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【#英语资源# 导语】万圣节在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日,在前一天的夜晚最热闹的时刻。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Look forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, and finally look forward to this day. We're going to Halloween.

  Halloween is a ghost festival! It was so interesting and exciting that I couldn't keep my mouth shut. The teacher said to us, "We must dress up for Halloween, or it will be boring." When we heard this, we were all talking about what to wear? The boy said, "We should take maces, wear scary masks and wear black cloaks." The girl said, "If we want to wear beautiful clothes, we must wear flower skirts and hold magic wands."

  The next day, everyone wore all kinds of clothes. Some wore masks, some wore lace skirts, and some walked around with pumpkins. It was really dazzling! After a while, the activity began. We walked into the hall, heard the cry of wolves, saw many haunted little ghosts, and we all trembled. At this time, the host came over and said, "The game is starting!" We've come back to our senses.

  The host said: "We have to eat candy on Halloween. Now let's play games in English! Everyone jogged in front of a black cloth in a team. That must be the door.

  The second game started, and a burst of white smoke suddenly came out of the hall. The host said, "We must protect ourselves with jack-o-lanterns." I carefully held the jack-o-lantern in my hand, and the teacher next to me surrounded it with his hands to prevent it from being blown out. Many jack-o-lanterns looked terrible in the smoke.

  The third game started again.

  What an interesting Halloween! We are very happy, and we hope that the next Halloween will come soon.


  Halloween is the Western Halloween. I just met it in an English book this year. I didn't expect it to come to me so soon.

  Before, I had never celebrated Halloween, but this year it suddenly became lively, which caught me off guard. On the evening of October 31, on Monday, I was doing my homework at home. Suddenly, a large group of people broke into my house, all wearing scary ghost masks. However, I recognized them as my classmates at once. They shouted for sugar from me. Grandma was shocked. Fortunately, Mom heard them and quickly brought them sugar and beef jerky. The beef jerky at home was immediately sold out. Finally, a male classmate opened my canned pork floss at some time and suddenly put a few mouthfuls into his mouth, which made everyone laugh.

  With their invitation and encouragement, I immediately put down my homework and joined them without supper. When I got downstairs, a parent asked me, "Have you eaten yet?" Because I was so happy, I replied, "Happiness has filled my stomach!" So I followed the team to Li Jiabao's home. When we arrived at Li Jiabao's house, we rushed in to ask Li Jiabao for candy as soon as the door opened. Li Jiabao's family immediately gave us each some raisins and a bag of green beans. Li Jiabao also joined our team... We went to the nearby students' homes "Trick, or, treat" one by one according to the address in the address book. Because everyone liked to play together, the team became larger and larger.

  About eight o'clock, the activity ended. We reluctantly said goodbye to each other, and each of us went home with our booty and expectations for next year's Halloween. I think Halloween is not like Ghost Festival, but more like the carnival of our children. It's very interesting!


  Today is Halloween. In the school, we had a small party and asked for a lot of candy and snacks with masks. As soon as I got home, I saw a pumpkin lantern on the other side of the house. One after another said that we should go to ask for candy tonight. I was very happy to accept the invitation.

  At six o'clock, I arrived at Duoduo's house on time. The pumpkin lamp at the door was lit. Some children gathered here. Many of them were foreign children. They wore strange clothes, hats or masks, and small bags in their hands, ready to put sugar. My brother and I started to ask for candy from family to family with the large group of people. All kinds of pumpkins were lit at the door of the people who celebrated Halloween. When we said trick or treat, the host would dress up as a monster and open the door to give us candy, and then said Happy Halloween! After I asked for several houses, I became bolder. I would go to the front of the team to ask for sugar. I found a very special pumpkin lamp on the roadside, squinting and grinning, and flashing beautiful light. I couldn't help walking forward. Suddenly, the door opened, and a big monster flew out of it, which scared me to shout. A closer look showed that a person was playing in a black cloak with a funny face, Then everyone laughed. I thought it would be funny, hehe. We also went to a haunted house built by a family tent. Only one person could enter at a time. I was a little scared when I went in. There was a flickering fire in the house. There were candies at the exit. When I took the candies, my arm was suddenly caught, which made me almost lose the candies. In a word, this is really a happy holiday. When I came home, my bag was full of candy. My brother said that this was the worst day of the year!


  Speaking of troublemakers, I am a person who has a lot of experience. Sometimes I may be malicious and sometimes I may be joking. For example, Halloween is one of my favorite festivals. I can not only go to other people's homes to make trouble, but also get a lot of candy. Everyone likes it.

  On Halloween, it was really fun. First, I went to find a target. First, I rang an electric bell and quickly ran to the grass next to him to hide for about three to four times. In this way, I could get candy for fun, and I could see other adults' angry expressions. I felt happy when I saw them. Otherwise, it will be fun to throw a lot of fake cockroaches or spider webs when they open the door.

  But sometimes because the joke is too big, the relationship between them becomes very bad. Once I said to my friend, "I just want to take out your mobile phone to play, and the teacher accidentally saw it confiscated. What should I do? I really didn't mean it"

  Then he said to me, "Don't be so small!" He looked at his schoolbag and didn't see his mobile phone. I said, "I really didn't tell you. I really didn't mean to. I'm really sorry!" He broke down immediately after saying that, and his face changed a lot. I was very happy at first. I immediately fell on the table and cried. I laughed with another person on the other side. I said to him, "I lied to you. Your mobile phone has not been confiscated. Happy April Fool's Day!" He dried his tears when he heard what I said, glared at me with sharp eyes and said to me, "Thank you! This is my April Fool's Day, and I am very happy that we will not talk again in the future, and we will be treated as strangers in class!" Then he went away.

  After this incident, I found that although it was a joke, I could not play too much. This time, I got nothing from my illness, but I lost a very good friend of mine.


  Today's weather is particularly sunny and the sun is particularly bright. With the genial spring breeze, we ushered in the annual festival - Halloween.

  Halloween is a traditional western religious festival. At more than 1 o'clock in the afternoon, we put on our masks, put on our clothes, stepped on the neat steps, and walked to the high school playground in the face of the burning sun. Wow! I saw a vast sea of people suddenly came into my eyes, and the football gate beside it seemed to be submerged by the sea of people.

  When I got to the middle of the crowd, I suddenly realized that I had entered the "hell". All kinds of ghosts, big and small, are floating in front of me. As soon as I turned around, I saw a werewolf, with his mouth open and his long dark teeth showing, looking at me ferociously. Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a bloody hand on my shoulder. It turned out to be a demon with silver hair and big head and blue face. What's more terrifying is that I saw a pair of black and white impermanence in the high school team on the runway. They took poles and jumped as if they were driving other people's souls to the "hell".

  **After that, a new sports game, tug of war, was held. One side is composed of foreign teachers and the other side is composed of students. The game started, the audience cheered, and the shouting was endless. Finally, the flag of victory flew to the students. The applause from the audience lasted for a long time. The students were even more excited.

  The happy Halloween is finally over. This activity made me feel the fun of western festivals and made my mind reach a new level.


  Tonight, the teacher said that the school would hold a Halloween party. When we got the news, everyone was excited and elated. The laughter echoed in the classroom for a long time.

  It's no good just talking but not doing. After class, the teacher took us to make masks. Look at our clumsiness. Student X just painted the skull mask with a kind face and a happy face, which is similar to Maitreya Buddha. Everyone could not help laughing. Student y was even more funny. When we made the mask, he fell asleep on the table. The assistant teacher woke him up and asked him where the mask was made. He really had a move. He pasted a piece of white paper on his face around his hat and shouted, "Everything is done!" The assistant was puzzled and asked what he drew. He said calmly and jokingly, "Can't you see it? You are stupid! It is clearly a headless ghost." The assistant also smiled helplessly. Even the foreign teachers were amused by him.

  In the evening, the Halloween party started. As soon as the bell rang, everyone rushed downstairs like an arrow. When we arrived at the party venue, the foreign teachers had already finished their preparations, holding bags of sugar in their hands. We went to the party and shouted: "trick or treat." There were different ways to get sugar, but only one was given to you at a time. Some foreign teachers asked you to sing a song, and some asked you to answer questions. Some are to see who is the loudest, and some are to throw down from the second floor to see your "technology". Several times, someone crowded the foreign teachers into the corner to grab candy. I got more than 30 pieces of candy. Most of them were picked up, three or four were sung, and a few were answered. There was too much sugar to put down, so I had to eat while walking. After returning to the bedroom, more than thirty of them went into the stomach.

  This kind of party is really interesting. We have both improved our English level and performance ability. Of course, one of the most important factors is that there are many performances and gifts!


  It was getting dark. The sky was very dark, and no cloud could be seen.

  This is New York, the United States. I and several very close friends are living in a dark little house. There are no lights in the house, only three candles that have been burning for half an hour.

  Then the door opened and Jack came in with a big pumpkin. "It's finally time for you. Hurry up, let's make pumpkin lanterns!" My British friend Amy said that this was her first time to come to the United States.

  We surrounded the big pumpkin and did our own work. First, I carved the ferocious eyes and mouth of the pumpkin lamp with a carving knife; Australian girl Green is responsible for hollowing out the pumpkin heart; Jack put a small piece of candle into the heart of the pumpkin, and then lit the candle with a long torch; Finally, Amy finished the handle of the pumpkin lamp with a stick and a ball of string.

  "We should go out with the pumpkin lamp as before..." Green deliberately didn't finish his words. We exchanged a look and began to prepare. I put on a white coat, Green put on her head band that can emit red light, Jack wore a vampire mask, Amy wore a pair of bat wings, and also took a white cloth bag, which was used to hold our "trophies".

  We first came to Mr. Jones's house. Jack knocked at the door and it opened. We shouted together: "Trick or treat!" "Oh, you are Jack, you are Sunny, you are Green, and you should be Amy. Welcome to come here for the first time!" Mr. Jones said slowly, "I knew you would come. The sugar is ready!" With that, he took a large handful of sugar and put it into a white cloth bag.

  We "mopped up" for a long time and didn't go home until about ten o'clock. We don't have supper any more. We eat candy together on the game mat. How happy we are!


  Halloween is a western festival. I don't know when it became popular in China. Last week, I was invited to participate in the Halloween activities held by cousin Jiuting Olympic Park Community.

  To participate in Halloween, first of all, we should give ourselves a cosplay. I played the role of Alsa in Fonzen, and my two cousins, one is the kind and beautiful Snow White and the other is Cinderella Cinderella. I have a pair of beautiful gloves, Snow White has a queen's headdress, Cinderella is wearing a pair of crystal shoes. The three of us have successfully played cosplay, so we started towards the activity center of the community.

  Wow, there are so many children coming to the activity. Their costumes are also various, some are supermen, some are witches, some are Japanese samurai, and some are clowns of various shapes. We understood the rules of the game and embarked on the journey. "Look! There is a pumpkin lantern over there. Let's go in quickly!" Cinderella found the target, and we took off the pumpkin lamp and ran up.

  It turned out to be a haunted house. It was gloomy inside. There was a ghostly fire in the middle. The two cousins trembled with fear. I led them step by step and walked cautiously forward. Suddenly, a headless ghost rushed towards us. The two cousins quickly hid behind me. However, when I stepped on the ground, the headless ghost went out. My cousins looked at me admiringly. I immediately felt a sense of achievement. Then we met many monsters, and we worked together to defeat them one by one. When the big boss came, I saw a toy gun on the ground. I had a plan. When the boss came near, he picked up the gun and aimed at the boss. The boss was shot down with a "bang". Look! How powerful I am! We got the ultimate hidden number plate.

  With the number plate, we set out to the corresponding house to beg for sugar. We stood at the door and shouted, "trickoreat.". The adults quickly gave us the candies they had prepared in advance. After a while, we begged for many kinds of sweets and put them in our pumpkin bags.

  On that day, we had a lot of harvest. We shared the candy we got with other children. Unexpectedly, this foreign festival is also very interesting. My cousins and I are crazy. We have an appointment to join together next year.


  Halloween is on October 31. People in the West celebrate Halloween in various ways. On Halloween, children wear special clothes and masks. Many children play a game called "trick or treat". They knocked at the door of their neighbor's house and shouted, "If you don't treat them, you will do something bad.". The neighbors usually entertain them with candy. If children don't get candy, they may play tricks on their neighbors. Some people also use big orange pumpkins to make lanterns. They carve eyes, nose and fangs on the pumpkins, and put the lamps in. The lights come out from the eyes, nose and fangs.

  This evening, my mother took me out to see what Halloween activities are.

  I saw many children wearing all kinds of clothes: witches, ghosts, mummies... and many adults with bags of sugar in their hands. Someone shouted and came back later with a handful of sugar. There are different ways to get candy, but only one is given to you at a time. Some people ask you to sing a song, some ask you to answer questions, some see who is the loudest, some throw it down from the second floor to see your "technology"... I also went to ask for a few candy bars, chocolate, lollipop, everything.

  After walking for a while, I saw a tall man wearing strange clothes, and a man beside him was holding him with a rope. When he saw me staring at him, he untied the rope and ran towards me screaming all the way. I was scared on the spot and ran away. I didn't stop until I was sure he couldn't catch up with me. I thought he was crazy!

  How exciting today! I got candy again, saw so many strange clothes, and was scared to run around by a big brother... I was very tired, but also very happy!


  Yesterday evening, I organized a Halloween party in our community. It was really exciting!

  While I was doing mental arithmetic, the "ding ling ling" phone rang. As soon as I answered the phone, I was shocked. What? Li Qiaowen and Lu Kexin had arrived. I hurried down.

  When they saw me, they immediately shouted "Hu Yuxin, you finally come", and I said, "Wait a moment, I have invited a dozen people!". While talking, Chen Rutao also came. I asked them, "Do you have any plastic bags?" Who would have thought that they all said, "No!", Well, the three of us went to the store and bought five plastic bags in case of need.

  Everyone arrived one after another. Great, so we set out in a mighty way. We first went to the shops along the street to buy sugar, and then "mopped up" from shop to shop. I went to a snack bar, but there was no one in it. I shouted, "Boss, come out quickly!" A strong voice answered, "Here we go.". I was so scared that I ran away with my friends. At the door of the store, we looked at each other and laughed. We are going to "attack" this snack bar again. This time, I politely said, "Uncle, can you give us some sugar? Trick or treat!". Uncle repeatedly said yes, and even gave us delicious candy in the shape of lollipop.

  When we returned to the community, we continued to beg for sugar in the community. Sometimes when I asked the family that had no sugar at home, I felt very embarrassed. I didn't know whether to beg for sugar or "rob".

  Later, Fengge and Zhao Ti also joined our team. Our team became more lively. We kept running around, knocking at the doors of the whole community. It was really tiring to run. Our laughter echoed throughout the community!

  This activity is really fun. My Halloween sugar begging teammates have changed from 4 last year to 8! Although very tired, I can harvest a lot of sugar and have a very happy process!
