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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。©文档大全网整理了英语美文:珍惜每一天,它比你想象得珍贵,一起来看看吧!

Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football’s greatest receivers——a little man in a big man’s game who carried the ball for more than 10,000 yards in 14 bone-jarring seasons.
He played every down as if it was his last. And in all his years in the pros a career that put him in the top 10 in total catches with a remarkable 92 touchdowns he surrendered only three fumbles.
他在狂暴而激烈的赛场上闯荡了14个赛季。 每次进攻,他都将它看作是自己的最后一次进攻机会。他总共92次完成“触地得分”,成绩骄人。
A statistic that’s a measure of his legendary determination to never give up. Despite his Hall of Fame career, Terry’s memories of his playing days have been irretrievably lost to amnesia.
在他打职业赛的全部年头里,他是接球次数最多的十大优秀橄榄球手之一,他只掉过3次球。这些数字正是那他非一般的决心的真实写照—永不放弃。 显赫的职业生涯使特里在“名人堂”占有一席之地。然而,他对自己辉煌岁月的记忆,都在失忆后被彻底抹掉了。
The 14 years that saw Terry win the Schenley Award for outstanding Canadian player twice, seven all-star selections and a raft of other records have been forgotten.
It was in the summer of 1988 that his post-football career in sales was taking off.
One day in July, his youngest daughter Jennifer remembers getting a phone call from Terry on his way home from work.
“He called on his cell phone, and said, ‘I’ll be home in 10 minutes.’ Coming home for a barbecue.” Jennifer said, “And I said, ‘I love you’ and he said, ‘OK, I love you. I’ll see you in 10 minutes.’”
But as he passed through an intersection a van ran a red light, smashing into Terry’s jeep, ripping him out of his seat belt and sending him hurtling five meters through the air.
Within minutes Terry’s unconscious body was picked up by paramedics at the side of the road.
Noticing his skin had taken on a deep blue hue——indicating a lack of oxygen——medics put a pipe down Terry’s throat, and he was rushed to nearby Oshawa General hospital.
“By the time Terry came in, we were ready and waiting for him,” said Marianne Timmermans, one of the nurses who initially worked on him. He was in critical condition.
“特里被送进来之前,我们早已准备就绪,在等着他了。”当年照顾他的其中一位护士玛丽安•提莫曼斯说。 特里的情况相当危急。
Moments later, police arrived at the Evanshen home with the news. Lorraine, Terry’s wife of 25 years, remembers seeing him in the intensive care unit for the first time after the accident.
过了一会儿,警察来到了伊文森家里,将这一意外告知了他的家人。 和特里生活了25年的妻子洛兰,回忆起事故后第一次在重症监护病房看到丈夫时的情形。
There was nothing but machines all over him. He wasn’t a pretty sight, and at that time their hope and that of the doctors wasn’t very good. Terry lay deep in a coma.
当时他全身上下接遍了大大小小的仪器。他看起来情况不妙,家人和医生们都不抱乐观态度。 特里处于深度昏迷状态。
But as unbelievable as his injuries seemed to be, so too were Terry’s powers of recovery. Three weeks after being thrown from his vehicle, he came out of his coma. But although he was by all appearances intact, Terry would soon reveal an injury far more severe than whatever damage had been done to his body.
正如他的受伤是突如其来的一样,他身体的康复能力同样是让人始料不及的。车祸后的三个星期,特里就从昏迷中清醒了过来。 虽然从表面看起来,特里的身体并没有受太大伤害,但人们很快发现,车祸给特里造成的影响,远不止身体上的伤害。
A lifetime of memories had been vir-tually wiped clean. He didn’t even recognize his own wife. It wasn’t just his memories of people and events that had been erased.
车祸把特里之前所有的记忆抹掉了,他甚至认不出自己的妻子。 消失的还不仅是特里对人物和事件的记忆。
When Terry awoke from his coma, he had been all but reduced to the level of a child; everything from his ability to talk and walk to his understanding of what it meant to be a husband and a father were all gone.
At age 44, Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again. Terry had to retrain himself how to think, how to speak, even relearning something as basic as how to shave.
到了44岁的时候,特里•伊文森的人生突然*重头再来。 特里必须重新学习如何思考,如何说话,甚至学习像刮胡子这么简单的事情。
But as unsettling as his behavior was for his family, what made it worse was that Terry’s brain could not understand the most basic human emotions. He recalls what it was like to live without a sense of what love is: not knowing what the word meant, I wouldn’t know how to look at other people. I wouldn’t know how to show proper affection to you. What is that affection anyway? What is right, what should I do?
特里的状况让家人痛心不已。更糟的是,特里的大脑已经完全无法理解最简单的人类情感。 后来,特里回忆起在不明白爱的那段日子里的生活情形:“不知道‘爱’这个字意味着什么,我便不懂得该用什么目光看别人;我不知道怎么向他人恰当地表达感情;感情的涵义到底是什么呢?怎样做才是对的?我该怎么做?”
But as much as Terry had a problem, he also had the support of his family, marked by small victories and a renewed bond between him and his three daughters like when they taught him how to play football again.
“So I was standing there and I said ‘Put your hand out,’ like he used to,” said Terry’s daughter Tara. “So he did and then Tracey threw him the ball and that’s when he stood there, and that’s when I realized, ‘Oh my god, I think he really doesn’t remember how to do this.’ ”
But when Terry returned in 1992 from a six-month stint at a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center in Washington State, his recovery really began to pick up steam.
It has taken years to rebuild his shattered life, but today, more than 20 years since his playing days Terry is a highly sought after motivational speaker. He tells his inspiring story of perseverance and courage in his presentation, Seize Each Day.
“Never forget, we’re all in this game of life together,” Evanshen said, as he frequently referred to his large stack of cue cards in his hands. “We will get to the finish line, one day at a time, one moment at a time, but celebrate the journey. Seize today, because yesterday is gone and is never coming back.”
The subject of the most watched Canadian movie of 2005, The Man Who Lost Himself, Evanshen says his family has been his most important asset. He stresses that he refuses to be a victim, claiming he is a survivor.

