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【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的万圣节到了,街上挂满了像鬼脸般的南瓜灯,感觉到处都阴森森的。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On Saturday morning, I painted in the interest class classroom. At this time, two teachers came in and said, "Halloween is coming! There will be an activity tonight. If you are interested, you can join us.". After listening to this, I thought I would definitely go.

  That evening, I came on time. There are so many activities here, such as painting, ghost guessing, ghost hunting, etc. I think it must be interesting. So the teacher gave me a gun to shoot all the ghosts. Will get the first prize. Hearing this, I was very excited and couldn't wait to enter the ghost trap. There are so many ghosts here. I don't care about them. I sweep them all over. Eh, they also have guns and shoot at me. I couldn't resist it and escaped through a hail of bullets. How do I deal with those ghosts? Yes, I rushed up with a chair as a shield, and they were shot down by me when they were unprepared. The troop strength of the Ghost Legion has been reduced by more than half. I fought more and more bravely. In the end, I killed all these ghosts. Of course, I was also seriously injured, and I was covered with ketchup. There are so many games here! Not enough time to play. Unfortunately, time is limited. I can only play some.

  Halloween is really an interesting and terrible holiday. This is the most special Halloween I have ever had. Unforgettable.


  Today, we experienced Halloween in the West.

  In the afternoon's "British and American Culture" class, we made masks with different shapes.

  After class, the teacher came into the classroom with a pile of colorful paper in his hand, and I took a black one.

  I'm going to make a Zorro mask. First, I drew two trapezoids connected together on the paper, and then drew two trapezoids with the same shape but smaller size between the two trapezoids. Finally, draw two semicircles on the bottom of the trapezoid to pass through the rubber band.

  You should cut it after you draw it. I carefully cut the outline of the whole mask with scissors, and then gently cut the two small trapezoids inside with a utility knife. Use a compass to punch holes in two small semicircles and put rubber bands through them. In this way, we are done. I put on a mask and asked for two chocolates.

  After the mask, we watched two more interesting movies. I hope that in the coming days, we can experience more interesting western culture.


  At 7 o'clock on Saturday evening, Yu Nianlong's mother organized a Halloween party in Xinhai Huating Radio Station. My mother and I went to participate.

  As soon as I went in, I saw Yu Nianlong running around in the crowd with a strange ghost mask on his face to scare people, but nobody was scared by him. Before long, everyone arrived. The Halloween revelry began.

  First of all, the game we played was to lose handkerchiefs, and the people who were chased would perform a program; Many students have performed reciting ancient poems since they were chased. However, Ge Ningna's performance is different from others'. She actually performed with her lower back! Probably because she had practiced dancing before, she stooped very easily, really powerful!

  Then it was time for candy. Mom bought a lot of snacks. Yu Nianlong's mother asked the students to speak English correctly before they could eat sweets; Many students ask Yu Nianlong's mother for words that they don't understand, because his mother's English is very good. After we got the candy, we chatted and ate at the same time. I watched my parents happily dancing the rabbit dance.

  Finally, after a short rest, we went home with a happy mood.


  On October 31, we participated in an interesting Halloween activity.

  In the morning, I happily put on a black dress with a golden spider web, dressed as a spider woman, and went to school. Wow! The students were all excited. Some students wore red cloaks, some wore horns, some wore wizard robes, and some wore pointed hats. All of them were excited, like birds chirping. Some of the discussants even jumped high, as if they had a spring at their feet.

  When the teacher asked us to gather, we quickly sat on our seats, and the teacher began to talk about the next game. The students listened quietly, like a stone thrown on a pile of cotton, without a sound. After listening to the teacher's explanation, the activity began. We first went to the show. On the catwalk platform of the playground, the students wore beautiful clothes, delicate masks, and put on beautiful postures. Everyone applauded and cheered vigorously, Then it was time to beg for sugar. I carried the pumpkin lamp to the door of the laboratory, shouted "Trick or treat", threw a paper cup on the ground, and finally got five pieces of sugar. I was so happy! Finally, we came to the flea market on the playground. There are many lovely toys here. I really like them! After bargaining with my elder sisters, I bought a cute little pink rabbit, a rose pen holder and a deformation pen.

  We had a fun Halloween!


  Today is Halloween. In the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I was very excited. And knowing that today is Halloween, I almost fainted with joy. After a sumptuous breakfast, I started my morning task: homework.

  Finally, it was afternoon. I went to practice big rope with my classmates. Let me talk about the training process! When all the people arrived, we lined up and concentrated on preparations... At this moment, the rope shook up quickly, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the rope hitting the ground, the first student entered! The second student followed closely and jumped lightly in the middle of the rope. In this way, we jumped continuously for three minutes at the fastest speed, and we were all tired and panting. I had already jumped into my mother's arms and drank a lot of water. We had a rest and continued to practice hungrily.

  When we got home, we had dinner and then went to calligraphy class. During the break, one of the students lit a candle on the pumpkin lamp that was made at home. It was perfect!

  How happy today! I wish it were like this every day.


  Today is Halloween. I often watch movies about Halloween. In the movies, some people empty pumpkins, cut out their eyes and mouths and put them on their heads to play ghosts. Others make themselves into zombies, and children ask for candy. I think, will anyone do this today? Before I knew it, I had arrived at school. It was only six o'clock now. It's terrible. The campus is dark and there are no people. I'm a little scared: will there be ghosts! The moon is still hanging in the sky, and the moonlight is so bright that I walked up to the classroom on the fourth floor. Bang, bang, it seems that something has fallen down. Da, da, da, it seems that there are footsteps. When I saw the child's figure, it disappeared immediately, and I could not help shivering. I quickly walked to the fourth floor, wow! I was scared out of my wits. A hand was stretched out from the 'window' of our class, and suddenly it went in. The light turned on and flashed. A candy flew down from the window. I was shocked. The light went out, the door slowly opened, and a head stuck out. I cried out. I opened the door in shock. Hey, I was scared. Don't you know today is Halloween?

  It was Xiaoling who did it. What are you doing? I said I was scared to death. What does it matter? Xiaoling said, "Xiaokun should be shocked by our superb acting skills. It's a good Halloween.". You wait for me! I roared, followed by a hot pursuit, which might be a good Halloween.


  Halloween is coming. The children are very happy. They can go to other people's homes to ask for candy again. Look at them. They are wearing pumpkin hats and ghost costumes. It's really scary. But listen to their voices. They are very lovely. "Let's go and ask for candy!" The leading little ghost couldn't wait. "Go!" The kids finally set out, and they went to other people's homes to ask for candy.

  Time went by minute by second. Finally, it was time to gather. They came with their candy baskets. Look, their baskets were full. But instead of eating by themselves, they lined up and walked eastward to the door of a big house. The leading child said, "Bells ring!" The door opened, and they walked in. An aunt came running excitedly and said, "You asked for a lot of sugar!" The little ghosts nodded happily. The leading little ghost took off the pumpkin cap. He was a little boy. He ran to the aunt and said, "Mom, I have tried my best. I can only ask so many little friends to ask for candy. I don't know if it is enough." "Suzuki, there are so many already. Let's go. Mom will take you to the poor children's home to send candy." "Auntie, let's go too!"

  Cried the little boy's companion. "OK, let's go together."


  Halloween has finally arrived. Although it is not a traditional Chinese festival, we still feel very strange and excited.

  Mr. Sheng is a new English teacher. He is not tall and speaks humorously. He is very popular with students. This time, Mr. Sheng surprised the students. He said to us, "This Thursday is my evening self-study. It's just the eve of Halloween. Let's have Halloween!" This sentence is more in everyone's mind (because we have never had it before).

  Halloween activities started, we took our masks, ready to start. As the first team, our first group sent out candy to each other. Zong Tianqi took the lead and asked one class for candy (which was sent to teachers in each class in advance). We shouted: "Trick or treat." The teachers gave us candy one after another. We went on to the next classroom. Half an hour later, we went back to the door of the classroom, and we finished the work.

  We returned to the classroom and began to count the fruits of our victory. I have three bags of soft candy, two lollipops and two pieces of hard candy. They are very rich. After I count them, I will start to enjoy this meal.

  This is really an unforgettable Halloween!


  In western countries, Halloween is very busy. Some people send greeting cards via e-mail to bless them. Some children take a group of friends to other people's homes and say, "Make trouble without sugar.", Others are timid and afraid of ghosts. They hide at home and dare not go out.

  Hong Hong and Qing Qing went to Aunt Huang's house to knock on the door. Aunt Huang opened the door. Seeing that it was Hong Hong and Qing Qing, they asked strangely, "Are you still going home to sleep at this late hour?" Hong Hong and Qing Qing said loudly, "Make trouble if you don't give us sugar. Give us sugar!" Aunt Huang suddenly realized that she had brought some delicious candies to Honghong and Qingqing. Honghong and Qingqing laughed and were going to knock at another house. Honghong knocked at the door first, but what came out was a monster with a pumpkin head and a white body. "Ghost!" Red and green cried.

  Run away quickly. Qingqing looked behind her as she ran, and whispered to Honghong, "He runs so fast. We can't last long. What can we do?" "Ah" Hong Hong and Qing Qing are caught. Let me go, let me go, help! I'm too young to die! " "Don't be afraid of me." Dad put Honghong and Qingqing down and said, "Happy Halloween! I'm sorry, Honghong and Qingqing. Dad gave Honghong and Qingqing candy. Dad didn't mean to scare you, because today is Halloween!" Honghong and Qingqing made a face and ran home, laughing secretly!

  Happy Halloween!


  Today, Halloween is held on October 31 every year. As far as I know, Halloween comes from western countries.

  Many people call it Ghost Day. I went to investigate and found that the saying of making trouble without giving candy on Halloween was established as follows: whenever Halloween comes, children can't wait to put on colorful make-up clothes, put on strange masks, carry a "Jack Lamp" to go home and ask adults for holiday gifts. The most well-known symbols of Halloween are just these two - the strange "Jack Lamp" and the "trick or treat". That time, I bought books in a mall and saw some people holding Halloween carnivals at their homes. I also went to participate. Many children of my age wore strange masks and asked for candy there. When I saw it, I thought: "It's terrible that they are uneducated. They are not close to learning at all. What are they doing?" So, I stared and just started to leave. A man with a face full of pumpkins grabbed me. I was scared to death. I asked him why? She took off her mask. She turned out to be my best friend and scared me to death. She said, "Let's stop studying and have fun! We don't have to study every time. Let's play together. We can't play well at school! "

  After listening to my friend's words, I put down my study and went to play. It was very interesting. Our teacher does not allow us to play like this. The children should never tell my teacher!
