时会下雪吗?   B:No,we don't usually have snow.   通常不会。   It snows only in the very high mountains.   只有在高海拔的山区才会下雪。   What is ... like?   ...是什么样子呢?   A:What is autumn like in Canada?   加拿大的秋天是什么样子呢?   B:It's very colorful because many leaves of trees change colours in autumn.   秋天是色彩缤纷的,因为各种树叶在秋天改变了颜色。



