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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假你有遇到什么趣事呢?如果让你写一篇暑假趣事作文,你会怎么写?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It's summer vacation with cicadas chirping. I'm going to catch beetles in the mountains with my father. On the way to "Jigong Mountain", there are a lot of people pushing and pushing everywhere. It's packed. The scenic spot of Jigong Mountain is really worthy of its reputation. I still remember last summer

  Cicadas on the tree "chirped", making my father and I scurry and run away. But as soon as we arrived at the mountain, we saw the monstrous and powerful beetle. My father and I called it "Black King Kong warrior", which made us happy and excited! It turned out that the "Black King Kong warrior" was very rare, so I caught it and held it in the palm of my hand like a treasure! My father and I continued to search for more rare beetles.

  There are also free flying dragonflies, colorful butterflies, colorful fireflies, and countless stars in the sky at night. It's really spectacular! My father and I caught more than a dozen beetles. I saw them fighting. It was a mixture of sadness and joy, because some were beaten to death, while others were unharmed, like heroes! Dad and I always fall when we see them fighting! Call them "sumo wrestlers". I still remember a little "chicken bug", whose life was like a fish in a boiling pot, and finally was "run over" by a car, which made me heartbroken! Catching beetles is exciting and fun.

  It's summer vacation again this year. I really want to go to Jigong Mountain with my father to catch beetles. This is what I most expect and want to do again this summer vacation


  There are many interesting things in the summer vacation, like countless stars in the sky. Next, I'll tell you one thing.

  One night, Liu Yu, me and his brother were playing hide and seek in the yard.

  The game begins. Let me catch it first. I shouted, "1, 2, 3... 10, I'm coming!" I first observed the nearby grass and found something moving in the grass, so I continued to observe. After a while, I saw a figure flash behind a big tree. I hurriedly chased after it and shouted, "come out, I see you!" I saw the figure come out from behind the big tree in despair. It turned out to be Liu Yu's brother. I looked for Liu Yu in other buildings and grass, but I couldn't find him. I decided that Liu Yu was at the gate of the yard, so I went to the gate of the yard to look for it, but I couldn't find it. I think: Liu Yu is a breathless little guy. When he sees me looking for him here, he will definitely not come out. If I leave, he will definitely move.

  A day passed in a blink of an eye. In the evening, the setting sun left only the last golden light on the earth.

  The whole earth has become a golden ocean. The afterglow of the sunset scattered on the pond, and the pond became red like a mature high sun. The afterglow scattered on the car beside the road, and the car became made of gold.

  Looking up at the clouds in the West sky, they were "baked" red by the sunset, and the clouds kept changing patterns. After a while, it became a fine horse, and its long and powerful hooves were completely spread out. The horse's tail was cocked high, as if it was running heartily on the grassland. After a while, the horse ran away, and a little sheep appeared in the sky. The sheep's hair turned golden after the sunset. In that case, the owner of the sheep will surely laugh his mouth shut: his sheep should grow golden hair. Then the lamb turned into a turtle and crawled carefree in the sky. He may not even know that he has become a golden tortoise, otherwise he may become more arrogant than a goose. Speaking of Cao Cao, at this time, a goose really appeared in the sky. It still raised its head high and walked proudly and leisurely in the sky. There was really no way to take it.

  Slowly in the evening, the last light disappeared, and the earth became quiet again.


  In the hot summer vacation, my brother and cousin went back to Pingdong's grandparents' house to play. During this period, many interesting things happened.

  I rode my bicycle with my brother and cousin on a path. I found a snake in the grass. I was scared and trembled. We rode home like tigers; When I go to bed at night, the picture of snakes always comes to my mind, making me unable to sleep. The next morning, we got up early in the morning to help Grandpa and grandma pick betel nuts. At first, we rushed to pick betel nuts. Grandpa said, "take your time, don't worry." Halfway through the harvest, my cousin said, "I'm so tired! I've got backache, and I'm going to bed." Grandma said, "how can children have low back pain and back pain? I can't stand it." My brother and I kept laughing until our chin almost fell off. After that, I worked harder and faster, filling baskets with betel nuts. As time passed, we soon finished picking all the betel nuts. Seeing that we had picked so many betel nuts, I felt very happy. Day after day, the summer vacation has come to an end soon, and the day of school is coming. I'm unwilling to go to school, so I want not to go to school!

  I think grandpa and grandma are so hard! We have to pick betel nuts every summer vacation. We can't imagine the hardship. Therefore, we must be filial to our parents, listen to their words, and can't talk back to them. Of course, now we should study hard, absorb more knowledge, make ourselves useful people, and cherish ourselves and life.


  I spent this summer vacation at my grandparents' house.

  One day, it was sunny and sunny. I went to the vegetable field with some friends. As soon as I entered the vegetable field, I saw tall poplar trees on both sides of the road, planted with green vegetables, including potatoes, cabbage, carrots and so on.

  We played games under a tall poplar tree. Suddenly, a "black thing" flew into the neck of a little buddy. He felt itchy. He touched his neck and took out a black bug, shouting, "I caught a longicorn!" oh So this black thing is longicorn. It has a pair of long antennae, two thorns on its neck, and yellow dots on its back.

  I remember my grandfather told me that longicorn beetles, longicorn beetles are a kind of pests, which live on poplar trees and rely on sucking the juice of trees to maintain their lives. So I said to my little friend, "longicorn is a pest. Let's catch it and play." I found a longicorn with a bamboo pole, so I pulled it out and it fell off the tree. After a while, each of us caught one, and I proposed: whose longicorn do we run faster than.

  We named the longicorn and started the competition. My longicorn is called "blackhead general". At the beginning, the "blackhead general" was far away. After a while, the obvious "Grand Admiral" slowly caught up from behind and gradually approached my "blackhead general". I tried my best to cheer it on. It seemed to understand my words, gradually accelerated its speed, left other tianniu behind and won the championship. I was very happy.

  Longicorn competition is really interesting!


  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the two-month summer vacation is over. In retrospect, it is as thought-provoking as chewing gum. Interesting things surfaced in my mind, and I couldn't get rid of them. The most interesting is the trip to qingtianhe.

  It was the last Sunday before school began. My mother was finally free, so my family chose to visit the qingtianhe scenic area near home. We drove by ourselves. The road of the whole scenic area can be said to be really eighteen bends in the mountain road, so that my father used two sentences all the way: "suffocated." You must not think that the air is stuffy, which makes people feel suffocated. In fact, it means that the car is suffocated, because the mountain road is too steep, and the car has stopped twice because of the sharp curve.

  Finally, we arrived at the scenic spot. We took a boat for a while and played in the water for a while. It was very interesting. But I think the most interesting thing is that our family skates bamboo rafts. Dad bow, mom stern, I'm in the middle. At first, my mother couldn't work hard, so that our bamboo raft was always spinning in place. Later, under the guidance of my father, my mother finally learned. When I was on the boat, I watched my father and mother rowing bamboo rafts. I couldn't help but participate in it. Unfortunately, my strength was too small and I was tired in a while.

  As the sun sets, we also have to go home, but recalling the beautiful mountains and water, I can't bear to leave. Our family agreed to come next summer vacation.


  One evening, I was learning cycling with my sister and mother on a sparsely populated path in the community.

  I got on my bike carefully and stepped on my foot slowly. After riding for a while, I felt my center of gravity becoming more and more unstable, so I put my feet down and supported it on the ground to stabilize my center of gravity. Mother said, "as long as you find that you are going to fall, your feet can be put down, or you can put the faucet in the other direction of the direction you want to fall.". The next time I fell, I used the second method my mother said, so I successfully stopped myself from falling. But just when I was happy, I rode my bike to the lawn. I quickly put my feet on the ground to stop the bike from moving forward.

  After the first two attempts, I probably know where to ride and what to do: when riding on the lawn, you can immediately bypass the lawn, when riding on the place where you want to climb, you can use your feet to step on the foot hard, when riding on the downhill place, you should step on the foot a little slower and hit the left brake at the same time.

  Knowing this, I plan to try again. I am confident enough to ride my bike and start my last ride today. I rode very smoothly until my mother thought it was time to go home.

  This is the most interesting thing in my summer vacation.


  You must have some interesting things in the summer vacation. But after hearing this, you will laugh.

  In the morning, after mom and dad left. Home has become my world. I turned on the air conditioner, took out the snacks I had hidden in advance, opened a bottle of soda and took a sip. It was like being in heaven.

  I sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control, turned on the TV expertly, tuned to my favorite channel, picked up potato chips and ate them "Ka Cha Cha", and then drank a mouthful of cold soda. In one word, it was "Shuang". In my mind, what my parents said to me before I left has long become a floating cloud, floating out of my head.

  When I was having a good time, my snacks were robbed by my big eater. I had to stand up, run downstairs in three steps and two steps, buy snacks, and hurried back.

  When I opened the door, a burst of cold air rushed to my face. As soon as the door closed, I also picked up snacks and played carefree. Look at this posture, it's really a living big eater.

  At this moment, I suddenly felt a chill behind me. Turning around, I saw that it was my mother. She was looking at me with a lot of "laughter" on her face and asked, "do you want to eat 'bamboo shoots and shredded pork'", and then she fried happily.

  In this way, my world perished in its own scream.


  In the summer vacation, many people did interesting things: travel, training, summer camp... And the most interesting thing I did in the summer vacation was "labor".      During the summer vacation, my mother took me to grandma's house. Because my mother said I was always "Crazy" at Grandma's house, she wouldn't let me stay at Grandma's house.

  At Grandma's house, I learned many skills. She always said, "you are a girl, don't be lazy, be diligent." In this way, under her influence and education, I changed.

  Let's talk about making dumplings first. In the past, I always rolled noodles on the rolling pin or the cutting board because of poor power control. When rolling a dumpling skin, I mostly rubbed the noodles and rolled the skin into various shapes. Now it's different. Grandma instructed me to look at the softness and hardness of the noodles first. If it's soft, sprinkle some flour. If it's hard, you can use less flour. Then press the flour preparation with your palm. Control the power of both hands. Pick up the rolling pin and start rolling. Don't be big for a while and small for a while. Let the dough turn in one direction. After the skill is practiced, the skin won't appear triangle and rectangle. When making dumplings, the stuffing is also too much. When you pinch your hands, you look like a general with a big belly. Grandma looked at it and finally said "good".

  Besides folding clothes, as usual, clothes are served by my mother, and I don't worry about it. I can't come here. I can't collect the clothes after they are dry. I can't put them into the cabinet at random. I should fold them neatly and put them neatly. I can't deal with them when I see grandma's demonstration. Slowly, I also learned. Looking at the neat wardrobe, I think it's good to work like this!

  Now I want to say that labor can also be very interesting.


  The happy summer vacation has passed, and many interesting and unforgettable things have happened in the summer vacation. What makes me happy and unforgettable is to participate in the summer camp in Qingdao.

  When we came to Qingdao by train, the first thing we visited was the "May 4th Square" and the "line bridge" Visited the famous Qingdao Ocean University and Haier science and Technology Museum. We also took a group photo in front of the science and Technology Museum. I saw the boundless sea for the first time. I was very excited. The sea was blue. The waves rise and fall, imposing.

  We also visited the underwater world. Underwater world is my favorite place to go. Entering the underwater tunnel, I saw the blue sea water inside the glass cover, like a sapphire. All kinds of marine creatures immediately appeared in front of us, dazzling me. I seemed to be in the sea, and I was deeply attracted.

  All kinds of marine fish swim in the water. There are beautiful fairy fish; There are bulky turtles; There are colorful coral rain. There are powerful lobsters; There are several fierce sharks swimming around. There are colorful corals at the bottom of the sea. I watched the lovely dolphin show. I saw the little penguin for the first time. It's chubby. It's fun to walk around. The wonderful underwater world made me watch it for a long time and didn't want to leave.

  This trip to Qingdao has given me a lot of insight and cultivated my ability to live independently. I think it is interesting and meaningful.


  During the summer vacation, I experienced a lot of interesting things, which are like streamer pictures that I can't forget. However, the most unforgettable thing for me is the sightseeing in Yingze Park in Taiyuan.

  That day, a very good friend of mine was going to Taiyuan for treatment. It happened that I had never been to Taiyuan. After a lot of pestering and pleading, he finally agreed to take me with him.

  We are going to have a good afternoon first, and the "No. 2 scenic spot" in Taiyuan is of course the beautiful Yingze Park. We entered from a quiet path. The sun warmed the slate. When we just entered the park, there were few tourists at the gate. I thought, "Why are there so few people in the park today?" My friend is a jerk. Seeing so few people, he wants to retreat. However, we all thought wrong. After walking for a while, we heard the noise of the crowd. We quickened our pace, wow! The park is really interesting! On the tree lined paths, leisurely people enjoy the cool under the shade of trees. On the wider roads, small vendors can be seen everywhere, shouting, as if they did not feel the sun's ferocity. The lake was sparkling, and boats were floating leisurely on the lake. People are sitting on boats, eating snacks and chatting, not to mention how comfortable they are. As long as you row, all your troubles and unhappiness will be thrown out of the sky. This afternoon, we had a lot of fun!

  In retrospect, how interesting this summer vacation is!
