
时间:2023-04-22 18:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】春姑娘来了,她仿佛有无限大的力量,使万物复苏,使同学们充满激情,盼望已久的春游也到了。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today, the school organized all our primary school teachers and students to go on a spring outing to Yuanye villa. With excitement, we happily got on the bus, and white clouds fluttered in the wind, as if welcoming our arrival. About an hour later, we arrived at the destination of the spring outing - wilderness villa.

  After getting off the bus, the students talked and laughed and talked one after another. After entering the villa, go to play the first project - "iron cable bridge". "Iron cable bridge" is made of many hemp ropes. There is a slender iron cable under it for us to walk, just like a single wooden bridge. We stepped onto the "iron cable bridge" and looked at the pool a few meters below. Our legs trembled. Unexpectedly, the students on both sides of the Strait shook the rope, which frightened us, and we almost fell down several times... We went forward recklessly, and finally reached the other end of the bank, and we sighed a long sigh.

  Next, let's play the maze. The "maze" is made of wood. The "maze" is gloomy, like Zhuge Liang's "Eight Diagrams array". After entering, we followed the teacher closely. After a while, we heard the students say, "there's no way ahead!" We hurriedly told the students behind to step back We were dizzy, dizzy and anxious inside. We flew around like headless flies. Suddenly, a classmate said, "look, there's a hole under the board. Drill quickly!" So, we rushed like swords and came out of the board like earthworms, covered with soil, but we felt relieved.

  We're going to tug of war. Each shift stood on one side. We divided face to face into two sides, holding the rope with both hands, staring at the ground and falling back. When the referee whistled, we began to tug of war and easily defeated Class 2. We're exhausted and out of breath, and there's more to come! The final is about to begin. We have a match with class two. When the whistle sounded, we tried our best to eat, clenched our teeth and flushed, but we lost. We gasped and thought: Why did we lose? It turned out that there were more than thirty of them. What about us? Only nineteen. They are many and powerful. Of course they won! Although we lost, we felt aboveboard because our number was in line with the regulations.

  In addition, I also played "grass skiing", "cable car"

  We had a good time! Looking at the wild villa with green grass and dense woods, we reluctantly left this beautiful place.


  On Friday, the wind was gentle and the sun was bright. The school held a spring outing. From grade one to grade six. I thought it was a wonderful trip, but a sentence from the teacher completely changed the flavor.

  "You can bring your mobile phone this time." all the students sent out "ah?" Then there was a cry of joy. At this time, I haven't recovered. I was at a loss listening to the cry of joy. After some emphasis at the same table, I had a bad hunch.

  I'm looking forward to that day. Although I also brought my mobile phone, it can only take pictures. In the twinkling of an eye, in the afternoon, "some people" had a good time in the morning. In a moment, we had embarked on the first step of the spring outing. Yes, you heard right. We just walked to the plum garden on our own feet. On the way, some people listened to the music and didn't care about losing their team.

  After a "Long March", although many "soldiers" were out of breath, we were excited when we saw the plaque of "Mei Lanfang Memorial". We finally walked into the plum garden. The first thing we saw was a small lake with dozens of huge lotus leaves swinging on it. Although it was not set off by lotus, it was bright enough. Under the lotus leaf are a group of colorful carp, playing happily and following the team to the left. I came to an exhibition hall. The whole exhibition hall is composed of four exhibition halls, which are divided into five parts: plum blossom, plum fragrance, plum bone clank, and plum de Ru Yu Meigen Taizhou. It tells Mei Lanfang's growth experience and artistic achievements. I recorded this wonderful clip with my mobile phone, "The world is famous for the jade sound Rongzhao art garden, the Hailing bell show, and the Liujin temple hall lasts for thousands of years." In just 22 words, Mei Lanfang's artistic achievements and the eternal biography of Mei Ji museum are properly summarized.

  From some materials and newspapers at that time, I learned that Mei Lanfang was not only superb in art, but also noble in moral character. He was modest and studious, cared about his predecessors, treated others equally and forgiven others for their mistakes. His broad mind was well-known in the drama industry. He has been "meritorious", "artistic" and "moral" all his life. He is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has organized charity performances for many times, and all his income is used for charity.

  The wonderful garden tour ended unknowingly. Everyone took out their mobile phones to play. The teacher wanted to test everyone's consciousness. Fortunately, the time was not very long. We took a group photo for the last spring outing in Grade 6 and drew a perfect end.


  The road is wet. Is God crying for our group's graduation and dispersion? I looked up at the sky. A drop of clear dew fell on my face along the leaves. It was cool. The leaves turned into a blurred mirror in an instant. Every bit of life in Yuanling primary school disappeared like a movie.

  Here we are! With bursts of cheers, we got out of the car and looked at the laughter of the students. I couldn't help but nostalgia. Can I still see it after graduation? We are breathing the same air, stepping on the footprints of our door on the mud, one by one, but will they still be there tomorrow? Yes, it will always be in our hearts.

  It's time for lunch. This lunch is special. We have to make it ourselves. The teacher gave each of us materials, knives, tableware and buckets... There is a pot next to it, which is lit with firewood. We have everything ready and need to go down the cupboard. In order to light the fire, we used up all the paper towels and were smoked to tears, But none of us is willing to leave. It's raining in the sky and the ceiling is leaking, which makes our hair wet. No one knows whether it's sweat or rain. Although it's raining, we're still "working". Come on, you pick up a few buckets of water, you cook, you wash vegetables... You're doing it with relish. You don't care if it's raining and yellow mud splashes all over your body, The pants and shoes were all wet, and all the dishes were ready, but we were embarrassed like a group of wild children. There was no complaint, only laughter, "ha ha, your face is black." "You're no better. Look at your face. It's as red as a monkey." In this way, everyone lost the so-called market customs, played in the anti Park back array, and laughed wantonly... Although the dishes were not familiar, they were still very fragrant and sweet. After all, this was the first group cooking!

  It's still raining, but you know what? In my heart, it is still a sunny day.


  Early on Friday morning, we set out for a spring outing!

  After walking for several kilometers, I saw big trees standing there straight, like statues standing there. After a while, I arrived at the destination nursery. It's like a big forest, with fragrance coming.

  But I didn't expect that the teacher had arrived. And I was very excited to hear that we had prepared some activities for us. We put our things down. The English teacher said to us, "they hide some small cards. Whoever finds more can avoid writing an assignment." The students began to look for it without saying a word (I was no exception). But I searched for a long time and found three. Soon the monitor won. Although he was a little disappointed, he was very happy with his classmates.

  I was tired of playing, so I sat down and had a rest. I quietly looked at the scenery. The day in the sky set off the tall and straight trees, and there were many birds singing there. They sing beautiful music, green and sweet, intoxicating. In addition, there is no dirty phenomenon on the green grass. It is really a place with birds and flowers. I feel that my heart has entered a wonderful place. I thought: will it be more beautiful to come here in autumn?

  At this time, the teacher's sentence broke my dream. The teacher asked us to take a group photo as a souvenir. After we finished shooting, we quickly took a pen and paper to write down these intoxicating scenery.

  How time flies this morning! It's over again. On the way back, I look around reluctantly. I thought: next time I'll come back to see the scenery.

  I'll never forget this spring outing.


  On the morning of XX, sunny and sunny, it is a good time to go out and play. Our school organizes everyone to go on a spring outing.

  Along the way, we chirped, talked and laughed like birds, enjoying the scenery outside the window. We saw rows of tall buildings, rows of lush trees, clusters of colorful flowers and cars passing by; I heard the "beep" of the car horn and the "rustle" of the leaves shaking, as if welcoming us. Suddenly, we saw a group of yellow ducklings swimming leisurely on the green lake. The students talked about it. Some said it was a little yellow bug, some said it was bread that could run, and some said it was a little mushroom in a fairy tale... Brought us all into a wonderful fantasy.

  We arrived at our destination - Junwu forest park. I looked up into the distance, full of green. How fresh the air in the suburbs is, it is simply a "natural oxygen bar". I took a deep breath. The spring breeze brought a cool and sweet breath, which makes people very comfortable! The dew wet the green leaves, making the whole mountain forest send out the fragrance of wine like honey. The flowers in full bloom as scheduled are set in clusters and clusters in the green trees, which is lovely and intoxicating.

  We played heartily. Some were kicking the spring, some were jumping the long rope, some were playing the high jump, and some were playing the suspension bridge. I like hanging bridge best. This game is very exciting. First, we climbed the first stake carefully, and the stake shook. The people standing on it fell down when they were a little unstable, so we could only move forward slowly step by step. This game is very simple but fun. Playing this game requires courage, perseverance and patience.

  At about one o'clock in the afternoon, we left with a reluctant mood. I looked at the beautiful mountains and said silently in my heart, "see you next year."

