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【#英语资源# 导语】唱响快乐的歌谣,跳起开心的舞蹈。放下繁忙的学习,驰游美丽的山川。畅享自然美风光,东奔西忙去做客。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  This summer vacation, I spent at my grandfather's house in the countryside. Grandpa raised a big white goose with white feathers, tall and powerful. In it, I witnessed a very interesting thing.

  In the morning, Grandpa brought a bowl of corn kernels to the big white goose. The big white goose was very happy, "quack". At this time, only two powerful "woof woof" sounds were heard, and grandpa's rhubarb dog walked towards the white goose.

  Wang MI is the favorite of white geese. He doesn't want to share it with others. He shrugged his feathers, put his flat mouth on the dog's leg, and pulled out a pinch of dog hair. The rhubarb dog became angry, arched his back, and bit at the goose's hip. Suddenly, goose hair and dog hair crisscross and dance... Generally speaking, if goose and dog fight, goose will lose. But the big white goose raised by grandpa is different. It is not only tall, but also famous for its ferocity. After a few rounds, rhubarb dog was defeated. He ran away in despair.

  The white goose finished his breakfast and wanted to go out and take a bath. It was very happy to see a big basin with water. It doesn't care. It jumps into the basin and washes. For a while, wash the hair on the buttocks with your mouth, and for a while, lift the soles of your feet and the gray tips on your head. It's so pleasant! Suddenly, Grandpa shouted, "beast, this is the water for my laundry!"

  I burst out laughing. What a naughty and lovely white goose! Only in my hometown can I see such an interesting thing with my own eyes.


  The happy summer vacation is coming. I'm like a bird released from a cage. I can fly freely in my own space. There is no heavy burden of study, no mother's nagging, no entanglement of books, and only the innocent smile of childhood.

  In mid August, my family went to see the sea. The wide beach is full of crystal clear sand. Stepping on it with one foot is like stepping on a soft and comfortable carpet. My sister and I chased each other. From time to time, we picked up a hand of gold like sand and threw it into the air. The sand fell from the sky like a fairy scattered flowers. The sea was sparkling under the sunlight, and the green water patted the sand and stone, like cordial greetings over and over again. Facing the rough sea, I always want to sing a song to express my happiness.

  Since I came to the beach, of course, I had to swim in the sea. My father taught me how to dive. I thought I had learned, so I gave the swimming ring to my mother. I swam, and there was a reef in front of me, which turned me upside down, but I was scared. Dad kindly said to me, "son, don't be afraid, don't be discouraged, I believe you will swim." After hard exercise, I don't know how many mouthfuls of seawater I have drunk, but I am also particularly happy. Because I finally try to swim in the sea.

  This is my summer vacation, which is both happy and wonderful, which makes me unforgettable.


  Today, I rode my bike with my father and mother to the small forest in the distance. As soon as I arrived here, I was deeply fascinated by the scenery here and intoxicated with it.

  White clouds are floating in the blue sky. Sometimes they are like cute polar bears, sometimes they are like lively and cute white rabbits, sometimes they are like mighty white tigers... They are ever-changing and charming.

  In the forest, there are green trees. A group of cute white rabbits were playing on the grass, and the fallen leaves on the ground made a "rustling" sound at the feet of the little white rabbits. The birds on the branches are flocking and chirping... For a moment, here is a concert of nature.

  The stream twists and turns and extends far away. A group of cheerful little fish, some freely swimming around, spitting bubbles; Some scurry around, like playing hide and seek; Others suddenly stopped and stayed quietly, as if they were observing the surrounding situation and preparing to escape. You see, this little fish seems to have found the enemy and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Looking at this beautiful scene, everyone couldn't help sighing, "it's so beautiful here!"


  My sister had her hair cut short, her big eyes were flashing, and her nose was just like her mother's. My sister is the best at playing tricks on me. Let me talk about it.

  Today, my sister came to my house. I was doing a scientific experiment while my sister was playing. After a while, my sister slipped away quietly while I wasn't paying attention. I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water back. My sister miraculously appeared in my room again. She brought a box of cookies and said to me, "sister, here you are. This is brought back by my father from abroad on business." With that, she took out biscuits and ate them one by one. I couldn't resist the temptation and asked her for a piece. My sister handed me a biscuit with a bad smile on her face, and I took it and bit, "eh? Why is it so spicy?" I asked my sister. My sister giggled, "look at the sandwich carefully!" I broke open the biscuit and almost fainted. It turned out that the sandwich was my mother's toothpaste. My sister made a face and said, "I licked the cream long ago. What you eat is toothpaste, hahaha!"

  This sister is very naughty, and she is also the pistachio of our family. She often makes us laugh! How about my sister? Isn't she funny?


  Summer life is rich and colorful. However, what makes me most happy is catching locusts at home. At noon that day, the sun was shining. I put on my vest and went to catch locusts under the strong sunlight.

  I prepared a small bag containing locusts, took a stick, and walked out of the house with great interest. It's strange that today's locusts seem to know my action and didn't show up. Holding a stick, I beat the grass upside down... Ha, the locust finally appeared! I was secretly proud, took small steps, slowly walked forward, gently put down the stick, took off my shoes, and bent my hands into an arch, becoming a "small cage".

  There is a fat locust in front. Its big eyes are looking ahead, and its tentacles are constantly swinging, as if it is enjoying a wonderful song. I put on a good posture and rushed at the locust with both hands while it was not paying attention. As soon as my hand fell to the ground, I dug my thumb into the palm of my hand, eh? Nothing. I opened my hands carefully. It turned out that the locust had flown.

  I was very angry, thinking: this clumsy locust can escape my palm! I looked up and found it lying on the wall. I learned from the experience of the last time. I immediately stood up without saying a word. Raising my arm and aiming at it was a palm. Put down your hand and see, haha, this locust has become my prey, but it's a pity that it was beaten flat. I was so happy that I continued to catch it. After a while, I caught a bag of locusts.

  Catching locusts not only improved my observation ability, but also made me have fun. Whenever I think of it, my heart will be happy.


  In the summer vacation, I was full of happiness, but what I most unforgettable was that one thing; One day in the summer vacation, my mother and I went shopping. As we walked, I saw a peddler buying Dragonfly frogs. I said angrily to my mother; Mom, why did the peddler buy Dragonfly frogs? The teacher said that dragonfly frogs are my good friends. "Mom smiled and said," yes, but now these people only know how to do business. "

  After my mother said that, she asked me to stand there and wait for her to buy vegetables. After standing for a while, I suddenly saw a man walking to the stall with dragonflies and frogs and said to the vendor; I want to buy a dragonfly frog. The peddler took a dragonfly frog from the cage and then ripped open its belly. I couldn't help it, so I went over to the vendor and said; You are also too unscrupulous. Dragonfly frog is our good friend. The peddler is angry; Are you here to buy Dragonfly frogs? If not, go away. So, I stood there waiting for my mother. My mother finally came back. She looked at my listless appearance, as if she saw my heart. Come over and say to me; Let's buy these dragonflies and put them back in nature.

  My mother and I came to the river, opened the cage and let them out. They jumped back into the river freely, looking back at us as they swam, as if they were telling us; Thank you. My mother and I went home happily.


  Summer vacation is coming! Summer vacation is coming! Summer vacation is coming! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! I believe that the arrival of summer vacation will make many friends, big and small, excited! I'm also excited!

  Whenever the summer vacation comes, our family will take time to go to the water park for a whole day. Just thinking about it made me laugh involuntarily.

  Today, our family came to the water park with joy. The first thing to do when you arrive at the water park is to buy a swimsuit, because the first level is to dance in the water. After everything was ready, we came to the so-called "dance floor" and danced in the water with the music. What I want to pay special attention to is my nephew: Yang Lin, he splashed water, the flowers were particularly large, and he kept treading on the water like crazy, giggling. Dad took him out, and he didn't want to cry.

  The second level is a four person inflatable yacht. Because my nephew is too young to play, my mother stayed to take care of him. I proudly said to my mother, "Mom, it's a pity that you don't come to play!" My voice just started. We slid from a long cylindrical slide to the water, and the speed was very fast! I kept screaming, thinking: God, is this going to take my life? When I got to the water, my carefully designed hair was in a mess. I didn't know where the hair accessories had gone. I looked like a drowned chicken, but I was still very happy.

  The third and final level: Flying man in the water. I saw that the actor's uncle finished the demonstration. Although he looked very wonderful, at the thought of going up to perform, he suddenly had nothing to do with his hands and scared his legs soft. Quietly pulled the clothes of the staff uncle and said, "uncle, can I not play?" Uncle touched my head, smiled and said, "minors can't play!" I breathed a sigh of relief: "it was just a false alarm!"

  Today is really a cool and crazy day.


  One day in the summer vacation, my father drove me and my mother to Wudang Mountain. Along the way, I talked and laughed with my mother. Time passed quickly. I felt that before long, my father told me that I had arrived at the foot of Wudang Mountain!

  I looked at the high mountain in the distance, surprised and scared! Dad quickly bought tickets to the cable car leading to the peak of Wudang Mountain. We boarded the cable car with the "big army". The cable car began to rise. I felt my body suddenly sank, which was very strange. Dad told me that it was similar to the feeling when the plane took off. It was called "overweight", and it would be fine later. Sure enough, after the cable car started, it became very stable. At this time, I looked around, and there were all large and small mountains in the distance. Suddenly, I saw a very strange rock, like a bear, with a hat on its head and a pointed nose. It was leaning out as if it was going to go hunting. It was so interesting!

  After getting off the cable car, we followed the crowd along the feldspar steps to "Wudang Jinding". The steps were very steep. We climbed more than 100 steps to Wudang peak, the peak of Tianzhu peak, Jinding, also known as the golden palace. At this time, I felt like I was in Wonderland. I was surrounded by clouds, but I felt very wet, as if it was raining. The tour guide also told us that there is a brick made of pure gold in the golden palace. Let's find it. Whoever finds it first means that he is lucky this year. It's so fun! After touring Jinding, the Miss guide led us down the mountain.

  As the saying goes, "it's easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down the mountain", the three of us felt tired and backache when we got down the mountain. Looking back, I was lucky to be a little tourist of Wudang in this summer vacation. I visited the high, strange, dangerous and beautiful of Wudang Mountain. Although I was very tired, I really thought this was the most interesting summer vacation!


  This summer vacation was spent at my grandmother's house in Tangshan. There were many interesting things there, of which the most profound one was the word game.

  After dinner, grandma, Grandpa, Dad, mom, and big uncle sat in the yard chatting. I ran around feeling boring and shouting to play games. Mom couldn't beat me and promised. She thought for a while and said to me, "Niuniu, we graduated from grade one and learned a lot of knowledge. Are you confident to compare with grandma and grandpa?" As soon as I heard that I was going to challenge my grandparents, I was so excited that I quickly asked my mother what to compare. Mom told me that compared with word games. She is the host, and her father and uncle are the judges.

  The game began, and my mother said, "add two strokes to the mouth for 10 minutes. Whoever writes more words is the champion." As soon as my mother finished speaking, I lowered my head and wrote down "Tian, Jia, you, Gu". What other words can it make up? My brain began to run at full speed, thinking, suddenly I saw my father and their two referees cheating, and even told my grandfather that they were about to protest, hey, "four" words, hehe, this is God's help to me, isn't this just a word plus two strokes? Oh, by the way, there was the word "plus". I couldn't help shouting. My mother immediately shouted, "pay attention, don't shout, and affect others.". Alas, this "call" is also a word plus two strokes. I hurriedly wrote it down. Now, my thinking suddenly became bright, and I wrote ten in one breath. Who was the final champion? Have a guess!

  Although the game is over, I understand a truth: only applying the knowledge learned to life is the best!


  Dad caught a cicada for me this morning. However, I let cicada go. Dad can't find cicadas anymore. Suddenly, dad found a yellow cicada shell. There is a hole in the back of this shell. Do you know why? It turned out that cicada was a unable larva when it was a child, and it lived in the soil. The larvae live in the soil for a minimum of one year and a maximum of more than ten years.

  When it grows up, it will drill out of the soil, take off its yellow clothes and become a real cicada.
