
时间:2023-06-08 06:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我们的校园是我们青春时光的见证,是我们成长的舞台。在这里,我们学习知识,结交朋友,丰富人生经验。英语作为一门重要的语言,也在我们的校园中占据着重要的地位。©文档大全网为大家整理了有关我们的校园英语作文,让我们一起来了解吧!

1.有关我们的校园英语作文 篇一

  Our campus has four distinct seasons and is extremely beautiful!

  In spring, everything recovers, and everything that sleeps in winter wakes up. The small grass sprouted scattered tender buds and took off the golden leather jacket worn in autumn. The flowers also eagerly stretched out their beautiful petals, showcasing their delicate figure to the earth. The flower bed on campus seems to be filled with flames, it looks great!

  In summer, the trees grow very lush, bringing a hint of greenery to the earth. The hot and dry weather did not provide relief, but the dense trees came in handy. Everyone sat down and felt very comfortable with a gentle breeze blowing.

  In autumn, the emerald green leaves gradually turned golden yellow. Looking up, they were all golden, and the chill brought by the autumn wind suddenly dissipated. The autumn wind was gently blowing, and the golden leaves swayed a few times, fluttering and falling, dancing with the wind, like golden butterflies dancing gracefully. It was really beautiful.

  In winter, the swirling fine rain rustled down, holding an umbrella and taking a slow step in the rain, a hint of cool air rushed towards you. The evergreen was washed away in the rain, appearing even more lush and vibrant.

  Our campus has four distinct seasons and is extremely beautiful. I love our beautiful campus!

2.有关我们的校园英语作文 篇二

  We have a beautiful campus, and the four seasons of the campus are very charming.

  In spring, the campus is filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The grass is protruding from the ground, and the flowers are also blooming with smiling faces, beautiful and moving. The little bird also came, standing on the tree happily singing, and the little bee and butterfly also accompanied it. The osmanthus tree has grown tender green leaves, and each osmanthus tree is like a soldier guarding our campus. In spring, the campus becomes lively and lively.

  In summer, cicadas on trees sing happily, perhaps due to the encouragement of the song, and the flowers and plants in the flower beds have grown even more lush. The osmanthus tree is also unwilling to fall behind, and the leaves on it have become dense, like open green umbrellas that can block the wind and rain, and also provide shade for children!

  In autumn, the leaves of the grass and trees turn yellow, and the entire campus turns into a golden ocean. The chrysanthemums are blooming, with red and white ones, which are particularly beautiful. Osmanthus flowers have also bloomed. If you don't see them, smell their fragrance first. The entire campus is filled with the fragrance of osmanthus flowers. The weather gradually cooled down, and the fallen leaves began to dance gracefully in the autumn breeze, one in two, three in four... laying a thick blanket on the flower bed.

  In winter, snowflakes like mischievous children jump down from the sky with parachutes. And the small flowers and grass in the flower bed have already entered the embrace of Mother Earth and slept sweetly. There are only osmanthus trees standing guard in the snow.

  This is our beautiful campus, I really hope you can come and enjoy the beautiful scenery here!

3.有关我们的校园英语作文 篇三

  Our campus is located on the bank of Qiantang River in Hangzhou. It has a beautiful name - Phoenix Primary School.

  Our campus has a colorful secret garden with colorful flowers and an evergreen agricultural garden... but the most special thing is the hall.

  Stepping into the school gate, I walked a few steps forward and arrived at the hall. As soon as you look up, you will find two huge chessboards pasted on the wall facing the school gate, symbolizing that Phoenix Elementary School is a chess themed school. If you observe more closely, you will find numbers on the chessboard, which specifically record the history of our school. From the junior high school in 1906 to the newly established Phoenix Elementary School in 20xx, there have been tremendous changes during this period, making people feel like they are in a history museum.

  In front of the chessboard, there is a piano. Every morning, a classmate sits in front of the piano, playing beautiful and cheerful music. As soon as you walked into the hall, you immediately felt refreshed and intoxicated with the music. It wasn't until the sound of reading rang in your ears that you realized that this was the school. Every major day, there is a gong and drum team standing at the entrance of the hall, playing the gong and drum with a loud and lively sound!

  Our lobby is still an "art museum". The wall on the west side of the hall is dedicated to displaying students' calligraphy and painting works, with bright colors and diverse forms: there are clip art celebrating the New Year, comics that make people laugh, and colorful oil paintings... Looking at these paintings, we forget about time and the fatigue of learning.

  This is the hall of our school, a beautiful hall, a hall with rich connotations!

4.有关我们的校园英语作文 篇四

  My campus is green. The teaching building is surrounded by flowers and leaves, and the playground in the middle is lush with grass. This is a world full of laughter and vitality. We learn, live, and spend every day happily in this colorful world.

  During the day, the campus is bustling with activity. Loud reading sounds echoed from the classroom, and the students' eyes were so focused; The playground was crowded with students who were playing sports, chasing each other and actively fighting, with laughter streaming into the sky; Each club activity venue is bustling, and everyone gathers according to their own interests to help each other improve their abilities in various aspects.

  At night, the busy campus fell asleep. The soft moonlight caressed her, and the twinkling stars looked at her. There are also crickets dancing, frogs croaking, birds singing softly, and they are waiting together for the sun to rise.

  If my campus is an ocean of knowledge, I am a small boat inside, and teachers are like bright lighthouses guiding me in the direction; If my campus is a garden, I am a sapling inside, and the teacher is like a hardworking gardener providing me with sufficient nourishment; If my campus were a flower bed, I would be a small flower inside. The teacher would be like a meticulous gardener giving me meticulous care in my pants; If campus is home, I am the baby with the shoe size, and the teacher is like a mother.

  My campus is the same age as me, both ten years old. I grew up together with my campus. No matter where I go in the future, I will always remember her watching me, and I will always keep an eye on her.

5.有关我们的校园英语作文 篇五

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, Miss Spring is coming to visit the earth. Grandpa Dadi slept comfortably all winter, he is now full of energy! Spring girl has sown the seeds of love and hope on this vibrant land.

  Then, Spring Girl visited my beautiful school and I found three different types of spring on campus.

  By the pond, I found a happy spring, and groups of birds on the sprouting trees began to sing. The songs of the birds may have reached the ears of the fish, they jumped happily on the water, and the songs of the birds may have reached the ears of the grass, which drifted with the wind.

  On the grass, I saw the tenacious spring, and the withered grass stood up again, appearing so thin and insignificant. He has experienced the cool rain and dew, and has also been tested by storms. After being weathered by the wind and rain, I still survived with strength. Ah, I admire him, I admire his strong and brave spirit. This is really difficult to stop, the spring breeze is blowing again!

  I found a beautiful spring in the garden. The peach blossoms in the garden are the most beautiful, and the heart of the peach blossom is the most beautiful part. The flower core is like the tentacles of a snail stretching upwards, and each flower core has a small yellow dot on it, just like wearing a small yellow hat. Hundreds of flowers are fluttering in the breeze, what a beautiful sight!

  Miss Chun even planted seeds on campus. If you're interested, go look for them on campus! Perhaps the harvest is even greater than mine!
