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【#英语资源# 导语】以微笑面对压力和挫折,才是自信的表现。只要走过人生中这座百年的石桥,以“智者”的信念微笑面对走时的颤抖,才是勇敢的表现。跨过这道坎,其实,并不是件难事。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  People love success and hate failure. However, some people have said that "failure is the mother of success".

  People often take it as an excuse after failure to cover up Egypt's cowardice and incompetence, but they never try to understand the mystery of this sentence. Only those who constantly encounter failures can learn from them and guard themselves from time to time. The accumulated experience and lessons are like a golden key that opens the door to success for you Success can kill people's consciousness, and failure can exercise people's consciousness. When successful, people will often be arrogant, do not want to make progress, lie on success and be complacent. Over time, you will lose your fighting spirit. As the saying goes, "heroes don't mention their courage in the past" is to warn those who think they will be complacent and enjoy their success as long as they achieve a little success in something. So when the next failure hits. Just panic and wait to die. Success is the goal, failure is the process. Only after countless failures can we get the final success. That kind of success is the most real and reliable. Only after eating the bitter failure can we really taste the sweetness of success. The result is important, but the experience is the most memorable!

  Failure in the middle school entrance examination once made me fall into the abyss of failure. There was no dawn of hope, no excitement of success, only dark and quiet night and endless pain. For a moment, I was completely defeated by failure. Every day, I live in regret. Every day, I have to bear the disappointment of my parents. I feel very sad. However, after a long time, I slowly figured out that maybe failure is also a good thing. After this failure, I may be better in the college entrance examination three years later. I will impress my parents and I will taste the sweetness of success.


  Failure is a great sorrow for people. But I want to treasure my failure, start from scratch, let my passion for flying burst out, and make my bird's feathers fuller.

  The flower fell, but it drew nourishment again. After countless wordless waiting, the flower finally bloomed a smile again.

  The tide receded, but it regained its momentum and rolled. It endured many silent hours, and finally the sea pushed the momentum of swallowing the sky out of the horizon again.

  Flowers bloom, tides rise and fall, and each cycle is amazing, because they know how to treasure failure from scratch. Success and failure are the crossroads of life. From scratch, there is always a new world.

  Look at Gou Jian who meets Qishan. His mountains and rivers are broken and his life experience is ups and downs. How miserable it is; What a shame it is to wash horses for the king of Wu and taste dung for his husband. But he knows that everything starts from scratch. He has to endure hardships and hardships for ten years. Finally, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.

  Looking at the dark red Xiang Yu, he was down at the same time and defeated miserably, but he just lamented and complained about the world and people, but he didn't know that Jiangdong's children were talented and comeback

  In the face of failure, Gou Jian knows how to treasure failure and start from scratch; And Xiang Yu didn't know that from scratch, there would be no time when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

  Don't let success get in your way; Don't be late for success. You stand on the sail again.

  Climbing the Alps, we know that we have just stood at the bottom of Mount Everest; On the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world, we know that we have just reached the shore of the vast ocean. Treasure failure from scratch, we can climb higher and go further.

  Treasure failure, start from scratch, let strength and self-confidence split the cage, let calm peace and harvest a successful harvest

  Life is actually very simple. Treasure failure, start from scratch and move forward bravely!


  Every setback or adverse mutation carries the same or larger favorable seeds—— Emerson

  For many nights, I stayed up at night and didn't lie down until three or five o'clock. Little sleep time, although very tired and hard, but more is full.

  I'm like a hard worker. I work from morning to night and work nine to five. Work hard just for a drop in the bucket.

  If so, it's OK, but my reward as a student is really very little.

  I admit I'm not smart enough, I'm not flexible enough, I'm not enthusiastic enough. I don't stand out in the class, let alone the best in the class. I'm even stupid, ignorant and dull. I used to think I was good for nothing.

  Although a great man once said, "everyone has his own ability to stand alone, and should not be forgotten or abandoned by the world." But I still "work hard, fail again, and exhaust three times". I was silent and negative. Until someone who means a lot to me told me, "cheer up, gold always shines." So I slowly, slowly and carefully got up and slowly approached difficulties and setbacks.

  I know I still have a long way to go, and there are a lot of time and time. I can choose to waste and decadent. But I know better what is called "white young head, empty sad!"

  Qu Yuan's "Li Sao" has such a sentence: "the road is long, and I will seek it up and down." I am now in my prime of life and in the age of cardamom. When encountering a setback, we retreat, hesitate and feel depressed. Isn't youth a symbol of struggle, unyielding and courage? What's the matter with me? I want to cheer up and face setbacks and difficulties.

  Because of youth, love to fight will win.

  Penn said, "without sowing, there is no harvest; without hard work, there is no success; without suffering, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no glory."

  I am no longer satisfied with the status quo. I want to rise up and resist. These stormy setbacks, difficulties, failures and ridicule will make me advance in the face of difficulties and be more brave. Like the ocean, only those with strong will can reach the other shore. I want to be the one who crosses the sea barehanded.

  Now, I have strong will, indomitable faith, unyielding courage and unyielding fighting spirit, all of which are attributed to the "setback", which makes me happy Setback on the right track is that it gives my life a direction. I am not timid or afraid of it. On the contrary, I appreciate it and love it.


  In a material society eager for quick success and instant benefit, people often hear and see stories of geniuses, winners and lucky people. But how many of these people are there? If you are not a genius, and you are not so lucky and often encounter setbacks, won't you live?

  Live, of course, or. And they all want to live better. So what should you do?

  People's life is not plain sailing, will experience many setbacks. So, how should we face setbacks?

  When you face setbacks, you can't blame yourself. From time to time, you no longer have confidence and don't do things with your heart. When you face setbacks, you think more about "why". Why? It should also be summarized in practical action. When you face setbacks, you should be kind to them. Du Mu once said, "the family affairs of the defeated soldiers are uncertain. It's a man to be ashamed and endure humiliation. Jiangdong's children are talented and handsome, and it's unknown to make a comeback." composition

  I have read such a story. The hero's name is Li Jun. Once, when the examination paper was handed out, he frowned and got a score of 58. For a student who failed in the exam, let alone how much it hit his self-confidence. The teacher asked him to mend his throat after class. However, the teacher did not agree, but let him explore, explore and make progress with his classmates. In the final exam. His grades were OK - Cocoa passed all of them.

  He did not flinch in the face of serious setbacks in his self-confidence, but bravely faced it. He knew that no pain, no gain. He didn't blame himself and never studied again. composition

  My friends, you are not genius, you are not God. However, we are healthy and operate much more than the disabled, so we will work hard and struggle. Therefore, you should remember such a truth - when you face failures and setbacks, don't blame yourself.


  No one can make his life without the shadow of setbacks. Setbacks are inevitable. The setting of setbacks and thanking setbacks are the qualities that each of us should have.

  If there is no desolation and sadness in life, there will be a test of the long march. In this endless cycle, there is a struggle for survival. The road flows gradually from our feet, like a flame, down steadily step by step. Even if you fail in the end, you can skillfully wave your sleeve without taking away a cloud - don't judge a hero by success or failure. You're not a winner, but you're a strong one.

  In life and study, we will inevitably encounter many unfair experiences, which we cannot escape and choose. We can only understand what happened and adjust ourselves. We can have a calm heart in setbacks. Don't sink like the sand in the river, and don't see the sun again. Continue to be rational and optimistic, find out your shortcomings, re-establish confidence and courage, accumulate strength like a river, fear setbacks and rush to the sea.

  Holding a depressed hand is like a spring seed breaking through the hard soil and pulling out fresh green buds. When we encounter setbacks, it means that we must receive training. At this time, we are young shoots, tenacious and upward in the dark, and adhere to the pursuit of brilliant sunshine. Perhaps, overnight, the earth was covered with a light green veil - the grass succeeded.

  Going hand in hand with setbacks is like a summer rainbow after a storm, showing illusory beauty. Setbacks are like storms. After the thunder and lightning, the sun shone on the ground. In the distance, there will be a rainbow through the wind and rain. The rainbow will appreciate the wind and rain, because how can we see the rainbow without wind and rain?

  Go hand in hand with setbacks, just like the fragrance of autumn wheat. After years of training, it will be golden and charming. If we want to succeed, we can't find a sunshine Avenue without gullies, turns, slopes and intersections. We always experience setbacks to reach the peak of life.

  Hand in hand with setbacks, just like winter, can be weathered by rain, snow, wind, frost and severe cold. If you want to be a gentleman with plum character, you can't live without 39 years of cold. Plum blossom thanks to the cold winter, because "the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold".

  What is happiness? Happiness is the flower of life, blooming in the soil of blood, tears and sweat. As the saying goes, "only those who are cold can feel the warmth of the sun. Only those who suffer setbacks and pain on the battlefield of life can understand the true happiness of life if they understand the value of life."

  Go hand in hand with setbacks, hone yourself in setbacks, let the sun shine on your life and welcome your spring.

