

时间:2024-02-15 00:09:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





一、 请将下面的句子抄写到四线三格内,注意书写规范,字迹清晰。(共5分)
What are you going to do this evening?I am going to do my 

三、 填入所缺单词字母组成单词,并在括号里写出中文。(每题3分,共15分)
1,v__ __it   2,_ _ip     3.to_ _ _ht
  (    )      (      )   (         )
4,f__ l__       5,su__erm__rket  
(          )     (          )            
1、My parents are going to____________(看电影)tonight.
2、There are many______________(连环画册)in our school library.
3、Where are you going___________(下周)?
   4、We are going to____________(去旅行)on Saturday.
  5、How can I get there?You can get there__________(坐地铁).
(     )1.A: What are you going to do tonight?    A今天       B今晚       C明晚
(     )2.B: I'm going to see a film.     A电影       B 电视       C看电影
(     )3.A: What are you going to do next week?  A下周末     B晚上       C下周
(     )4.B: I'm going to Beijing, How about you?  A 大约      B关于    C ……怎么样?
(     )5.A: I'm going to visit my grandparents.    A.看到     B.拍照   C拜访
(     ) 1. I am going to __________ my grandparents next week.
     A. visit              B. visits              C. visiting 
(     ) 2. ---What are you going __________ on Sunday morning?  
     ---I am going to run in the park.
     A. to             B. to do            C. doing
(     ) 3. I’m going to buy an __________.
         A. comic book        B. English book        C. story book 
(     ) 4. ---Have a good time!
    A. Thank you.          B. Good.            C. Yes.
(     ) 5.---How is Amy going tomorrow?
   A. Beijing        B. By plane          C. On the weekend
(     )6.---________ are you going?
    ---I’m going to the cinema.
   A. What               B. Where                C. When
(     )7.I'm going to visit my grandparents ______________.
   A. on Saturdays        B. this weekend       C. last weekend
(     )8.Why not _______ on Tuesday?
   A. to go                B. go                C. going 
(     )9.I am going to buy a comic book__________ space.
   A. and              B. with               C. about
(     )10.Sarah ___________ going to buy a book this afternoon.
   A. is                 B. am                C. are
A:_________ are you going this afternoon?
B:I am going to the bookstore.
B: I'm going to buy a dictionary.
A:__________ are you going?
B: I'm going at 4 o'clock.
A:________ are you going there?
B: I'm going there by bike.
A: _________are you going with?
B:I am going there with my sister.
六、读问句, 选择正确的答语。(每题2分,共10分)
(    )1. What are you going to do this evening?
(    )2. When is your sister going to the park?
(    )3. Who are you going with?
(    )4. Where is your friend going?
(    )5. I she going to have an art lesson?

七、阅读理解。 (共计15分)
A、阅读短文, 判断句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。(每题1分,共5分)
     Tomorrow is Saturday. My family are going to have a busy day. My father is going to visit my uncle in the afternoon. My mother is going to buy some new clothes for me. I am going to have an art lesson in the morning and a music lesson in the afternoon. What am I going to do in the evening? I am going to do my homework. Then I am going to watch TV. What about your Saturday?
(    )1. Today is Friday.
(    )2. My father is going to visit my uncle on Sunday afternoon.
(    )3. I have two lessons on Saturday.
(    )4. I am not going to watch TV tomorrow.
(    )5. I am going to have some new clothes.
My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents aren't going to work,but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. I'm going to the bookstore by bus. Then I'm going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.
1. Does Amy have classes on Saturday?
2. What’s  Amy's  mother going to do tomorrow?
3. Who’s  Amy's father is going to visit?
4. When is Amy going to visit her grandparents and have a big dinner?  
5. Where is Amy going by bike?




1.(    )I’m going to______tomorrow.  A.swimming   B.swim    C.swims
2.(    )What are you going to do__________? A.tomorrow    B.now    C.yesterday
3.(    )-What are you going to do this evening?-____________.
        A.I do my homework      B.you do homework     C.I’m going to do my homework.
4.(    )When____you____an art lesson?  
A.do, have    B.am, going to have  C.is,going to have
5.(    )_____are you going tomorrow?  A.What    B.Where    C.Who
6.(    )-Are you going to buy a book?-____. A.Yes,you are.  B.No,I am.   C.Yes,I am.
7.(    )-Is your home far from your school?-_____.
        A.Yes, it isn’t.      B.No,it’s not far.      C.It’s on the left.
8.(    )They’re going to Beijing_____next week.  A.in     B.at     C.\
9.(    )I’m going______train.    A.by    B.on    C.at
10.(    )I’m going_____visit my grandparents.   A.and     B.to     C.with
11.(    )I’m going to______a trip.  A.take     B.has    C.having
12.(    )He is going _____a big trip.    A.to    B.at     C.on
13.(    )What are you going to do_______Saturday morning.  A.in    B.on    C.at
14.(    )-What are you going to do this afternoon?-_______. 
         A.I go to the park this afternoon.   B.I’m going to buy a book this afternoon.
C.I go to school by bike.
15.(    )What are you going to do_______this afternnon?  A.in    B.on   C.\
16.(    )We are going to the Great Wall.  A.长江    B.长城      C.黄河
17.(    )What are you going to do tomorrow?   A.今晚     B.明天   C.昨天
18.(    )I’m going with my grandparents.    A.祖父    B.父母       C.祖父母
19.(    )I’m going to read an_____. A.story book     B.Chinese book    C.English book
20.(    )_____is he going fishing?—At 2o’clock.  A.Where     B.When    C.What
21.(    )_____are you going to the shoes store?Because I want to buy some shoes.
          A.What     B.Why     C.When
22.(    )I want to_____ a doctor one day.    A.am    B.be    C.are
23.(    )____are you going to do this afternoon?   A.Where    B.What    C.Who
24.(    )I_____make a snowman.  A.going to    B.am going to   C.am going
25.(    )She’s going to the park______next week.   A.\  B.on  C.in
26.(    )Andy is going to______her aunt.   A.watch    B.visit     C.look
27.(    )I want to buy some food.Let’s go to the_________.  
A.bookstore         B.nature park         C.supermarket
28.(    )I’m going to_____a magazine.   A.look    B.watch    C.read
29.(     )I want to buy a book______space.   A.in    B.at    C.about
30.(    )-_____are you going? –This afternoon.  A.When    B.Which    C.Where
31.(    )-Can I help you?-_____________. 
A.Yes, I want to buy a book.      B.Here they are      C.Thank you!
32.(    )Would you like______ coffee,please?  A.any    B.some   C.a
33.(    )Amy and Sarah___ going to make a snowman tomorrow.  A.am   B.is   C.are
34.(    )I have an art lesson_____Tuesday morning.  A.in    B.on    C.at
35.(    )I am going to have an art lesson____Tuesday morning.  A.next   B.on   C.in
36.(    )I have an art lesson____the morning.  A.in    B.on    C.at
37.(    )I often______ a trip every week.   A.take    B.am going to    C.taking
38.(    )What are you going to do in 10 years’ time10年后?- I want_ a solider(士兵).
           A. to do     B.be     C.to be 
39.(    )___do you usually go to the post office?-By bike.  A.Where  B.What C.How
40.(    )What are you going to do_____Sunday morning?  A.on   B.in    C.at
41.(    )I_____a film tomorrow.   A.see     B.am going to make     C.are going to see
42.(    )_are you going to do?- I am going to buy a pencil. A.How  B.What  C.Where
姓名:___________班级:六(       )班  座号:_______组 分数:________________
A.tonight         B.tomorrow       C.dictionary       D.next week       E.see a film
F.comic book    G.take a trip    H.word book   I.wash clothes   J.make a snowman
1.时间________________ 2.活动_______________3.书刊________________
can              doing            is               do
1.What’s he__________now?           2.What are they going to_________soon?
3.What__________Tom doing?         4.Can you sing?-Yes, I__________.  
                      Where     How      Why      What       When
1.-_______are you going to the park by bike?-Because my home is near the park.
2.-_______is Mike going tomorrow morning?-He is going to the cinema.
3.-________do you go to school?-I go to school by bus.
4.-____are you going to do after school?-I’m going to read books with my mother.
5.-________is Amy going to the bookstore?-Next weekend.
6.-________are the boys going to do?-They are going to swim.
7._________ is Tom going this evening?-He is going to the cinema.
8.-________are you going to the library?-At 5:00 this afternoon.
9.-________many students in your classroom.-58.    
10.____are you going to the bookstore?-Because I want to buy some comic books.
1.I’m going to the supermarket________(and\ with) my mum .
2.Sarah______(is\ are) going to see a film.  3.Amy can______(see\ seeing) a fim.
4.Amy is going to_______(take/ go) a trip.     5.Let’s_______(go\ going) shopping.
6.Wu Yifan is going to________(see\ visit) his grandparents.
7.I’m going to have___(a\ an) English lesson.   8.How____(do\are)you go to school?
9.What are you going to do________(in\ on) your lesson?
10.He is________(fish\ fishing) now.  11.He is going________(fish\ fishing) now.
12.Do you often__________(read\ reading) books every day?
1.We are going to play football tomorrow.(画线部分提问)___________________
2.Can Mike go swimming today?(作肯定回答)_____________________________
3.Do you like to go boating?(作否定回答)_______________________________
4.I’m going to read a book this morning.(换一个时间状语改写句子)
  I’m going to read a book__________________________________________.
5.She often goes shopping on Sundays.(改为将来时态)_____________________
6.I’m going to clean my room tonight.__________________________________
7.She is going to take a trip tomorrow.________________________________
1.When are you going to see a film?(今晚)______________________________
2.How can I go to the supermarket?(搭地铁)____________________________
3.Does she read a comic book?(是)___________________________________
4.Where is the library.(在医院前面)___________________________________
5.Why are you going to the library?(想看书)_____________________________
6.Where are you going next week?(去超市)_____________________________
7.What is your father going to do?(去旅行)_____________________________
8.How does Amy come to school?(骑自行车)_____________________________ 



假日______________      激动地____________________      纸_______________

首先________________     问________________            瓶子______________

国庆节_______________     长城_______________          博物馆______________


回到学校________________________             国庆节之后______________________

打电话给你________________________           拜访我的阿姨______________________

外滩____________________                     很多有趣的东西________________________

太棒了________________________               我们的家人______________________

去农场____________________________           摘桔子______________________

去钓鱼____________________________           抓大鱼_______________________

想给你鱼______________________________       不在家________________________

天安门广场____________________________       三个主要的学校假期_____________________(来自)树上的橘子_____________________      来自大海_______________________


