
时间:2021-08-28 21:36:55 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】抗洪,是汉语词汇,解释为指抗御洪水灾害。救灾,国家和社会为防止和挽救自然灾害对人类社会造成的损害所进行的斗争活动。广义包括防灾、抗灾、救灾;狭义主要指灾害发生后的抢救、补救、救助。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The torrential rain raged and the rivers soared. Waves of flood peaks fiercely attacked the Yangtze River embankment. Just entering the early summer, a catastrophic flood rarely seen in a century came unexpectedly. Millions of soldiers and civilians were mobilized urgently, and the arsenic column flowed in the middle. They fought continuously day and night for 100 days and nights, sacrificing their lives. "Take strict precautions and stick to it! People are on the embankment!" this is the sonorous oath of the army and the people.

  Take strict precautions! People are on the bank! What a powerful eight words. In front of my eyes, a word emerged: stick to it.

  Nowadays, "stick to" is not often mentioned. What people pursue is "natural and unrestrained" and "cool". Persistence was once weak and difficult due to the lack of its content, so that sometimes it sounded as far away as the carriage age.

  Across the century, we, who shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times, often seem unable to bear the "connecting the past and the future" that we are often proud of. At the juncture of two centuries, the situation and choices we face are unprecedented, but because of this, we often show more impetuous and frivolous emotions. The same unprecedented state is that many things have become somewhat vague and specious in front of us. We have never encountered the parents' going to the mountains and the countryside, nor can we be as happy as the children born in the 1990s to have Barbie dolls. Living under this "gap", there are many gaps that need to be filled one by one. We intuitively find that there is not enough time. Therefore, the angle we accept for persistence gradually shrinks, even almost empty, and we have almost forgotten its meaning. Unconsciously, "persistence" is shelved by us. This artificial neglect and "giving up" makes us gradually lazy; Moreover, we can easily list a lot of reasons to justify ourselves.

  Because of these, I once pessimistically thought that the number of people who could stick to it was as few as giant pandas, which was beyond my reach.

  However, the fact is that the people who stick to it are not far away. They are right beside us. From the hope project to flood fighting and rescue, from the gardeners who stick to the poor and work hard to the children who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers and sacrifice, I undoubtedly saw the existence of perseverance and felt the impact of the strength of perseverance.

  So, stick to what? For our parents, this question seems superfluous. However, in front of us - looking around at us who are struggling before too many choices - it is indeed a serious life proposition that requires you to calm down and think about it.

  Of course, stick to faith and ideals. I don't doubt the potential ambition in our hearts, but sticking to it means strong perseverance and hard work. We must and should have stable psychological quality, so that we won't panic when difficulties and blows come.

  Stick to it, a word with boiling blood when you think of it; Persistence is the spirit we are looking for; Behind the persistence, I see our great nation standing tall.


  Since the flood season this year, our city has encountered a rare flood situation in history. The rain situation in the city is urgent, the water situation is rapid and the disaster is serious. At the most critical and dangerous moment, the whole city actively responded to the call of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government and devoted themselves to the main battlefield of flood fighting and disaster relief. On more than 1300 kilometers of river embankments, more than 60000 cadres and people and the affected people stood together and worked together to form a great capacity of flood fighting and disaster relief, and jointly wrote an impassioned and moving song of flood fighting and disaster relief.

  This is a vanguard force, which embodies the fighting spirit of Party members and cadres who are not afraid of difficulties and dare to take responsibility. In the face of disasters, the interests of the people are paramount. The majority of Party members and cadres always put ensuring the safety of people's lives and property in the first place, devote themselves to the front line of flood fighting and disaster relief, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the people. In the face of danger, they are not afraid of difficulties and dare to take responsibility. They can stand up at the critical moment, take the lead and be desperate; Rush up at a critical juncture, rush ahead and forget to die. Yin Jianping, Liu Anjun, Zheng Lilong... On the front line of flood fighting and disaster relief, Party members and cadres can be seen everywhere. They unite and lead the masses to overcome disasters and tide over difficulties, let the bright red party flag fly on the main battlefield of flood fighting and disaster relief, and achieve "one branch, one fighting fortress, and one party member, one bright flag"... With their responsibilities and responsibilities, It conveys a pioneering force, which has brought the hearts of the victims to the heart, with courage to overcome the floods, and confidence and determination to restore production and rebuild their homeland. It also makes the party's purity, advanced nature and militancy strong in the torrential rain.

  This is a source of strength, reflecting the resilience and self-improvement of the affected people. In the face of the serious threat of the surging flood, the broad masses of the people, fearless, stepped forward to fight the high temperature, fight the evil waves, build a ridge, check the hidden dangers and eliminate the danger, and launched a desperate struggle with the flood devil with an iron will; They are persistent and self-improvement. They can carry out post disaster reconstruction and production self-help wherever the flood retreats. At present, the broken dikes in the city have been closed, the flood damaged roads have been unblocked, the flooded fields are rippling with green, and the affected homes have recovered their vitality... From them, we see a spontaneous and conscious mass force, which is the source of decisive victory in flood fighting and disaster relief. They are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, face difficulties, be optimistic and strive for self-improvement, and write a new footnote for the spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief.

  This is a fighting force, which embodies the fighting spirit of the people's soldiers who are not afraid of sacrifice and dare to win. A flood is a severe test. At the most dangerous juncture, the heroic people's soldiers always move at the command and go to danger, leaving safety to the masses and danger to themselves. In the torrential rain, at the breach of the river bank, in the flooded farmland... In each of the worst affected areas, the majority of officers and soldiers of the army are willing to die, indomitable, not afraid of sacrifice and fight bravely. The more critical the situation is, the more courageous they are to go forward and win, vow to fight to the death with the flood, and strive to minimize the property losses of the people. The bodies covered with mud and the figures carrying sacks on their shoulders reveal the fighting strength of contemporary soldiers who dare to fight hard battles. They are the strong backing for the victory of flood fighting and disaster relief.

  This is a kind of friendly force, which shows the dedication of all sectors of society to support each other. After the disaster, the people of the whole city shared the same fate, heart to heart, and extended a helping hand from the city to the countryside, from the army to factories and mines, from organs to the grass-roots level, from streets to schools; The city's voluntary service organizations organized volunteers to donate money and materials to the disaster areas one after another; Ma'anshan is full of surging upsurge of fighting for the flood and supporting the front line of flood fighting, and describes the moving picture of fighting the flood devil with one heart and one mind and protecting the home... It is with the support of this friendly force that the production and living order in the disaster area has been rapidly restored, and the work of production self rescue and home reconstruction has been carried out in a powerful and orderly manner.

  Looking back on this magnificent picture of flood fighting and disaster relief, these forces have greatly concentrated our thoughts and consciousness, unprecedentedly concentrated our responsibilities and actions, and always inspired us to move forward bravely. In this arduous struggle for flood fighting and disaster relief, the whole city has always been closely united, rallying strength with ideals and beliefs, warming each other with truth and love, and sharing responsibility with struggle and dedication. The great spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief is a powerful driving force and spiritual wealth for us to promote economic and social development. We should turn the experience of flood fighting and disaster relief into an effective method to promote development, turn the enthusiasm of flood fighting and disaster relief into the responsibility of paying close attention to implementation, guide and promote the current work with the spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief, gather a strong force to forge ahead, and strive to create a new situation of transformation and upgrading and accelerate development!


  There was a heavy rain here today.

  There was only a gust of wind in the morning, and the sun flickered in the dark clouds. In the evening, the clouds became thicker and thicker, and the wind was much stronger. After a blast of thunder, there was a whirring sound from a distance. I looked up and saw a huge rain curtain, a vast expanse of white, rolling towards us. It was late. It was fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it came in front of us. My father and I hurriedly closed the doors and windows. The strong wind with egg raindrops knocked on the doors and windows horizontally, making a crackling sound, which made people tremble.

  The balcony of my house was not sealed, and the rain immediately seeped into the house from the gap. For a time, the gate was in an emergency! The window is urgent! The whole ground is covered with water. The middle room was paved with ceramic tiles. It was not a big problem to soak in water, but the wooden floor in the room was soaked in water, and the consequences were unimaginable. Therefore, my father and I immediately put into the flood fighting and rescue of defending the wooden floor.

  At first, we wanted to block the water in the cofferdam or dig the pit to accumulate water, but we couldn't find the sand for a while, and it was difficult to dig the pit with ceramic tiles on the ground. These two methods didn't work. The water was constantly flowing into the house. In a hurry, we pushed the water outward with our hands. We couldn't resist it. Seeing that the rain was about to break through the line of defense, my father was in a hurry and took off his pants in front of the door. Because the trousers are made of chemical fiber, they can't absorb much water and can't play a big role in rescue. Inspired by my father, I said to my father, "use a towel to absorb water?" my father said, "you can have a try." we each took a towel, let the towel absorb enough water, and then screw the water into the washbasin. This repeated, the effect is really good, the rain just can't move forward, and the rescue has achieved a preliminary victory.

  Because I have been squatting for a long time, my two legs are sour and painful. I can't even stand up. I still have a big blood bubble on my hand. I really want to have a rest. But seeing that my father was still sucking and screwing, I got up and did it again. We had only one idea in our hearts: "floor, keep the floor!" at this time, the wind and rain outside were deafening; We sweat, rain and water.

  After 40 minutes of fierce fighting, the rain outside finally decreased, the floor was finally saved, and our flood fighting and rescue won the final victory.

