
时间:2022-05-26 22:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六一到了,花儿笑了;童心醒了,忧烦没了;童真回了,惆怅消了;童趣有了,欢乐来了;童颜笑了,生活美了。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Finally, we are looking forward to the annual International Children's Day. Because children's Day is Sunday, our school held a grand 61 party on Friday in advance.

  On the playground, more than 1000 students of the whole school sat neatly together. At a glance, it was dark. The performance began. Everyone was watching the performance attentively and burst into laughter from time to time. The performance is very rich, including singing, dancing, sketches and recitation.

  What impresses me most is the first program: Sword light and sword shadow. This is a sabre and sword performance. I saw the "little warriors" waving their knives and swords with incomparable prestige, which won warm applause from students and teachers.

  The sketch journey to the west is very interesting. They performed very humorous and made everyone laugh. It was not easy to wait until our class performed. What we performed was recitation. Everyone performed very seriously. What a wonderful party. After the party, each student also received a packet of sugar.

  On Saturday night, I received many gifts from my family. I'm so happy. On Sunday, my father took me to Panyu Changlong happy world for a day.

  I really enjoyed this International Children's Day!


  Everyone has their own beautiful childhood, and so do I. Today is the children's day we have been looking forward to for a long time. We all came to the campus early and took the shuttle bus to go to the Jingyuetan I yearned for.

  Half an hour later, we came to Jingyuetan. The first thing we saw was several large fountains spraying water. Many people couldn't help taking photos with their cameras. I also raised my camera and left beautiful photos.

  The fiery red sun is still high in the sky, and the spring water sprayed on the body just to dissipate the summer heat. We came to the forest oxygen bar - our destination. The forest oxygen bar is full of trees and the air is fresh, so I guess this is the reason why the "forest oxygen bar" is named! At lunchtime, each of our groups spread a table cover on the ground and put the food on it to share. After lunch, we started an interesting treasure hunting game.

  After the game, we took the shuttle bus to the Convention and Exhibition Center to see the animation exhibition. We saw many interesting things. What impressed me most was hall 7, where there were characters in Naruto played by some big brothers and sisters.

  After watching the cartoon exhibition, we reluctantly returned to school. This is another meaningful and interesting International Children's Day I spent.


  Early in the morning, I got up early, "ah! The blue sky and white clouds seem to be wishing us a happy growth like the sky and a brilliant future like the clouds." My words disturbed my parents' dreams.

  I came to school early, ah! As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw the exhibition. oh dear! Isn't this the hard pen calligraphy that our class still writes? Isn't this shangjue's? This, that... Ah! I can't finish it. Good!

  I walked slowly through the exhibition. Look, that lovely robot, beautiful characters, lifelike sketch portraits... This beautiful portrait entered my mind, and I reluctantly left.

  I'm in the calligraphy exhibition! How beautiful! Write the words one by one and practice them step by step. Only in this way can you show your achievements. As the saying goes: "three minutes on the stage and ten years off the stage." Now it should be changed into: it looks easy, but it's hard to write.

  How happy this June day is! How I wish this day would never pass!


  Today, I'm so happy! Because I want to participate in the happy "June 1" theme activity organized by the school.

  My father and I came to the activity site early to find the happy base camp for the second year. Dear teacher Yi is waiting for us to get the gift! It turned out to be a bag of delicious snacks. At this time, I saw a lot of people playing BACKTHROW. It seemed very interesting! Rules of the game: parents throw the ball with their backs to their children, and the children catch the ball with a bucket. Dad and I couldn't wait to sign up. Finally, it was our turn. I saw my father throw the ball back, and I quickly caught it with a small bucket. WOW! With the close cooperation of my father and I, we caught three balls and got a bottle of yogurt!

  I also learned to make fun plasticine with my teacher. Look! The butterfly I pinch seems to fly. The frog has a big mouth. It's very cute! Especially small flowers, it seems that they can smell strong fragrance! Next, I also watched a 3D painting exhibition and rolled a funny iron ring

  I had a great time today. Children's Day is really a happy holiday!


  Looking forward to the annual "61" children's day, the most exciting day has finally come.

  Our school held an art show on June 1, and each class should prepare a program. And our carefully prepared Dance - "study hard and make progress every day" is about to be staged. When we rehearse, we practice until six or seven o'clock every afternoon. We never get lazy and study very hard. I believe we will win the prize!

  Early in the morning, our dancing team members came to the classroom and put on beautiful clothes and make-up one by one. Everyone looked energetic, beautiful and lovely. At eight o'clock, the art show began. After watching the wonderful performances of grade one, grade two and grade three students, we walked onto the stage confidently. As soon as the music rang, we danced with the cheerful rhythm. The more we danced, the more fascinated and happy we danced. Finally, we finished the dance and walked off the stage reluctantly. The teacher said happily, "you jump on the stage much better than your usual training, and you are more passionate. I believe you will get the place!" We listened and felt happy.

  Not surprisingly, the next day, the performance evaluation results were announced, and our class won the first prize. Ha ha, let class 2, grade 4 be envious!

  How happy children's Day is this year!


  International Children's Day is the most anticipated day for each of our children, because it belongs to us. In this festival, we can play freely without adult control.

  Our school gave us the June 1st festival in advance. On Sunday morning, the school organized a paper boat competition. Our class sent ten contestants. I was one of them. The competition began: first fold the boat in five minutes, fold the boat, then put the boat into the water, take some coins, put them into the paper boat one by one, put some coins next to the paper boat, and then distribute the coins in the middle, so it is not easy to sink, After a while, seeing the boat sinking gradually, I felt an unspeakable urgency in my heart. However, the paper boat didn't listen to my command and sank before it had time to put the last few coins. I put 91 coins in the paper boat race.

  PA, PA, listen, it's not fireworks or war, but our class 5 (14) is carrying out the June 1 activity. The head teacher, Miss Mao, narrowed his eyes with laughter, and we were so happy that we couldn't close our mouths. What are we playing? Look, we're putting the table tennis ball into a basin full of water, and then use our milk strength to blow it out. Table tennis is so disobedient that it took me a lot of effort to blow out a table tennis ball. Look at how much others have blown out. I don't know what strange things they ate when they were young. His lung capacity is so large.

  After celebrating June 1, I also learned a lot of knowledge and skills. More importantly, I saw the innocence of my classmates.


  Today, we have ushered in the annual "June 1" children's day. In this festival that belongs to us, our school held a "Love Charity Sale" and donated the money from the sale to our compatriots who are in difficulties and need help. We are all excited about it.

  A few days before the charity sale, all classes were busy preparing. Each student donated his beloved items to sell as commodities. They also named their classroom beautiful. Before the charity sale, each class took out the goods in their own shop. Our class is named "manhaoge". Since it is called "manhaoge", the goods must be cheap and exquisite, aren't they! The dazzling array of goods is really unforgettable. The counters in our class are divided into five categories - stationery, toys, handicrafts, books and daily necessities. Everything was ready, with beautiful music slowly ringing, and the charity sale began. The students took their wallets and shuttled through the classrooms. After a while, they bought most of the goods. Finally, there were some worn-out dolls left. They were homeless. The salesperson in our class was not discouraged. They simply started a big sale, selling three yuan for five yuan and two yuan for three yuan. Finally, our efforts paid off. We sold all the goods and raised a total of 485 yuan for charity. Although the students were busy sweating, their hearts were sweeter than honey.

  Through this activity, we understand that sometimes paying even if there is no return can make people happier and happier! Let me understand that happiness comes from sincere love, and love comes from life


  We are the flowers of the future of the motherland, we are the hope of the future of the motherland, and we are the successors of the future of the motherland. Today is International Children's Day, a holiday for our children. Today, our school held a lot of activities to celebrate International Children's Day, including garden activities in the mobile children's palace, team joining ceremony, sports and arts 2+1 featured project display, etc.

  The children's palace is the most fun. I am an activity volunteer. Everyone has a ticket to play the game except volunteers. I was at the caterpillar and someone came to play. They put the ticket on the table first. My friend and I held a seal in our hands, one was a thumb and the other was a crying face. The winner prints his thumb, while the loser prints his crying face. I often can't help going out. In addition to caterpillars, there are hands-on DIY, 3D eyes, hands and feet, garbage sorting, jigsaw puzzles, table football, eating candy... Games. The most worth mentioning is the lucky draw. Our volunteers can draw the prize twice. I got a tablet and a pick stick!

  In the team joining ceremony, I helped the new members of grade one to wear a red scarf. The team joining ceremony was launched, and then our senior members of grade 6 lined up one by one, first class 1, then class 2. We helped the new members of grade one fasten their red scarves, and then we gave the new members of grade one a team gift, and the new members of grade one returned the gift to us. The team joining ceremony was completed.

  The sports art 2 + 1 program is also very good-looking and wonderful. The harmonica played by our class is "military harbor night", and the characteristic project of our class is bamboo pole dance.

  Students, we are the sun of the motherland at eight or nine o'clock. We are the hope of the future of the motherland. Today's June day is a happy June day. Of course, it is also our last June day. I will firmly cherish it in my heart.


  The long-awaited International Children's Day has finally come. The school has carefully prepared rich and colorful programs for us. My classmates and I are very happy.

  In the morning, under the leadership of the teacher, we orderly moved our chairs to the "Fanyu playground". After we got to the designated seats, the activity began. First, the principal announced the opening of "International Children's Day". The performance really began. The first program was "male and female recitation". The two students in class 2, grade 2 recited with real feelings; The second is dancing: Swan Lake, a little girl dressed like a swan, and another boy dressed cool. He danced with the girl politely and danced together. The girl also turned a circle, which was very beautiful; The third program is the "stray cat" performed by girls. When I look carefully, it turns out that Miao peini, my classmate, is also there. Her performance is very brilliant, and I am deeply attracted by her; The last one is the chorus of "Three Virtues". Many students are standing together and singing. Listening, we can't help singing along under the stage: "go out of the small house and enter everyone. It's a family...".

  In the afternoon, the school also held a "charity sale". I not only bought my beloved stationery box, but also expressed my love. It's really killing two birds with one stone. Today, my classmates and I had a happy June day!


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the arrival of International Children's Day. On this day, I was very excited, like a bird just released from its cage, flying freely in the blue sky.

  Today, I was very happy. I went to the park with my mother. In the street, the endless flow of vehicles seemed to wave to me, the flowers seemed to smile at me, and the birds seemed to whisper hello to me: "happy children's Day!"

  There are so many people in the park! People's faces are filled with happy smiles, and the whole park is like an ocean of joy.

  My mother and I came to the ticket office of the bumper car, bought two tickets and began to play. I was determined to hit others. The game started. As soon as it started, someone bumped me in the back. I was in a hurry. I stepped on the accelerator to chase the car. Because I was not familiar with the operation, I bumped East and west along the way. I couldn't tell the southeast from the northwest at once. I was so anxious!

  I went back to the "right track", adjusted my position, grabbed the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and rushed straight at the car. He looked like he wanted to hit others. I hit him from the back and "killed" him by surprise. Dizzy, he looked back and hit me with his head. He was like an enraged lion. He was extremely angry. His face was longer than hairtail and his face was darker than Bao Gong. He chased me to hide... Soon, I lost my square inch and disordered my steps. But just then, the staff rang the bell - the game was over. I stuck out my tongue and made faces at him. I was so lucky that I escaped.

  Then we played a thrilling roller coaster and a huge pirate ship.

