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【#英语资源# 导语】每个人都有童年的乐园,都有关于童年的美好回忆。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Speaking of my paradise, as I am in my hometown, I must tell you about my big roof, which can bring me endless happiness every day.

  This is a large balcony of about 90 square meters. There are many high and low houses around. It is a famous park in our town. The scenery around the rooftop is very beautiful.

  The air is fresh in the morning, and the sky is clear for thousands of miles. It is also very comfortable to take a deep breath of fresh air and move your hands and feet. Our paradise is also my grandfather's small garden. I always like to follow my grandfather to water flowers, admire flowers, and play with all kinds of soil with a shovel. Grandpa planted pink chrysanthemums, blue and purple lanterns, and potted plants of different shapes, some half lying, sitting, standing

  In the afternoon, when my homework was finished and my mother collected the clothes, she called me together. While helping my mother collect her clothes, I watched the sunset gradually go down to the West. The sky became more and more gentle. The birds came back everywhere. The rice fragrance was elegant. The wind blew in bursts. The flowers swayed from side to side, as if they were dancing with the wind as a dance coach. It was also like saying to me, "how happy it is to see you again." My mood also followed the happy beauty.

  After dinner, I also like to take my cousin and brother to play games, throw handkerchiefs, play hide and seek, and have a lot of fun. There is a busy traffic outside, and all kinds of long and short horns of motorcycles play happy songs for us. When we were tired of playing, we lay down on the reclining chair, and the crowd was very happy. Look at the stars all over the sky, glittering, like many, many small eyes looking at us and telling us it's time to rest, baby, let's play tomorrow.

  This is my favorite paradise. It is a big paradise with good looks, fun, freedom and great joy.


  Do you know what my paradise is? It's my grandmother's vegetable garden! Grandma's garden has not only vegetables, but also streams, wild flowers and weeds. It is also a beautiful scenery! It can bring me infinite happiness!

  Today, I'm going to have fun in my paradise!

  I was walking on the stem of the field. There was a puddle beside me. What was in the puddle? I walked in to have a look, ah! With a big black head and a short tail, I asked my mother to come and verify whether it was a small tadpole written in the book. As expected, it was a small tadpole. I am so excited! I couldn't wait to reach out to catch it, but it slipped through the gap in my hand. I couldn't catch it after repeating it several times. At this time, I was more motivated. I tried every means to catch it. I looked around. A leaf like a lotus leaf seemed to be able to catch the "naughty ghost", so I walked carefully to see if my grandmother was not there, so I took off the big leaf and put the "lotus leaf" into the puddle, I even picked up a tadpole with a water hose. Hahaha... I finally caught you, little guy. I moved its big head happily. The slippery feeling is even more comfortable than the baby's skin.

  I began to flirt with it. After playing for a while, I put it back in the puddle. Then I found a wooden stick to rotate like a tornado in the puddle. The little tadpoles were dizzy and the water was muddy. I laughed happily: "you are so naughty. Now you know how powerful I am!" My mother suddenly appeared behind me and said, "the little tadpole is a beneficial insect. You are hurting it. Stop your action." I hung my head in shame.

  I turned around to leave, but I slipped and fell to the ground. It turned out that I got the field stem wet when I was playing with tadpoles. I stood up and slipped again. How could it be like skiing? My head turned around, so I found a more spacious slope field stem. I found plantain leaves to sit on it and play with the slide. The spring wind blew on my face. It was very comfortable! Grandma is asking us to have dinner, but I haven't played enough. My mother said, "come back after dinner." So I went home. On the way, I visited the little tadpoles. The water was still clear. The little tadpoles swam around happily. Everything in grandma's garden was fun!

  I reluctantly left my paradise, thinking of coming back tomorrow!


  My paradise is the Central Park, a park near my home.

  There is a large area of green grass, four times the size of our school playground, and the grass on the grass is thick and soft. It doesn't hurt to wrestle on it. My friends and I like to play football, badminton, rope skipping, competition and running here... This Sunday, my friends and I made an appointment to play football here. We were divided into two teams. When the referee whistled, we rushed to grab the ball. When the players grabbed the ball, we ran behind and shouted: "run! Shoot!" As I was running, I was suddenly caught and fell over. I quickly got up and didn't even get rid of the dirt on my body. Then I chased in the direction of the football

  After a while, my friends and I were all sweating, but we didn't feel tired at all. We wiped the sweat with our sleeves and then chased up. The grass echoed with our happy laughter and cries.

  There is also a small hillside in the Central Park. The hillside is not very high. It is covered with green grass. The hillside is also planted with flowers. When spring comes, the flowers are blooming. It is very beautiful. My sister and I like to pick up the fallen petals under the tree in spring, and then choose some beautiful flowers to take home as bookmarks. My sister and I also like to slide down the hillside on a skateboard. My sister sits in front of the skateboard and sits upright with her feet on the skateboard; I sat behind my sister, hugged her waist tightly, and stepped on the ground with my feet on both sides of the skateboard. I asked, "sister, are you ready?" My sister said happily, "ready!" I shouted, "let's go!" Then my two feet quickly pushed on the ground to make the skateboard slide down. When the skateboard slid down, my sister and I shouted happily, "Wow! Ha ha..." this is my paradise. It brings me endless fun.


  My home is my paradise, because home is where I grew up.

  My home is not very big, one hall and four rooms, without gorgeous decoration, but it is very warm. In my paradise, there is a very lovely sister. She gets up early every day to wait for me in the paradise. As soon as I step into the blanket, she jumps at me and holds me tight. She looks at me with water smart eyes and says in ecstasy: "brother, let's start playing!" Playing with my sister makes me feel very happy.

  There are also many toys in the park -- toys and supplies such as stacked building blocks, flying chess, Lego tracks, hand-made paper cuts, etc. Usually, my sister will participate in our flying chess game. When I made a move, I ate my sister's chess pieces. My sister didn't admit defeat. She always ate all her sister's chess pieces. Without saying anything, my sister pretended to be very angry and said with her mouth bulging: "I won't play with you." It made us laugh, and the paradise was full of our laughter.

  We play with stacked blocks. In addition, we also play with stacked blocks in the park. This game is also a test of people's patience and analytical ability. Every time when my sister pulls out the building blocks, it is easy to collapse them. I will secretly help her hold the building blocks to collapse, so that she can feel the happiness of success. There is also a book corner next to the toy blanket, in which there are books we love to read. Whenever we are tired of playing, we will go to the book corner to pick up books, which not only makes us quiet, but also enriches our knowledge.

  This is my beautiful paradise - home, which brings me beautiful memories and happiness!


  My paradise is Grandpa's garden, where peach trees and corn are planted. Every spring, the plants stick out their heads and look at the vibrant land. As time goes by, the plants grow taller and fatter. Autumn is coming. The plump peach's face is red. Has he done something wrong or has he just been praised by the teacher? Golden corn glitters, but why does the most handsome corn cover itself with green leaves? What a strange and delightful picture.

  Grandpa's garden has not only lovely plants, but also interesting animals. Once, in the garden, I happened to see a cute, smart cat with big eyes swaggering around in front of a very fierce dog. From time to time, he would look at the dog provocatively, as if to say, "come and catch me!" The dog pounced in the direction of the cat. The cat jumped away with great dexterity. On the contrary, the dog was pulled back by the chain. At this time, they looked at each other and seemed to say, "come here if you have the ability!" "I won't go there, big stupid dog."

  In the garden, there are not only "cats fighting dogs", but also "chicken and duck ensemble". Every time a duck swims into the water, it must flap its wings a few times, and then "plop" in, quacking as it swims. On the other hand, the cock with a red cockscomb did not want to be outdone. He cackled as he looked for food, as if he were holding a concert.

  In Grandpa's garden, nature forms a beautiful, likable and vivid landscape painting.


  Everyone is exploring our paradise, so that all the happiness can be released. My paradise is unique. It is not a singing and dancing hall with neon lights, nor a lively entertainment park, but a small room in my study and bedroom.

  In the small room, there were general white walls, the pink, green and blue curtains were brushed by the wind, and various books were neatly arranged on the desk under the window. There is a repeater in the center of the desk and a bookshelf beside it. A small bed, a peach axe and a desk constitute my paradise. Paradise, accompany me to grow up day by day. Here, I have our vision, dream and thinking; Here, I read a lot of life; Here, I can sing to my heart's content. It is an essential pleasure for me to lie in bed listening to Xu Song's songs and drinking the tea made by my father on a whim.

  Paradise gives me confidence and urges me to work hard. I remember when I was in the third grade of primary school, the class arranged seats according to their grades. Many nights, the park was brightly lit, and my handwriting was left on a lot of math questions. In the face of difficulties, I was not afraid, because the paradise lent me a magic weapon to help me fight a bloody path in the sea of questions. Everything comes to him who waits. I got a good grade of 4 or 4 in the class. I ran back to the paradise in ecstasy, looked at the mountains of paper rolls I had made, looked at my favorite paradise, and thought that all my efforts had been rewarded. I smiled. The paradise seems to tell me that success is proportional to effort.

  Small room, thank you, you are my eternal paradise on the road of life!


  There is always a paradise in everyone's heart. Dreamy, thrilling, warm and so on. But I have a unique paradise.

  Come to my room, open one of my cabinets and take out my toys. Put them away one by one. Then, please follow me to the toy park!

     First, please follow me to LEGO world! You see, here are all my LEGO toys. Each group has a story. Here is the story of LEGO Qigong world, and there is the story of LEGO Naruto. Sometimes, I always love the little people who operate LEGO by themselves. I am happy to watch them fight and kill.

  Next, I will take you to the sports world. You see, every toy here has something to do with sports, such as the little kicker, the boxing boy, and so on. Every time I play here, I still have a good time.

  Because of time, finally I will take you to the doll world to have a look! To tell you quietly, I don't like to let the dolls play family games. I just love designing clothes for them. I'll show you now! The long, short, blue and green ones are all in line with their style. Next, I'll introduce you to one of my favorite clothes! This is a long dress. The main color is light pink. There are diamonds on it. How beautiful! It took me more than an hour to make this masterpiece. I like it! Well, good!

  This is my paradise. A unique paradise, I like it very much.


  Everyone should have their own "paradise". My paradise is the garden behind the community.

  The grass in the garden sticks out its head, and rows of green trees cast shade. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden, such as peonies, roses, chrysanthemums, daffodils and Impatiens... When a gust of wind blows, all of them bloom bright smiling faces, swing their bodies and dance, dazzling me. When the fragrance of flowers came, butterflies also flew all over the sky, as if it were a sea of flowers.

  When spring came, I and my friends observed all kinds of flowers in the garden. The flower seemed to say to me, "I have many characteristics. I want to see if you can find them!" Through careful observation, I really found many "secrets" of flowers. Look! The shape of the flower center of chrysanthemum is different from that of the flower edge. The position of the flower center is tubular flower, and the flower edge is tongue flower. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it!

  Sometimes, we will take a pair of tweezers to catch insects, and then put them into a glass bottle to observe. Once, I saw two solitary crickets in the corner, like two helpless children huddled together. I quickly picked them up. However, they are very naughty. Many times they have escaped from my tweezers and are as flexible as a small ball. I was so angry that I covered them with a bottle, and finally I subdued them! After a while, I caught a beetle in a very hidden corner. Today, I have achieved a lot. I am content to take them home. I want to observe them slowly at home.

  Although the back garden of the community is not as big as the park, it makes me feel the beauty of nature and makes me feel particularly relaxed and happy!


  Some people's paradise is the river at the head of the village, some people's paradise is the playground in the school, some people's paradise is the pine forest behind the house, and my paradise is the brook in front of the house.

  The two sides of the stream are orderly planted with evergreen trees, which are green. They are like handsome sentinels guarding the stream. The stream is crystal clear, and there is no garbage on the water. From a distance, the stream twists and turns like a transparent silk fluttering. From a close look, the stream is like a big mirror shining brightly.

  When spring comes, the brook sings a cheerful song of welcome to the spring. At this time, we little naughties can't wait to come to the brook to play. We will pick up the colorful stones in the stream to build a castle. The castle is of different heights and features. The stream is beside us. "Hua La, Hua La," as if praising us.

  When summer comes, we will catch fish, shrimp and crabs in the stream, and my favorite thing to do is to drift in the water. Every time I came to the brook, I would find a flat round stone and throw it away with my side. The stone was walking happily on the water. A few seconds later, it fell back into the stream. I would be very happy every time. In the evening, Grandpa, grandma and my sisters and I moved our chairs to the brook. While soaking our feet, we enjoyed the beautiful sunset glow and chatted about the happiness of the day. Feel the cool and relaxed that the stream brings to us.

  When autumn came, the water in the brook became less and less, and it was a little cool. My friends and I chased and jumped houses on the rocks of the brook. We had a lot of fun.

  When winter comes, a thin layer of ice forms on the stream. We will smash the ice with stones. The stream makes a "Ding Dong Dong" sound, as if playing a winter movement. It's fun.

  I love this brook. Everything here is my good friend. This is my favorite "paradise". Thank you for the joy this brook brings to me.


  Everyone has his own paradise, which is a place where he can release pressure and harvest happiness. My paradise is not an endless sea, nor a study with a lot of books, nor a noisy amusement park, but the garden of my grandfather's old house.

  I still remember there was a big water tank in the garden. The water tank was big and deep. There was no water in it. It was a good place for me and my friends to play hide and seek. Once, when we played hide and seek, I hid in the big water tank. As a result, my little friend never found me. I fell asleep in the big water tank when I stayed. It was dark, and everyone went home. I was the only one missing. Grandpa looked for me everywhere in a hurry. Finally, he flashed a flashlight and found me in the big water tank.

  In spring, my grandfather and I will plant flowers in the garden together. I will also go to help my grandfather carry water and water it again and again. Although I am very tired, I don't feel tired at all when I think of the flowers blooming in the garden.

  In summer, my little friend and I were catching tadpoles in the pond. My cousin accidentally fell into the pond. He was so worried that he cried. I said to him, "Why are you crying? Stand up and have a look!" He suddenly stood up and found that the water had just reached his knees. Everyone laughed

  Now the old house is gone, and my childhood is gone, but I still remember the garden and the paradise with my childhood memories. It accompanied me through the spring, summer, autumn and winter of my childhood and recorded the happy time of my childhood, which I will never forget.
