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  词源:   前缀ob-来源于拉丁介副词ob,原意是“toward",在构词当中又引申出“against,inversely”等意思,还有“to, in the way, over, away, completely,intensive”等含义。ob-是个原生词缀,一般与拉丁词根缀合,所构成的派生词的词性取决于词根或后缀的属性。由于语音的同化作用,ob-在c,f,p前面,变成oc-,of-,op-。在元音字母及其它辅音字母前,ob-形态不变。   每个前缀的纯英语来源解释:   ob-   prefix meaning "toward, against, across, down," also used as an intensive, from Latin ob "toward, to, over against, in the way of, by reason of, about, before, in front of," from PIE root *epi, also *opi "near, against" (see epi-).   oc-   assimilated form of ob- before -c-.   of-   assimilated form of ob- before -f-.   op-   assimilated form of ob- before -p-.   os-   frequent form of ob- before -c- and -t- in words from Latin.   现在对这几个前缀的含义整理如下:   1.逆着…,和…敌对,和…相反   oppress, opprobrium   2.向着…,给…   obnoxious, opportune   3.妨碍地   officious, obsequious, obsession   4.越过,盖住   obscene, obfuscate, obscure   5.远远地,消失   obviate, omission   6.表强调[完全,干脆,厉害地,继续]   obese, obdurate, obeisance   另外,前缀ob-还有很多变形。   1.oc-[在辅音字母c之前]   occult, occupied   2.of-[在辅音字母f之前]   offensive, officiator   3.op- [在辅音字母p之前]   opponent, inopportune   4.os-[在辅音字母t之前]   ostensible, ostentatious   5. o- [在辅音字母m之前]   此外,前缀ob-还有一些同义前缀,也有“反对,抵抗”的意思,这些词缀是:anti- ,contra- ,contro-,counter-,with-。   1.officiate [of   vt. at+sth perform the duties of an office or position; preside 行使职务,行使职权;主持 oflice 事务所;政府机关 officer 军官 officiator 主婚人 offcial 正式的,公务的;公务员,官员   ex)A Unitarian minister officiated at his funeral.   一位一神论派的牧师主持了他的葬礼。   2.oppress [op   vt. keep down by unjust or cruel government; rule unjustly or cruelly; weigh heavily on 压迫,压制;用*统治;使烦闷,施加重压   oppression 压制,压抑;迫害 oppressor 压制者,暴君 oppressive 压制的,压迫的;烦闷的,窒息的   ex) Organized religion is often used to oppress people, in my view   我认为,组织化的宗教往往被用来压制人民。   3.obliterate [ob( =against) +liter( =letter)逆着文字走]   vt. rub or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy 擦掉;消除痕迹;抹杀   obliteration 删除;抹杀   ex) The crows completely obliterated his corn crop this year.   乌鸦把他今年收获的玉米消灭得一千二净。   4.obese [ob( =intensive) +es   vt. very fat 很胖的,非常胖的 obesity 肥胖,肥大   ex) Nearly 20% all Americans are now classified obese   现在美国人中有近20%可划分为肥胖人群。   5.obligate [ob( =intensive) +lig( =bind)用力地捆]   vt. sb+to do bind someone legally 使负义务;强使 obligation 义务,责任   obligatory 有义务的:要求的,必须的 oblige 使不得不…;使感谢   ex)A typical rental lease obligates the landlord to make any needed repairs.   典型的租赁合同上规定,房东必须负责任何必要的维修。   6.obnoxious [ob( =to) +nox   adj. very disagreeable, very unpleasant, hateful 非常讨厌的.非常不愉快的,可憎的   ex) That obnoxious little boy just kicked me in the shin!   那个可恶的小男孩儿踢到了我的胫骨!   7.obviate [ob( =away) +vi   vt. get rid of; clear away; prevent by effective measures 排除(危险、困难等),清除;消除;防患于未然   obvious 明白的 obviously 明显地   ex) Satellite TV obvistes the need for an outside TV antenna.   有了卫星电视,就不需要室外电视天线了。   8.officious [of   adj. very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice 妤出主意的,多管闲事的   ex)The government required us to use their somewhat officious translator.   政府要求我们用那个爱多管闲事的翻译官。   9.obdurate [ob( =intensive) +dur( =last)继续持续]   adj. stubborn, obstinate, inflexible 顽固的,固执的,没有融通性的   obduracy 倔强,顽固,执拗   ex)He’s extremely obdurate-offending people and never apologizing afterward.   他非常固执,冒犯了别人之后从小道歉。   10.occult [oc 2017年6月大学英语四级词汇前缀:ob-(oc-,of-,op-,os-,o-).doc
