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【#小学英语# 导语】听力常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力;通常有听对话选择答案、听句子默写关键字词几种形式。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。




1. cat 2. dog 3. horse 4. pencil 5. tiger

(1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C)

二、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B

三、1. toy tigers 2. boys, girls 3. cute/lovely, fat 4. like English 5. Do, elephants



1. Do you like pandas? 2. Look at this bike.

3. Open the door, please. 4. They are fat and lovely.

5. Little dog, run with me.

(1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C)

二、1. your 2. buses 3. those 4. stand 5. my




1. I like apples very much. 2. They’re cute and fat.

3. Do you like that toy car? 4. Open the books, please.

5. Welcome to my farm. 6. They’re twins.

(1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. × 6. √)


1. What do you like? 2. Do you like apples?

3. Open the window, please. 4. Look at my little cat.

5. What’s that over there? 6. How old are you?

(5 6 1 4 3 2)

三、seven, ready, get/hurry/wake, holiday, school



1. make 2. where 3. clock 4. he 5. now

6. right 7. robot 8. fat 9. that 10. lion

(1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A)


1. Look at these cats. 2. I like horses. 3. Here is your new cap.

4. It’s twelve o’clock. 5. I want a robot.

(4 2 5 1 3)


1. How old are you? 2. Do you like apples? 3. Look at that bird.

4. What do you like? 5. What’s that?

(1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C)


My name is Tim. I’m eleven. I like toy pandas. They’re cute and fat. What about you? Do you like toys? What animals do you like? Let’s make friends.

(Tim, eleven, pandas, cute, fat, about, Do, toys, animals, friends)

五、1. cat bag 2. bike Mike 3. teacher peach

六、l. monkeys 2. my 3. these 4. Stand 5. boxes

6. lovely 7. they 8. you 9. don’t 10. are

七、1. twelve horses 2. seven o’clock 3. an elephant 4. like pandas 5. six cats

6. that black dog 7. 在木头上 8. 和我一起跑 9. 在树上 10. 一些可爱的动物

八、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A

九、1. Here is your bag.

2. It’s time for lunch./It is time for lunch.

3. The toy monkey is under the chair.

4. Mike and I like birds.

5. Are those chickens too?

十、1. Don’t open 2. Is this your 3. Do, like, Yes, do

4. What are 5. Where’s 6. What, cute

十一、1. × 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. √



二、1. 1ike 2. likes 3. like 4. likes


一、 听音,选词。

( ) 1. I wear my T-shirt and the . A. shoes B. shorts

( ) 2. Look at the , they are cheap. A. socks B. shoes.

( ) 3. Where is the ? A. board B. ball.

( ) 4. What are they ? They‘re . A. tomatoes. B. potatoes

( ) 5. How much is the ? A. dress B. jeans

( ) 6. There are many vegetables at the . A. farm B. farmer

( ) 7. It’s time Chinese class. A. four B. for

( ) 8. We play sports in the . A. gym B. Jim

( ) 9. My dress is too . A. short B. shirt

( ) 10. Put on your , go to the playground. A. sneakers B. slippers

( ) 11. What are ? A. there B. they

( ) 12. How many ducks are ? A. there B. they

( ) 13. is the canteen? A. Wear B. Where

( ) 14. How many can you see ? A. cat B. cats

( ) 15. are my shoes. A. This B. These

二、 听问句,选答句。

( ) 1. A. Yes, it isn‘t. B. No, it is. C. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, they aren‘t. C. No, they are.

( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it isn’t.

( ) 4. A. There are two. B. They are two. C. They are goats.

( ) 5. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 6. A. It‘s 20 yuan. B. They are 20 yuan. C. It’s 12:00.

( ) 7. A. ¥12 B. 12 C. 12:00

( ) 8. A. It‘s red. B. They are red. C. They are cows.

( ) 9. A. It’s on the first floor. B. It‘s five o’clock. C. It‘s yellow.

( ) 10. A. It’s my brother‘s. B. It’s Alice. C. It‘s my father.

( ) 11. A. It’s warm. B. It‘s eleven o’clock. C. They‘re cold.

( ) 12. A. No, it’s cold. B. Yes, it‘s cold. C. Yes, they are.

( ) 13. A. Size 6. B. It’s 6. C. Yes, please.

( ) 14. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I can‘t help. C. Yes, I want a pair of shoes.

( ) 15. A. They are cows. B. It’s a cow. C. There are cows.

三、 听音,填表。






四、 听音,填数字。

1. + = . 2. + = .

3. + = . 4. + = .

5. + = . 6. + = .

五、 标价钱。

六、 听音,写出并划出时间。

七、 听音, 填单词。

1. Is Mike‘s ? No, it’s . It‘s shirt.

2. This shirt is , but it’s too . I like the

with the . It‘s very . I’ll take them.

3. is your ? It‘s .

4. How are ?

There are .














