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  help the victims of natural calamities

  many people may be afflicted with na tur al disasters such as flooding , famine, drought or starvation . should people in rich ar eas extend their help to those unfor tunate victims ?

  i think it is of crucial impor tance to render immediate help since we a re emotionally affected by the sufferings of the numerous people in calamity areas , and our sen se of humanity and sympathy tells us to r each out a hand to them . we must take action in thinking of ways to help instead of staying where we a re with folded arms and indiffer ent r esponse .

  there a re many ways of doing this . we can send r elief worke rs into the problem ar eas like doctors , nurses , technicians or worke rs . t his is a form of rendering professional help . other practical forms of help include collecting and sending food and clothes into these a reas . t hese u seful items will serve their purposes very well in the absence of cor ruptional officials . a far more important way is providing them with technical , agricultural and health education . this will definitely be a more costly involvement but it is effective in building up their economy or developing it for their future survival .


  ·int roduction

  ·impor tance and significance

  * emotionally affected

  * out of sense of humanity and sympathy

  * s hould not stay unmoved

  ·ways of offering help

  * send relief worker s

  * send food and clothing

  * provide technical , agricultur al and health education



  本文是一篇议论文, 主要就帮助灾民的问题发表自己的意见, 提出解决的办法。第一段为引言, 第二段说明问题的重要性和必要性, 第三段中提出了建议和办法。



  natur al calamity 自然灾害

  be afflict ed with 受折磨

  disaste r n . 灾害

  flooding n . 洪火, 水灾

  famine n . 饥馑

  drought n . 旱灾

  sta rvation n . 饥饿

  be of crucial impor tance 至关重要

  render v . 给予, 提供

  emotionally ad . 感情上

  humanity n . 人道

  reach out a hand 伸出援手

  staying wher e we a re with folded arms 袖手旁观

  indifferent response 无动于衷

  relief worke rs 救灾人员

  in the ab sence of cor ruptional officials 没有贪官存在

  costly involvement 很大的投入

  future survival 将来的生存



