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【#英语资源# 导语】作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。以下是©文档大全网整理的《关于学习的英语作文范文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.关于学习的英语作文范文 篇一

  Life is about daring to innovate, while learning is about innovation.

  Turning the long scroll of human history, how many scientific practitioners have reached the other shore of their ideals through innovation. Like Faraday, a great physicist, he proposed the great idea of magnetism generating electricity during the Auster experiment, thereby pioneering the cause of electricity.

  Innovation originates from human creativity, skills, and talents, while innovation originates from society and guides its development. Human beings are the product of creativity and innovation. The ape first thought of making stone tools, and then began to make them. Once the stone tools were made, the ape became a human being. Human beings are born in creativity and innovation, and they also need to develop in creativity and innovation.

  "People use their smart minds and the experience left by their predecessors to design things that surprise you, such as slippers and rocking chairs.". People invented slipper rocking chairs by using slippers and rocking chairs. "Slippers are used by people to wear on their feet. Sometimes when they walk too much or are tired, they want to rest. However, what should they do if they want to rest? Therefore, they are associated with a rocking chair, which can be used to lie on and rest. Therefore, they are invented and created.".

  As far as we are familiar with Marxism, Marx, on the basis of extensive reading and bold exploration, raised questions about the wages paid to workers by capitalists. It was in this spirit of seeking and innovation that he constantly went deep into the workers' masses, investigated and studied, and finally discovered the secret of surplus value, making great contributions to human development. Therefore, learning must be innovative, otherwise, even reading ten thousand volumes of books is futile.

  Innovation is the key to learning, and only innovation can achieve success in learning; Only by carrying forward the spirit of innovation can we remain invincible in the wave of reform and opening up and become a qualified trendsetter! Students, take action, let's strive for the future of our motherland!

2.关于学习的英语作文范文 篇二

  "Mandarin" is relatively simple in the eyes of many people, but for me, "Mandarin" is really difficult to speak to the standard.

  When I was in junior high school, I often heard teachers say that "Mandarin" should be pronounced correctly. My Chinese proficiency is not good, and my language expression and communication skills are not good, let alone using the correct pronunciation to read Mandarin. I remember that there was a recitation competition in that class, and at least three people from each group were required to participate. At that time, no students from our group signed up for the competition, so our group leader decided to draw lots. There were nine blank sheets on the table, and whoever drew the blank sheet with words on it was the three students who went. However, my luck was particularly bad. The paper I drew had words on it, and so was my deskmate. Since that week, I have been reading in the morning and evening every day, and my deskmate and I have been seriously reading the readings of books.

  "I know this word, but I can't pronounce it accurately. I often have to study by myself in the evening and look up the dictionary, writing the correct pronunciation next to the word, so that when I recite it, I can look at the correct pronunciation, so that I won't mispronounce the word.". Although I often look up the dictionary, there are still differences between my pronunciation and standard Mandarin. I am used to my hometown dialect, and my accent cannot be changed.

  Every night before going to bed, I encourage myself and believe I can.

  The week quickly passed, and a recitation competition was held for the first class on Friday afternoon. I walked onto the platform calmly, confidently, and gracefully. The classmates in the class were watching me silently. I glanced at the teacher, who gave me encouragement. I read the recitation calmly. By the end of the day, perhaps I was reading too fast, and I pronounced "brushing my teeth" as the first "braking my teeth.". Shortly after I misread the word, everyone in the class lowered their heads and smiled. My face turned red, too.

  Through this recitation competition, I realized the importance of learning common language well. For me, to learn the correct pronunciation of each word, I set a goal for myself, and I should persist in reciting an article every day to improve my accuracy in speaking "Mandarin" well.

3.关于学习的英语作文范文 篇三

  Why should we learn? There must be many reasons. But I think the most important thing is the following.

  First of all, learning is natural. The condition for learning, I think, should be thinking, which in turn generates questions about many things. Later, people discovered the truth and gained knowledge from it. This process of discovery, I think, can also be called learning, but the teacher has changed. This thinking, questioning, and the exploration of true knowledge are all generated by people from the inside out, so in this way, learning is also one of human nature.

  Secondly, learning also means survival. The survival here is not only physical, but also spiritual. Ancient people learned to produce, to make, in order to live, or to live better; Nowadays, people also need to learn in order to be mentally independent, not to be manipulated by others, and to have a greater say in society. What's more, knowledge is power, enabling you to stand on top of the world and not be engulfed by the wave of artificial intelligence.

  So, to be practical, why study. I read a very realistic joke: A person asked his friend the meaning of learning, and the person said, "In order to make money.". So I continued to ask, "What is making money for?"? He said, buy a car, buy a house, find a girlfriend. Further, what is the significance of these? The answer is, to make money again.

  The significance of learning must go beyond these. Why do some real scholars not rich, but they can make people's lives enjoyable? I think it's because their studies enrich their lives. "Not to learn for the sake of making money, but because of knowledge, money is easy to obtain.". The results are the same, but the essence is different.

4.关于学习的英语作文范文 篇四

  A few days ago, my father bought me a copy of "How Steel Was Made", and I was deeply moved by the spirit of the protagonist Paul Kochagin's desperate pursuit of his dreams.

  When he was a child, his teacher, Father Vassily, was very bad to Paul and managed to evict him from school. His mother had to find him a job washing dishes. As a result, he was also evicted and severely beaten for defending others against injustice. His brother introduced him to work in a power plant, when he met the Red Army Zhu Helai, who persuaded him to become a Red Army. Once, Paul suffered a serious head injury during a war, and the doctor pulled him back from the brink of death. Later, Paul fought with the Red Army and suffered many injuries while digging the railway. After experiencing many hardships, he left behind a legacy of blindness, numbness in his left hand and feet, and had to go back to recuperate. Later, he married the daughter of his mother's good friend. His good friends have also become the Red Army, some of whom have made heroic sacrifices. "He had no time at home, so he wrote about the Kotovsky Cavalry Division, titled 'The Birth of the Storm'. Due to his blindness, he had to memorize every chapter he wrote. His mother was worried, so she asked her neighbor, Garia, to write for Paul.". After writing the novel, it was sent to a publishing house. After waiting for a long time, just as the family was about to despair, the newspaper sent a letter saying that it was good and Paul's efforts were finally rewarded.

  This book tells us that although Paul was born in poverty, he persevered, and even though he was blind and quadriplegic, he still did not give up his ideals and pursuits. We grew up with the care of our parents and received a good education; Paul was despised by the nobles since childhood, and he had to work for others to support his family. After quadriplegia, he persuaded his wife to become the Red Army, while pursuing his dream of writing novels. After sweat, hard work, and overcoming various difficulties, the novel has finally gained people's favor! They are so happy!

  And isn't it worth learning from Paul's spirit of not giving up on his ideals after being quadriplegic and blind?

5.关于学习的英语作文范文 篇五

  Entering junior high school, although much busier than in elementary school, has also become more fulfilling. The new disciplines of geography, history, biology, and politics have broadened our horizons, increased our knowledge, and molded our sentiment. However, among many disciplines, the one that impressed me most is Chinese. If primary school Chinese is to lay a good foundation, then secondary school Chinese has begun to make me enjoy it.

  From mountains and rivers to rivers, from ancient poetry to colloquialism, the ubiquitous language exhibits infinite charm. Think of grandeur, there are gold, iron, and horse, tiger beacon smoke lift; If you want to be fresh, there are small bridges and flowing water, and Jiangnan red apricots; To speak plainly, there are tears in Xiaoxiang, and the wind and moon in Qin

  Chinese is so vivid and interesting, so broad and profound, and so intoxicating. However, learning Chinese well is not an easy task, because the content of Chinese is alive. We not only need to be familiar with the knowledge in textbooks, but also need to read widely, be familiar with ancient and modern poetry, and be proficient in writing idioms.

  Learning Chinese is not something that can be accomplished overnight. As the old saying goes, "If you don't accumulate small steps, you won't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you won't reach a river or sea." In Chinese, it relies on accumulation in ordinary times. When you accumulate to a certain extent, you will change from quantitative to qualitative, and you will also change from "making a boat through hardship" to "making a boat through joy.". As the saying goes, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy."

  When you're racking your brains worrying about math problems, read a beautiful article to relax your tense nerves; "When you are frustrated in an exam and feeling down, read Su Dongpo's attitude towards life, which is neither rain nor sunshine.".

  Learning is like poetry, either joyful or sad, because of the language, it becomes endlessly lasting; Learning picturesque, or bright, or plain, because of the language, it becomes more vivid; Learning is like wine, or spicy, or aromatic, because of language, it becomes more mellow and soft
