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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲当然需要一篇像样的演讲稿,多次修改,可酌字酌句,这样也有利于背诵。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is "raising the sail of entrepreneurship".

  University Campus used to be the birthplace of new ideas, new science and new culture. When we re-examine today's university campus according to this concept which has been inherited for more than 20 years, we suddenly find that the students are inevitably assimilated by the broader and more tempting world outside the courtyard wall. The era of white clothes is over, and college students are more realistic in the form of employment, going abroad to make money and even paying debts. Coupled with the fierce financial storm, more and more college students are facing the embarrassing problem of unemployment after graduation. Facing the severe situation, I can't help asking: college students, are you ready?

  "Four dreams of youth" tells us that the ideal of life and the dream of youth should be realized by wisdom. The key is to persistently create and grasp opportunities. Nowadays, the party and the state have issued many policies to encourage and support college students' entrepreneurship. Why can't we accept the invitation of the times and embark on the road of unlimited hope? Maybe you need to ask what entrepreneurship is. Entrepreneurship is the courage to take the road that others have not gone through, entrepreneurship is not afraid of the difficulties and obstacles on the way forward, entrepreneurship is to seek the positive realization of self-worth in continuous development! But what about the other side? What is entrepreneurship? It may be a failure in reality, or it may be a disappointment after a taste of the world. Are you scared? no Because I know that only innovation is the inexhaustible driving force of national progress. If we young people choose, we will never regret it. Even if we fail, we have to smile and get up and move on!

  We should be glad that we are in an unprecedented large testing ground. After a country has experienced a heroic transformation and progress, it is bound to usher in an era of more and more great politicians, scholars and entrepreneurs. We have reason to believe that we are going through such a process, and college students with vision and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship are the most suitable seeds. So let's work together to create our own blue sky!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  It has been nearly 10 years since Li Lingling, a Wuhan university student, became the first person to start a business independently by Chinese college students in 1999. More and more college students entrepreneurs appear around us. College students start their business. They are no longer a noun. The real characters and colorful experiences make us feel the vitality of College Students' independent entrepreneurship. Through these already entrepreneurial college students, we try to outline the group and current situation of the entrepreneurship of Qingdao university students, and explore the way of entrepreneurship for college students.

  20XX, for the graduates of Qingdao, it can be regarded as the first year of entrepreneurship. It seems that in one night, entrepreneurs emerge around us, some of them from Qingdao universities, some are Qingdao local people. And the industries they involve are more diverse. From them, we see the rise of the group of College Students' entrepreneurship. These "post-80s" entrepreneurs are using their own actions to open up a field belonging to themselves.

  Gaoyulong and Li Chao, founded Qingdao ten year Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd; Linxiaoping, founded u+ yoga hall; Tang chongyun and zhangyongtao founded Qingdao City online; Nie Mingyong, founded Qingdao New Field Information Service Co., Ltd; Xiaoyiyang and Yangguan founded Qingdao Kesheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.. All of them founded their own companies around 20XX, changing their identity from students to businessmen, representing the ideal of contemporary college students about entrepreneurship.

  In July, 20XX, a survey by Beijing University students entrepreneurship guidance center showed that 72% of the respondents had entrepreneurial intention. A 20XX survey from Shanghai showed that the proportion of students with entrepreneurial dreams exceeded 70%. A survey from Qingdao University of technology also showed that 93.1% of students in school agreed that "entrepreneurship is a way of life and life experience".

  Although the entrepreneurs of college students in Qingdao are not much, they have attracted people's attention from the beginning. We can't classify and summarize the scope of these people's entrepreneurship, some of them are combined with their own specialties - such as gaoyulong, Li Chao, etc., and others have nothing to do with their own professional, such as linxiaoping, who founded yoga Museum“ For entrepreneurship, the definition of young people is still relatively broad and diversified“ Shen Wenqing, director of student division of Qingdao University of technology, told reporters that more than half of the college students believe that whether it is "several people jointly open a small company", "run an IT company", "sell things by stall", "open a small restaurant" or "open a shop on the Internet" are regarded as entrepreneurship.

  "When I was a freshman, I read a book about entrepreneurship for college students. It tells stories about entrepreneurship of Tsinghua university students. I am encouraged and I am determined to start my own company in the future." Because of his own entrepreneurial experience, Nie Mingyong, who was rated as 20XX China's university student self-improvement star, said. He and reporters said that the overall social environment is still conducive to the entrepreneurship of college students. As a student in school, he registered the company, and some people questioned and encouraged, "some people think that I am not mature in entrepreneurship, and it is not suitable for entrepreneurship from experience, capital and energy. But there are also many people who encourage me to support and approve of my entrepreneurship and think young people should rush in“

  Like Nie Mingyong, Xiao Yiyang and Yang college, relying on the network technology they learned in University and the income from working as web pages, established Qingdao Kesheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. the second month after graduation. Xiao said his parents all hope that he has a stable job, and it is difficult to graduate and start a business. There are no business related friends and relatives in his family. "Comfort is not what we want, but only constant challenges and continuous progress are our destination." Xiao said. With the establishment of the company and the achievement of one performance after another, Xiao Yiyang's parents have changed from the initial opposition to support. In order to support Xiao Yiyang, the family has also invested in the development of the company.

  Compared with them, gaoyulong and Li Chao are more fortunate, from the idea of opening Internet cafes to selling hidden accessories, and finally doing their own old line design. They have the help of the teachers and the kind people all the way. To do it for themselves, they said it was a sense of self-control of their lives. Gaoyulong and Li Chao said they like it. Although they are busy everyday, they feel very full.

  Li Dong, vice president of Qingdao University of technology, believes that there are many reasons for entrepreneurship of college students. However, without exception, their entrepreneurial purpose points to the realization of life value. "In the realization of their self-worth in life, they mainly include creating wealth through entrepreneurship, doing a career through entrepreneurship, and completing their social mission through entrepreneurship Contribute to society through entrepreneurship.

  They all want to have a magnificent life“


  In the year of XX, the government vigorously promoted "College Students' entrepreneurship", because the severe employment situation makes college students' Graduation like unemployment, without a good job to show their talents. Only their own business in order to better play to their ability!

  However, entrepreneurship is not as smooth as some enthusiastic college students look forward to. Entrepreneurship is a very serious issue. We need to meditate on the route of entrepreneurship.

  The most important thing to start a business is to choose a good start-up project. Looking at the current social industry, it can be said that everything has been "occupied" by people, such as network industry, catering industry, tourism industry, transportation industry. It is very difficult for newly arrived college students to make a difference in this kind of industry only by the government's start-up loan. Take the Development Department of the network industry, has developed to almost saturated state! What network shopping, network exchange, can think of, people have been operating! So it's very difficult to get involved in these industries!

  Secondly, we need to consider the cost of starting a business. Although there are government subsidies, it is enough at the initial stage of starting a business. However, the increasing cost makes the penniless college students start to feel nervous, which is most likely to lead to the failure of starting a business. This is a very painful result. So in the early stage of entrepreneurship, I also need to have a certain economic strength to deal with all the unexpected things in the future entrepreneurship!

  Finally, entrepreneurship is necessary for talent, their own team. As long as there is an effective team, it is easy to deal with things! Everything goes smoothly, but if you want to keep your team and run your "team" well, ordinary graduates can't do it, because it contains very complex social relations, so communicating with others is an important means to win the trust of the team!

  I would like to warn those college students who have just graduated: there are risks in starting a business, and they need to think twice before entering!

