
时间:2023-10-05 16:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  中国过西方节日的人越来越多了,不同年龄层次的人都有,以年轻人居多。目前,全球化是现代世界的趋势,不仅仅是经济全球化,文化全球化也是其中重要的一部分,也是无法避免的。中国节日强调的是文化意义,集体意识。西方节日强调人与人之间以及每个人内心的体验,例如感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是唤起人与人之间良好的社会关系、唤起自强不息的民族意识的节日。这样的节日很好地补充了我们国家的节日。这是文化差异,没有好坏之分。


  Western festivals have been celebrated by more and more Chinese people of different ages,especially young people.Globalization is the trend of modern world.In addition to economic globalization,cultural globalization is also a significant part of it and it is inevitable.Chinese festivals emphasize cultural implication and collective awareness,while Western festivals stress everyone's inner experience when staying alone or being together with others.For example,Thanksgiving Day is a festival which arouses smooth social relations among people and evokes national awareness of continuous self-improvement.Such festivals are good supplement of Chinese festivals.This is just cultural difference between Chinese festivals and Western festivals,and neither can be judged as good or bad.

  1.中国过西方节日…以年轻人居多:第一句在翻译时候使用被动语态更为恰当,即Western festivals have been celebrated by...

  2.良好的社会关系:可译为smooth social relations。smooth也可以fine来表达。


  4.很好地补充了…:可译为be good complement of...

  5.文化差异:可译为cultural difference。

  6.没有好坏之分:即“不能判断好与坏”,译为neither can be judged as good or bad,其中neither意为“两者都不…”。

