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关于旅游的英语作文_第1篇:   Mom and dad often took me to travel when I was a kid. Because I was too young, so naughty. The father, mother and just look at me, lest I lost my run. Traveling is interesting, however, that in the south of the tour I still ride on the donkey! Little donkey, wriggling really cute! You know what? When I ride a little donkey, thanks to the donkey is tethered, or little donkey will threw me down the road.   On another occasion, we went to travel by the sea, the first time I saw a big ship, a jump three feet high. We had a ship, I'm so excited! So wide, the sea waters so blue, the sky the seagulls fly, water has many ships come and go. At noon, the adults are siesta, but I never go to bed. In the afternoon, when the attractions, but I tired panting.   Another time, we are going to travel by plane, unfortunately, I had a high fever, not all the way, I slept all the way, vomit all the way. Didn't see the beautiful scenery in the air, I regret it.   My childhood to travel, how interesting!   记得小时候爸爸、妈妈经常带我去旅游。因为我还太小,所以比较调皮。爸爸、妈妈走着走着就看看我,生怕我跑丢了。不过外出旅游非常有意思,那次在南方旅游我还骑到了毛驴身上呢!小驴活蹦乱跳的真可爱!知道吗?我骑小驴的时候,幸亏小驴是拴着的,要不然小驴就会把我摔倒大公路上去的。   还有一次,我们去了大海边旅游,我第一次看见大轮船,高兴的一蹦三尺高。我们上了一艘轮船,一路上我兴奋极了!海面那么宽,海水那么蓝,天上海鸥飞翔,水上来来往往的有许多船只。中午,大人们都午休了,我却始终没有睡觉。下午,到了景点的时候,我却累的气喘吁吁。   还有一次,我们坐飞机去旅游,不巧,我发高烧,一路上没有兴致,我睡了一路,吐了一路。没有看到空中美丽的景色,我非常后悔。   我的童年到处旅游,多么有趣啊!   关于旅游的英语作文_第2篇:   This year May Day dad took me to climb huashan, where the objects let me unforgettable.   I have been to yilong Jin Chengshan where earth although fruit trees, lush. But I still can't compare with the beauty of huashan; I've been to deyang dongshan, mountain peaks while verdant green there, but I still can't compare with huashan's; I've been to LangZhong scene pingshan, although there are many places of interest there, but I still can't compare with huashan.   As soon as I set foot on outsmarted his huashan road, I saw a place mountain, the mountain a verdant a dim, I look for, dad said: "hey, go." I face up to say: "dad, look, how beautiful the scenery here!"   I walk while see, sit the peaks are bare, jagged, under such circumstances, also long trees, its life is really tough. Is on a mountain long for a tree, two far, can't see clearly, the peaks, mountain like a tota Li Tianwang, the tree is the tower, how proud! We saw a national protect trees scholar, has a history more than five hundred years. The pagoda tree tree branches, leaves thick, oval, I fear the climb, but the overjoyed when became my power, my family and I continue to climb, climbing high. I can see a xifeng, that is the place that aloes opened to save the mother, I'm happy to jump up. The walk again, I saw the sky road, at the edge of the mountain together with boards a path. Look at that, thousands of feet is a 87 - degree slope on the straight, straight into the sky.   Listen to people say: huashan sunrise, sea of clouds is also very beautiful. The sun just rose above the horizon, the first to show a lovely smile... Hey, down the mountain, take the cable car, good high! On the cable car to see this side of the mountain is different. Every once in a pile on the cable car, fast, and in a short while, in the foothills, how can I believe so fast?   Time too fast, or I'll conquer time.   今年五一爸爸带我去攀登了华山,那里的一草一木让我难忘。   我去过仪陇的金城山,那里虽然果树遍地、绿草如茵。但还是比不上华山的美;我去过德阳东山,那里的山峰虽然苍翠碧绿,但还是比不上华山的奇;我还去过阆中景屏山,那里虽然有许多名胜古迹,但还是比不上华山。   我一踏上智取华山路,就看见一座座山峰拔地而起,山上一阵苍翠一阵暗淡,我看呆了,爸说:“嘿,走了。”我迎上去说:“爸爸,看,这里的景色多美啊!”   我边走边看,那一坐坐山峰都是光秃秃的,怪石嶙峋,在这样的条件下,还长了树木,它的生命真顽强。有一座山峰上长这一两棵树,很远看不清楚,那座山峰与众不同,山像托塔李天王,那树则是塔了,多神气啊!我们看见一颗保护树木国槐,有五百多年历史了。那棵国槐树枝粗壮,树叶茂密,呈椭圆形,我越爬越害怕,但是这高兴劲成了我的动力,我和家人继续攀登,越攀越高。我看见西峰了,那是沉香劈山救母的地方,我高兴的跳了起来。又走了一段路,我看见了长空栈道,在山的边缘上用木板连起来的一条路。看那千尺幢,是直上87度的坡,直插云霄。   听人说:华山的日出、云海也很美。太阳刚从地平线上升起来,最先露出一张可爱的笑脸……嘿,下山了,坐缆车,好高啊!在缆车上看见这一面的山与众不同。在缆车上每过一个桩,速度很快,一会儿,到了山脚,我怎么能相信这么快呢?   时间太快了,要不我再征服一回。

