
时间:2023-03-10 21:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】阳光明媚,万物复苏,又是一年春游的好时节。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于春游的英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于春游的英语作文范文 篇一

  Yesterday, the sun was shining, and under the guidance of our teacher, we queued up happily to take a bus for spring outing. Everyone sang and talked in the car and unconsciously arrived at the underwater world.

  As soon as you enter the gate, there is a fountain. There are crocodiles and parrots lying on the fountain. Entering the aquarium, a great white shark swam towards us. It opened its mouth and exposed its sharp teeth. We were shocked. There are not only many people in the aquarium, but also all kinds of animals under the sea. We are very curious.

  I watched crocodiles, sharks, bow-backed fish, and met small turtles, starfish, goldfish, and so on. We also said hello to the little turtle. The little turtle was excited to climb out and shake hands with us. The most honest one was the little starfish, who lay there motionless. This is really a big undersea world.

  We came out of the aquarium and went to the green grass to have lunch with the group of students. After lunch, we reluctantly drove back to school.

  This is really a happy spring outing!

2.关于春游的英语作文范文 篇二

  Spring is a good season for outings. We look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we look forward to spring outings.

  But the weather is not beautiful. We had just arrived at the school early in the morning, but it began to drizzle. We were still in high spirits and took the "magic school bus" to set off for Tiangong Manor. We visited the plant world and clothing museum. I like the plant world best. I think it is like an encyclopedia of plants, which makes me know a lot of plants.

  In the desert plant area, I saw cacti in different shapes, some like radish squatting, some like overlapping, and some like soldiers standing straight, so interesting!

  My favorite pitaya actually grows on cactus plants! In the tropical rainforest area, I know a plant called "kill the throat when you see the blood". It is a highly toxic plant. If a person has a wound and accidentally lets the work touch its milk, he will die. It's horrible!

  On the display stand in the flower area, I saw a big, round and yellow pumpkin. It is like a "monster", many people think it is fake, it is really incredible!

  This is really a meaningful spring outing!

3.关于春游的英语作文范文 篇三

  The long-awaited spring outing finally arrived, and we came to the Botanical Garden in high spirits.

  First of all, we came to a wide open space in the forest - the base camp, put down our schoolbags, and then we couldn't wait to come to the amusement park. The first thing we came to was the bumper car site, and we got on the bus in order. Yu Chengya and I were in a group. I drove into the car of many classmates, and we got together, and scattered, and had a good time. Then we played a space walk again. We rode our car on the track about three meters high from the ground. At the beginning, I felt that I was going to fall off the car. My heart was pounding with nervousness. Later, I was not afraid of it. I began to look at the scenery. I saw the lush trees, the blue sky, and the soft cotton white clouds. It was really intoxicating.

  After lunch break, our junior teacher took us to the park. Let's say the natural pavilion first. It is composed of two trees, like two good friends shaking hands, and then flowers! Tulip, Apollo, violet, lavender... and some unknown flowers are all very beautiful. Among them, I like Apollo best. It is as red as red flame, and there are many colors of flowers. They compete with each other and are very beautiful! It's so fascinating!

  We are very happy this spring outing. I really look forward to the next spring outing!

4.关于春游的英语作文范文 篇四

  On Friday, it was sunny and sunny. I am so excited when I finally look forward to this day. The school organized us to play in the botanical garden.

  In the morning, we came to the school early and saw the class gathered on the playground, standing in a neat line. I joined the team cheerfully, because some students haven't arrived yet, so we have to wait for the students who haven't come. I am worried, hoping to change a pair of wings and fly to the botanical garden immediately. After all the students arrive, we rush to the bus. When we came to the bus, we scrambled to get on the bus and got on the bus. Finally, under our expectation, the driver drove straight to the destination botanical garden.

  After entering the gate of the botanical garden, we found a place to be our base camp. With excitement, we welcomed our favorite game time. There are many kinds of projects: bumper cars, pirate ships, merry-go-round horses... We played bumper cars first. We played with some fourth-grade students under the arrangement of the instructor. After driving, we bumped into each other from time to time and had a great time. The laughter reverberated in the field. My favorite game is the pirate ship. When we entered it, the staff said to raise our hands, and we all raised our hands like surrender. The operator pressed the start button, and the ship began to shake. A while ago and a while later, it was very cool. We had a lot of fun, and we couldn't close our mouths!

  Then, we went back to the base camp to eat. After eating, we went to see the flowers. The colorful tulips were all showing their beauty.

  This spring outing still fresh in my memory. I had a great time. The spring outing was really happy.

5.关于春游的英语作文范文 篇五

  Today, our family went to Xianhua Reservoir for spring outing.

  In the morning, when I get up, I see that the weather is fine. After breakfast, we set out. On the way, Grandpa and Grandma talked about the things they came to cut firewood in the mountains. I listened with interest. When the car reached an intersection, we walked to the left. The mountain road was already a concrete road. We walked along the winding mountain road, and soon felt that we had entered a fairyland on earth. On both sides are towering green mountains with birds singing and flowers fragrant. After a while, I came to the dam of Xinxianhua Reservoir.

  The first thing to see is Siyuan Pavilion, a monument in front of the pavilion, on which are the inscr iptions of the county head and the secretary of the county party committee. Turning to the reservoir dam, we can see the clear and green lake water in front of us. We walk along the cement road beside the reservoir to the end of the reservoir. There are many Yingshan reds on the mountain side, and we scrambled to pick many. Then I visited Laoxianhua Reservoir. We saw two tortoise mountains and watched the power station. There is surging water, but it is still clear.

  Finally, we went home in the warm spring light with a happy mood.
