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【#英语资源# #我的妈妈英语作文范文(通用10篇)#】我的妈妈不是世界上漂亮的,也不是世界上聪明的,更不是世界上富有的,但她却是世界上爱我的。 以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《我的妈妈英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇一

  My mother is nothing out of the ordinary. She has a pair of jet black eyes, looks bright and lively, a tall nose bridge, and a medium build.

  Every time I hear this famous saying, 'When my mother chose a neighbor, my son didn't learn to cut off the loom.' I remember my mother's serious face. It was noon one day, after I finished my homework and didn't check it, I ran out to play. My mother walked to the study, picked up my homework book, and started reading it. She was holding a red pen in her hand and started making changes. When I came back from playing, I saw many words in my composition circled in red, and then I realized that I was too careless and had written many wrong words. My mother walked over and said, "Look, your composition is full of typos. You corrected them immediately and criticized me severely." After I finished correcting the typos, my mother asked me to read a composition book again. I said I wanted to watch TV, and my mother said seriously, "Your composition is too difficult to write. You must read some good compositions written by others every day." I didn't think so. My mother picked up several composition books from the table and threw them in front of me, Say, "If you don't read, then burn these books." So I picked up the books and wanted to tear them apart. I cried in fear and quickly replied. That's how I look seriously.

  After this incident, I was thinking to myself, is Mom doing it for my own good?

  Now that I have gradually grown up, I realize that my mother's strict demands are for my own good. I must study hard, not let my mother down, and be a person who has something to do with society and the people.

2.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇二

  Mom, do you still remember that song? Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure, thrown into her arms, and happiness is indispensable

  Maternal love is the great love in this world, selfless love, holy love, noble love.

  I vaguely remember when I was a child, I loved to hold onto your clothes and run around happily, but when I found you missing, I would cry nervously and look around. Once I find you, I will play carefree. Because you gave me a sense of security.

  Outside the window, the rain is pattering, and I am still in the classroom worrying about how to go home! It's time to go home, and I casually walked to the school gate. I was surprised to find that you were holding an umbrella and watching me come out at the school gate. When he saw me, he smiled lightly and said, "Why did it take so long to come out?" I muttered, "Mom, didn't you stop picking me up? I've grown up and can go home on my own." "I know, I came specifically to bring you an umbrella. By the way, hurry up, put on your clothes. Don't catch a cold! I don't care if it freezes!" "Hehe, um, I know." I realized you only brought one umbrella and didn't ask much.

  How warm love it is to walk in the rain with big hands and small hands! I feel like the sky is clearing up, and my heart is slowly, warm, full, and beautiful.

  What can be forgotten is the pain of time, what cannot be forgotten is your beautiful smile. Looking up at the starry sky, all I see is your smile.

3.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇三

  Mom, I love you. Mother's love is like the sea, and we are like insignificant drops of water. Every mother tries her best to take care of her "water droplets". Ah。 What a great maternal love! I also want to repay my mother's love for us.

  Once, my mother was washing dishes in the kitchen. I was doing my homework when a scream of surprise came from the kitchen. What's the matter? "I was so anxious that I didn't even put down my pen, so I bounced and ran to the kitchen. What's the matter with...? "I asked breathlessly; But I must be divine. I saw my mother's ring finger bleeding a lot! A piece of red and terrifying, I quickly brought it: red potion, disinfectant cotton swabs, band-aids He said to his mother, "Hehe!" I don't know which one to use, so I brought them all. "" Child, you go do your homework first! I'll do it myself, "the mother said heartily. Really, I can do it, just rest well, "I said. Good child, you've grown up! "Mom said as she happily touched my head and smiled happily. I asked my mother to sit down and, under her guidance, stopped the bleeding. I took out a disinfectant cotton swab, first disinfected her wound, then applied red potion to her, and then used a bandage to treat the wound! Watching my mother's wound treated by me, my hanging heart finally fell down. My mother saw me so sensible and said, "Daughter, you are really capable. Mom has made you a little doctor!" I was so embarrassed by the praise.

  Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao said, "Who speaks of an inch of grass in the heart, and reaps the light of spring?" Our mother's love is beyond our means to repay.

4.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇四

  I have a good mother who loves me. She is not good-looking, but in my heart, my mother is very beautiful.

  My mother cares about my studies and often gives me detailed explanations when I hear that I cannot solve some problems. Whenever I retrieve excellent test papers from school, she smiles and squints her eyes, becoming a crescent moon. After praising me, she never forgot to say, "Although you did well in the exam this time, don't be proud! Keep up your efforts next time, I believe you will definitely do better!" After hearing these words, my heart was even sweeter than eating honey. When I didn't do well in the exam, my mother didn't criticize me either. Instead, she asked me the reason for my poor performance and then analyzed with me why I was wrong. I listened to my mother's teachings and made up my mind: Mom, I must do well in the next exam!

  My mother not only cares about my studies, but also about my health. Every morning, after my mother urges me to finish morning exercises, I can see a diverse and nutritious breakfast that is appetizing and delicious. In the evening, after the "Pot and Bowl Symphony" is always played in the kitchen, a overflowing aroma of food hooks me to the dining table, and I can always fully enjoy a sumptuous dinner. My mother always combines meat and vegetables, and she wants me to pay attention to a balanced diet and not picky eaters. In life, my mother is like this, caring about me meticulously.

  Unconsciously, wrinkles quietly climbed onto my mother's ever-changing face. Ah。 Mom, you have put all your effort into me, I will definitely not let you down!

5.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇五

  My mother is a bank savings clerk. She has a pair of bright eyes, red lips, and waterfall like hair draped over her shoulders. When my mother smiles, she has two dimples that bloom like flowers on her face.

  My mother has a good personality, she is kind and amiable to people. No matter who she is, she can get along well with them. I remember when we lived in Fushun, there was a neighbor who was very unreasonable, but my mother believed that distant relatives were not as good as close neighbors, so she never gave him any attention. My mother works very seriously, never being late for work or leaving early. She always tries her best to do her job well. Although my mother doesn't rate her as advanced or anything, her mediocrity and obscurity make me feel even greater about her greatness.

  My mother is very strict with me. I have to wake up at 7 o'clock every morning, listen attentively in class, answer questions actively, and complete my homework on time. As long as one thing is not achieved, one will receive serious criticism from their mother.

  This is my mother.

6.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇六

  My mother has shiny black hair, large and agile eyes, and a red nose, which makes her my humorous and interesting mother.

  Mom is very capable, but also very careless. For example, once, my mother happily sewed clothes at home, singing while sewing. After my mother sewed it up, she asked me to come over and put it on to see if it fits. I put it on happily, and just took two steps when I felt a sharp object pricking me on my clothes. I asked my mother, "Why do I feel like something is pricking me next to my waist?" My mother looked and realized that the sewing needle had not been taken off yet. My mother quickly said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to take the needle." Oh, my careless mother!

  Another time, my mother and I returned home after shopping. After entering the door, my mother searched around in her bag, so I asked her what she was looking for? Mom ignored me and continued to search for her bag. After a while, my mother called me over and said, "Daughter, my phone seems to have fallen off the car. Could you please..." Before my mother could finish speaking, I screamed "Ah!" because I knew she was going to ask me to go downstairs to the garage to help her get her phone up again! Hey, I just climbed six floors and have to go down again. I'm exhausted. This kind of thing is not the first time! I have to run again!

  Look! This is my careless mother, but she also has a lovely side, so we need to listen to the next chapter!

7.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇七

  My mother is my 'housewife'. She is of medium height, neither tall nor thin. She has many advantages, such as diligence and patience... However, her shortcomings cannot be explained for three days and three nights. She is very smelly, timid, and loves to play with her phone... However, she is a good mother in my heart.

  One day, our family of five went out for a trip. Mom is chatting on WeChat with her old friends. At this moment, I saw a chubby caterpillar and exclaimed, "caterpillar, caterpillar! Here's a big caterpillar!" Suddenly, my mother turned pale with fear, her eyes wide open, her teeth fighting up and down, her eyebrows stiff, and she shook her feet and asked me, "Where is it? Where is the caterpillar? Kill it!" Oh, there's no way, my mother is so timid.

  My mother is particularly nagging. When I slowed down a little bit, my mother would cross her waist, staring straight at me with fiery eyes, her face crooked, her mouth moving faster than light, and saliva flying towards me like raindrops. I should have opened an umbrella, but I was almost blown away.

  My mother's singing is very unpleasant, but she doesn't think so herself. She always likes to sing some old songs from the 1970s all day long. When my mother sings, her eyes narrow and her eyebrows bend like crescent moon, intoxicated by her singing. And I frowned, covered my ears, and fled back to the room.

  This is my imperfect mother, timid and nagging, but she is the good mother in my heart because I know she loves me.

8.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇八

  My mother is not tall and a bit overweight, but she doesn't mind at all. For our sisters, my mother is full of wrinkles, but she is still busy for this "small family", so she is very happy.

  I remember once, an uncle said that my mother was too fat. At that time, I couldn't contain my inner anger. I wanted to come forward and refute this statement, but my mother came forward and said to the person, "You don't want to be fat yet!" The person was speechless, and everyone sitting in my room laughed. But I didn't see a hint of melancholy on my mother's face, as if it were a joke.

  At school, the person behind me said, "Wang Yuying's mother is very fat." I was very angry at the time. I turned around (it was after class at that time) and loudly said to the person, "Who's not fat?" Is your mother a white bone sperm or doesn't she have any meat to eat Everyone was amused by my words: "White Bone Demon! White Bone Demon! Haha!" He didn't know where to drill his head. I turned around angrily. But my heart seems to be dripping blood.

  My mother not only didn't lose weight because of her "fat", but also loved this "small family" even more.

9.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇九

  My mother's name is Qiu Jinlian. Her hair is very long, her eyes are very round and big, her nose is very short, her ears are very wide, her face is very white, her mouth is very wide, and her eyebrows are thin and long. Although she is thin and small in stature, she is very hardworking and capable. She cleans the house clean and tidy every day. She goes out early and returns late every day, tirelessly goes to work, and when she comes home, she also does household chores such as stir frying, cooking, washing dishes, and washing clothes, often causing back pain and fatigue.

  She is very good at cooking, and the dishes she stirs are all in color, aroma, and taste. As soon as I smell the aroma of the dishes, I can't wait to run into the kitchen to taste them. They taste delicious and delicious in my mouth, so I really like her. She sometimes beats and curses people, and when I'm not serious, she gets very angry and gets furious. Once, when I didn't take class seriously, the teacher criticized me severely. When I returned home, I saw my mother's face full of anger, her eyes wide open, and she scolded me profusely.

  I think my mother is very good because she likes me very much and cares about my studies. Whenever I want to watch TV, she will ask me to read extracurricular books and do homework to improve my academic performance; Whenever I do well in exams, she will tell me not to be proud, but to continue working hard; When my exam results are not good, she will tell me not to lose heart and encourage me to strive for good results in the next exam. She is also very concerned about my health. I remember when I was a child, I had diarrhea. She was so anxious that she was like ants on a hot pot, so she didn't care to stay up all night at the township health center. It was just dawn, and she kept taking me to the municipal maternal and child health center for medical treatment. Her eyes were full of tears.

  I really like my mother, she has given me a lot. I must study hard, make progress every day, and make further progress every day to repay my mother.

10.我的妈妈英语作文范文 篇十

  My mother is a lovely person. She is not beautiful, but she is very kind and loves me very much.

  One day, as I was about to go to the composition class to study, my mother said, "From today on, I won't see you off. You can go alone, and it will be the same in the future." "Oh," I signed in happily. I know my mother is exercising my own life skills, and she is very concerned about me.

  Once, when my dad didn't come back, I slept with my mom. I couldn't sleep, so I picked up a book and looked at it with interest. My mother said, "It's already late. You go to bed quickly, I'm going to bed too." After that, I slept with my mother. I think my mother must be afraid of my nearsightedness, so she won't let me read in bed.

  On a winter afternoon, my mother and I were going to the mall to buy something. Mom saw a bicycle overturn. I thought to myself that there was no one around, maybe the wind had blown that bicycle down. I saw that my mother quickly ran to the bike and helped it up. That's not our bike, why are you helping it? "I asked inexplicably. It's a piece of cake to do something good, isn't that great? "Mom replied with a smile.

  This is my mother. She made me feel happy, happy, and warm.

  This is my mother, a good mother who is both kind and caring for me!
