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【#英语资源# 导语】伙伴是什么?有人说,伙伴是陪你一起玩耍的人;有人说,伙伴时常和自己打打闹闹的人;有人说,伙伴是和你共同竞争的那个人……©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Speaking of small partners, I have few small partners in my life, but they are very good to me. I remember one such partner, he was so and so. He was a gentle boy who was willing to help others. We never had a quarrel because he was willing to listen to others' words, find out the shortcomings and correct them, and we got along well with him. I am willing to tell him anything, because he is honest and trustworthy, and does not want to trick others. In addition, my mother and his mother have a very good relationship. Since the first grade, a friendship bond has connected me with XXX. We help each other and are as close as a person.

  I always forget to bring something when it is important. I always run home to get it. At that time, the school was not far from my home. A final exam will begin in a few minutes, and students are preparing for the exam. As soon as I opened the pencil box, I suddenly found that I had forgotten to bring the ruler. "What can I do without a ruler? It must be too late to go home and get it." I was as worried as an ant on a hot pot. When he saw me, he came to me and asked me, "What's wrong?" I said anxiously, "It's my fault that I forgot to bring the ruler at this time." Seeing that I was so anxious, so and so did not hesitate to run back to his seat, only to hear a "snap". I looked back and saw that so and so were holding two pieces of broken ruler, and he handed the other piece to me. I was stunned. "Ah, what a good new ruler!" I looked at XXX affectionately, holding the ruler tightly in my hand, and I didn't know what to say. She smiled at me and said, "Take it quickly." At this time, the bell rang, and I hurried back to my seat, waiting for the exam.

  I decided to treasure the ruler, because on the short half ruler there is a deep friendship between us and someone who is always worth learning and helping others Good quality. After that exam, I transferred to Shaxiao, but when I saw the ruler, I would think of my little partner -- XXX, she, such a respected person. I want to be as sensible, honest, trustworthy, willing to listen to others as she is.


  I have such a little partner. Her name is XXX. She has a pair of big shiny black eyes, full of vitality and vitality. She looks bright when raised and quiet when lowered, as soft and quiet as black velvet; It is as clear and lovely as the autumn stream, but there is a pair of pink "two cakes" on the eyes. A pair of dark and crescent shaped eyebrow paintings are just so so. The round little face has a unique quality. The red mouth has clear water caltrops, and the smile is elegant and sweet. The straight long hair easily falls down, forming such a woman.

  Her hosting ability is very strong. Because every time, no matter what literary and artistic programs are in the class or school, the teacher always asks her to participate in the hosting. Once, our class organized a summer harvest exhibition activity. The teacher selected her as the host and gave her a string of words. Before the activity, she was very careful to read the string words again and again. During the activity, she presided over it successfully. She read aloud with rich feelings and a smile, which made everyone watching the summer harvest exhibition activity with great interest and never forget her host.

  She loves to help her classmates. During a ten minute break in a sunny afternoon, some students were busy preparing their lessons; Some students played happily together... Everyone's laughter spread all over the campus. Bai Jiezheng, a classmate, was worried about a math problem. He could not figure it out with all his brains. At this time, so and so asked Bai Jie softly with a smile: "What's wrong with you?" Bai Jie stammered, "I can't figure out a math problem for a long time."

  I only heard someone concerned and said, "It doesn't matter. Let me tell you." After saying that, she patiently began to talk to Bai Jie, and kept on calculating on the draft paper, until Bai Jie got it, she turned around and left. Some students in the class said that she was "a tiger dropping a rosary - false mercy", but she only smiled back.

  She is also very good at Latin dancing. Whether Lombar or Cha Cha, she can follow the rhythm freely. She can dance square steps and Kukracha. Everyone is amazed by her beautiful dancing posture. She also became a mentor to some of her classmates. She is really good.

  This is my little partner, a little partner who has strong hosting ability, loves to help students, and is very good at Latin dance - XX. On the way I grew up, I forged a bridge of friendship with her. She is my forever little partner, a smart, lovely, versatile and all-round development of XXX.


  I have a little partner named xx. When his name was mentioned, everyone in the school knew it.

  The reason why all teachers and students in XX University are familiar with him is that his performance is excellent. No matter the quiz or the composition, no matter the unit test or the final exam, he is the first. When the exam results are announced, there will always be this scene - the teacher walks into the classroom with a large number of test papers and reads aloud: "One hundred points, first place." The students say in unison: "xx." The teacher blinks. Wang Xiaoya, the host of the Happy Dictionary, says, "If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with one hundred points." What about xx? He sat in his seat and did not shout or clap, but just laughed foolishly. At ordinary times, I see xx play, play and tell stories with classmates after class or after school. There is nothing like a bookworm. But every night, when I go to bed, I always see the desk lamp in his window is always on. At first, I thought he was too lazy. He came home every night and didn't bother to do his homework. He always played. He didn't do his homework until after nine o'clock. But how can a lazy person become a contractor of all learning awards? Then I thought he was too slow and did his homework very late. However, how can a slow person always take the exam calmly? Later, I learned from her mother that every night, in addition to completing the homework assigned by the teacher, he also did various types of extracurricular exercises, such as "Every lesson must pass", "One lesson and three exercises", "Learning Guidance", "Unit AB Volume", "Practice Business Volume" and so on. In addition, in order to save time and do more Olympic exercises, he gave up the noon nap. In the first semester of the fifth grade, he finished the exercises in the whole book "Olympic Little Champions in the Next Semester of the Fifth Grade".

  I really admire xx's spirit of loving learning. I want to learn from him and become a good student who loves learning.


  My little partner is about the same age as me. He was very handsome, tall and thin, with dark skin. Although he and I only knew each other once, he left a deep impression on me because he loved racing as much as I did.

  Last spring, my mother wanted me to relax and decided to take me to Nanquan Park. So Dad asked his good friend to go with him. My father's good friend took a little boy with him, and we met like this.

  We talked and laughed all the way, and we talked about racing at the same time. He knows cars very well, as if he knows all kinds of cars. After a while, we came to the picturesque Nanquan Park. We got out of the car and walked along the path made of stone slabs, enjoying the scenery while walking. Smell here, feel there, look east, look west. Suddenly, the little partner cried out, "There are racing cars! There are racing cars!" Looking in the direction of the little partner's finger, there were indeed many racing cars parked on the dam. I was also happy to shout: "You can play racing! You can play racing!" So, we both hurriedly asked our father for money and rushed to the racetrack excitedly.

  We each asked for a car and began to play. My friends and I are very good at driving. We won't hit other people's cars or the fence. I held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, stepped on the brake with my left foot, stepped on the accelerator with my right foot, and looked at the front freely. The little partner suggested, "Let's compete and see who drives fast." I readily agreed. The game started. The little partner clenched the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot. With a sound of "whoosh", his car had rushed out of the starting line like an arrow. I am not willing to be outdone, and I firmly step on the accelerator to pursue. At the turning, the little partner's body fell slightly to the right and crossed lightly. I have to admire the extraordinary courage and skill of my little partner.

  Time passed quickly. It was already more than six o'clock in the afternoon in just a short time. Dad came to urge us several times, but we didn't want to leave. Finally, the racing track was about to close, so we reluctantly left Nanquan Park.

  This is him, a little partner who likes racing as much as me.


  When I was young, I knew a lot of people, but now I am most impressed by my good boy, and he and I are classmates.

  He is very cute: dark hair, big ears, thin eyebrows, watery eyes, small mouth.

  I am very close to him, not only because he is cute, but also because of his spirit of helping each other.

  Once, after school, I went home hand in hand with him. On the way, I fell in love with a bag of snacks on a small stall and wanted to buy them, but I didn't have any money. I asked, "Li Junhong, are you rich today?" He replied, "Yes, why?" "Lend me 50 cents. Look, how delicious the 'Peking Duck' on that stall is!" I pointed it out to him. "No, we should save a little. In addition, those snacks are too much and bad for our health. Only when we go home, can we eat more food to grow taller." I thought to myself: Li Junhong is really not a friend. He is so stingy. I let go and left angrily. Li Junhong could not help sighing.

  Just as I was about to break up with him, something changed my view of him. Once after class, the teacher said that the second class would be tested. So I got my things ready. Then I suddenly remembered that I had not added ink to my pen last night, so I went to borrow ink, but I didn't. When I was in such a hurry, Li Junhong asked me, "What's wrong?" "I ran out of ink and didn't borrow my pen." He immediately took out a dollar and asked me to buy ink. I took the money and immediately went to buy ink. I thought to myself, why did he not lend me 50 cents last time, but this time he gave me 1 yuan before I said to lend it? When I got back to my seat, I asked him why. He said, "Last time I bought snacks, it was bad for my health. This time I bought school supplies, of course!" Hearing what he said, I suddenly realized and apologized to him: "I'm sorry, I wronged you last time!" He said, "It doesn't matter. We are all good friends." He and I laughed.

  Li Junhong is such a good classmate of solidarity and mutual help. I can never forget him.


  In my side, there are many small partners, but I have a very good small partner she is - Zeng Yushu. She likes to be coquettish, very cute, very naive, very lively. Yushu is fat, with a round face, long black hair, and a braid. Under the thick eyebrows of Yushu, there is a pair of big, bright eyes with a small nose under them. The most lovely is her mouth and that pair of dimples. Although her mouth is not small, some jokes and humorous sentences will jump out of her mouth happily. When she smiles, dimples will appear in front of you. Look, how bright she smiles! Yu Shu has many advantages, but her advantage is that she loves reading. Therefore, she is very knowledgeable. I remember once, when she was in her third year, her classmates rushed out of the classroom and went out to play just after class. The students are catching up with each other. I packed my books, took out the books for the next lesson, and went out to play.

  After playing for a while, I thought to myself: Where is Yushu? I haven't seen her for a long time. I was in the runway classroom again. I saw that Yu Shu had just taken out some extracurricular books to read. Then I thought strangely, "This is really Yu Shu. I am reading here instead of playing after class. I thought, so I went to Yu Shu and looked at her for a while. I chirped like a bird and said," Yu Shu, you are really right. You are still reading here instead of playing after class.

  Come out and play! " After I said that, I pulled up Yushu's left hand. When I was about to leave, I could not pull it away. At that time, I thought in a confused way: Oh, no, who should have given Yushu a place! When I looked back, Yushu stared at me with two eyes and said angrily, "I just want to read, so that I can have knowledge." After listening to Yu Shu's words, I couldn't lower my head. Yushu has more than one advantage. She is broad-minded, helpful and excellent in everything. I admire her very much. How about Yushu? Is she a good girl! Want to make friends with her?


  I have many friends, but I like to stay with Xie Lulu best because her every move makes me laugh constantly... Xie Lulu has dark and shiny hair and wears a "horse tail" every day. She is happy all day long, but her nose is not very happy. She carries a heavy pair of glasses every day, which is very uncomfortable; But her eyes are happy, and her glasses carry all the wind and rain! She is smiling all day long, witty and humorous. Her clever mouth keeps talking, as if she is afraid that others will sell her as a mute. One weekend, we agreed to fly a kite in the garden. I excitedly took a "butterfly" and ran downstairs.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the first floor, I was startled by a flash away figure. Just when I was not in time, "Wow!" Xie Lulu, a "little dragonfly" with a bow tie, flew out of the downstairs with a loud voice. My mood was relaxed. Oh, Xie Lulu was joking with me. Walking out of the building, we were flying upside down. The kite just couldn't fly. We were so anxious that we ran and jumped around. When Xie Lu's glasses fell off, she didn't even know it. She pointed to the sky and cheered, "Fly! Fly!" But when I looked carefully, there was a garbage bag floating in the sky, and "butterflies" were still fluttering on the ground, which made me cringe!

  But Xie Lu Lu said solemnly, "Why don't we make up stories with kites?" So we made up many interesting stories, learned a lot of useful knowledge, and chased butterflies in the grass. We didn't go back because we couldn't fly kites, and we had a happy Sunday! Xie Lulu is such a clever, clever and humorous girl!


  On Sunday afternoon, when I had just finished my homework, I was going out to play. Suddenly, dark clouds were gathering in the sky, and deafening thunder and rain columns poured down from the sky. I stood in front of the window, looking out at the sea of rain, and a warm current slowly gushed out of my heart

  A year ago, a female classmate named Li Xin, a clever and naughty child, came to our class. Her chubby face has a pair of naughty big eyes. Her eyelids are flickering. The two big eyes like black gemstones will come as soon as they turn. Because she always likes to play tricks on people, almost no one in the class likes her, and I am no exception.

  One day, after school, the students stood in line and walked out of the classroom. Suddenly, big raindrops hit me in the face, "No, it's raining!" I said loudly. The students quickly returned to the classroom. Some took raincoats, some took umbrellas, and some parents had arrived at the door. Soon, Li Xin and I were alone in the classroom. She walked up to me and asked me strangely: "Why don't you go?" I frowned and said: "My mother went to a meeting outside the city, and I didn't bring an umbrella. How can I go?" Li Xin listened to me, and her funny face suddenly became very serious. "It doesn't matter. I have an umbrella, and my mother will be here soon. You can go home with my umbrella!" I looked at her in amazement. It was hard to imagine that this sentence came from Li Xin's mouth. I said shyly, "Can you?" "No problem, here you are!" Li Xin said brightly. I took her umbrella, said thank you and left.

  The next day, as soon as I entered the classroom, I heard the laughter of my classmates. After a closer look, I found that Li Xinzheng was sneezing one time and another time. Unexpectedly, his snot also ran out, causing everyone to laugh. I suddenly realized that a warm current came to my mind.

  Shakespeare said, "It is better to have many good friends than to have a lot of wealth.". Since then, Li Xin has become my best partner.


  We learn and grow happily together. Today, I would like to introduce to you a very humorous, intelligent, and also the most "iron" partner with me.

  His name is Yang Zhou. He is not tall and has small eyes. He is very smart. I met him when we were in the third grade. At that time, we had just been divided into different classes. There were many new faces in the class.

  As soon as I saw him, I asked him, "Brother, why are you so small? Your head is almost half lower than mine." He said, "It's OK. I compressed all the food before eating. I only ate a little, so I'm so small. But you can't underestimate me because my stomach is full of nutrition, but I haven't used it yet. If I use it, it will be taller than two Yao Ming!" His humorous words made me laugh, and we soon became good friends.

  He has a lot of jokes in his stomach. We often compete after class to see who knows more jokes and who tells the funniest jokes. Many boys in the class are often attracted to watch. He is really a bit better than me in telling jokes.

  He is clever and naughty. He is best at making quick brain changes, learning things quickly, and his academic performance is good. He loves reading and knows many things that most students do not know. When he is naughty, he also gives his teacher a headache. Once in class, I suddenly felt someone holding my leg. I looked down and saw that Yang Zhou had quietly left the seat and climbed to my seat while the teacher was writing on the blackboard. When the teacher turned back, he had returned to his seat. Later, I warned him not to mess in class, or I would tell his mother. After that, he was honest in class for a while.

  However, it was unexpected that he was very timid. Once when he was playing at my house, a sad cry came from the living room. My mother and I smelled the sound and saw that a worm appeared from nowhere, and I killed it with one foot. Look at Yang Zhou again. Tears are flowing down and he is looking at me in horror. His appearance made me laugh. After a while, he stopped crying, and I showed him the dead worms. He smiled shamefully.

  He is really my good friend.


  My partner, she has a ponytail tied on her melon seed face, a pair of large light brown eyes, a high bridge of the nose, and a small cherry mouth. She is of medium build and has great physical strength.

  She is Huang Ruixiao, the sports commissioner of our class. She is very good. I'll just say two here. The first is to help others, and the second is to work actively for teachers. Here, let me start with the first point.

  Once, a classmate had a high fever. Without saying a word, she hurried to the clinic with the classmate who had a high fever on her back. The infirmary is on the other building, so it is not only necessary to climb the stairs, but also a short way. The road was a bit slippery because it had just rained. Suddenly, she stepped out and slid forward. At the moment when she fell, as long as she released her hands and hugged the classmate, she could keep her balance. Or maybe she leans back and doesn't fall much. Because there was at least one person at the bottom, but she didn't. She fell to the ground and her knees bled. She stood up and jogged to the infirmary

  Second point. She comes to the classroom early every morning to check the hygiene. Sometimes, when she saw something dirty and didn't clean it, she picked up the broom herself. Although she didn't sweep the floor that day. And then help check the homework... In short, she spent the whole day in a busy way, but she never cried tired.

  I remember one time, the teacher said that in order to welcome Teacher's Day, we need to cut some flowers. Today, give us the paper first, let's take it home to cut on Sunday, and bring it to the school on Monday to give it to the teacher. She kept raising her hand to join. After class, we asked her why she would participate. She would volunteer on Saturdays and Sundays. Even her homework was done after school on Fridays. She said she cut it when she slept at night.

  This is my favorite little partner, Huang Ruixiao. She can almost be called a perfect person.
