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【#英语资源# 导语】“那一刻我长大了”是一个充满感动和回忆的话题。在我们的成长过程中,总会有一些特别的时刻,让我们从中汲取力量,成长为更加坚强和自信的人。®文档大全网为大家准备了《那一刻我长大了英语日记》,供大家参考阅读。

1.那一刻我长大了英语日记 篇一

  Growth is a wonderful and exciting process, always in that moment, it makes you feel that at that moment, you understand all the confusion in front of you. Indeed, growth is just so wonderful!

  One weekend morning, I walked downstairs and came to the living room to find that my mother and brother had already finished breakfast, while my mother was washing dishes in the kitchen. I rolled up my sleeves and walked to the kitchen to join my mother and wash dishes together. We chatted while washing. When we talked about interesting things, my mother even laughed. When I looked up, I suddenly realized that my mother was getting old and had some faint wrinkles on her face when she laughed; Silver threads were unknowingly exposed on my mother's hair; My mother also has thick calluses on her hands. I also thought of several times when my mother was cooking, she accidentally cut her hand and got stuck with a fish bone while washing the fish. When my mother touched my cheek with her hand, I clearly felt the roughness of my mother's palm. I asked her to use hand cream, and she smiled and said to me, "It won't be long before I wash the vegetables again. What's the use? It's better not to use it, don't waste it..." I felt a hint of heartache, I can't help but say to my mother, "Mom, you go out, I'll wash it

  My mother seemed to want to say something, but I persisted: "It's okay, I'll just wash it." My mother smiled at me and said, "Chen Lu, you've really grown up." At this moment, my mother's eyes seemed a bit moist

  Growth is like a trickling stream, rushing towards the sea through countless hardships; Growth is like budding flower bones that grow into beautiful flowers after experiencing wind and rain; Growth is a small baby bird, overcoming fear and flying from its nest to the blue sky.

  At that moment, I grew up.

2.那一刻我长大了英语日记 篇二

  When we were young, we all hoped to grow up quickly, but what is growing up? Is it because last year's clothes won't fit? Can you tie your own shoelaces? Have you learned how to cook? Still... and I felt like I had grown up on March 8th.

  On that day, the teacher assigned us a special assignment - to do something for our mother. Pour a glass of water for Mom? Or help mom clean up? I've been pondering for a whole day, but haven't come up with a good idea. In the evening, my mother cooked dinner and said, "My hair is a bit dirty. It looks like I need to wash it." As soon as I heard it, I quickly said, "Mom, today is Women's Day on March 8th. Let me help you wash your hair!" My mother said half confidently, "Can you wash it?" "Yes, don't worry!" I said confidently.

  I first filled the basin with hot and cold water and tested the water temperature with my hands. Then ask Mom to lower her head and wet her hair. Apply shampoo again and start kneading. Rubbing and rubbing, I found a white hair in my mother's hair. Mom, you've grown white hair! "I exclaimed. I'm not worried about you yet, "said my mother.

  Looking at that white hair, I suddenly remembered the scene when my mother washed my hair when I was a child. As a mischievous person, I always threw my mother in the face; I remember when I was sick, my mother kept me warm and cold, guarding my bedside all day; I remember my mother teaching me to write hand in hand when I was in first grade... Thinking about it, I couldn't help feeling sour in my heart.

  However, you have grown up now and know how to take care of your mother, "said the mother. At that moment, I really felt like I had grown up. Because I have learned that my mother traded her aging for my growth, and as I grew up, I should also repay my mother with the same love.

3.那一刻我长大了英语日记 篇三

  People always have to grow up. What I mean by 'growing up' is not about growing up in size or age, but about increasing knowledge, enhancing abilities, maturing the mind, and improving moral character

  I remember there were many small fish playing games freely on the verdant riverbank. I like small fish, so I would use nets to catch fish. That time, I had a lot of effort and worked hard for most of the day before catching a small fish. At that time, the scorching sun was shining on me, like in a steamer, and I felt a bit hesitant to retreat.

  Ha... ha... "A few times, many friends rushed over.

  We sat together and discussed the methods of fishing. After some discussion, we couldn't agree on our ideas. Finally, by combining our methods together, we came up with a good way to catch fish effortlessly. As he spoke, he began to move his hands.

  First, block both sides of the small river with mud and leave a small opening. At this moment, send someone to put the net there, everything is ready, except for catching fish. Each of us carries a small stick and walks forward from behind, not letting go of every corner.

  The little fish swam forward like an arrow from the string. When they reached the front, they saw the road blocked and had no choice but to swim towards the small mouth. We kept moving forward, and the little fish slowly swam into the net. We returned with a full load.

  After this pleasant collaboration, I feel that sometimes things cannot be completed without cooperation. Only through cooperation can things be accomplished and done well. I suddenly feel like I can think about some questions and make timely summaries, haha... I have grown up.

4.那一刻我长大了英语日记 篇四

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. The once ignorant little bear child suddenly turns into a handsome young man, but the process of growing up until that moment, I have grown up.

  I remember when I was in fourth grade, I was so anxious that I always wanted to make a delicious dish. I have been eating dishes made by others for over a decade now, and I really want to showcase my talent.

  With the consent of my parents, I happily started making my favorite tomato scrambled eggs.

  Step 1: Cut tomatoes. I was holding a "ten thousand catty" kitchen knife and almost couldn't hold it firmly, otherwise my poor little feet would have died. I nervously cut the tomato in half and then cut it from right to left. At that time, the action of chopping vegetables was unimaginable: the left hand tightly squeezed the tomato, which had already sunk into a few finger sized small holes. I held the kitchen knife tightly in my right hand, shaking like a little tadpole swaying in the water for seven or eight seconds. I carefully cut the tomato into thin slices as thin as paper. Every time I cut a piece in half, my hands stop to take a break, fearing that my fingers would be cut to the point of bleeding. After cutting, after putting down the kitchen knife, several marks were made on my hand.

  Put the tomatoes into the pot, and the second step is to fry them in oil. I poured the oil into the pot and it bounced around like a frightened squirrel, fearing it would scorch me. I stir fried on both sides and didn't give up until it was fragrant. Subsequently, vinegar, sugar, salt, and cooking wine were mixed for a while, and then stir fried for a while before they were out of the pot.

  Dad and Mom don't care if I stir fry well or not, but after seeing me stir fry for the first time, a pleased smile appeared on their faces. At that moment, I felt like I had grown up.

5.那一刻我长大了英语日记 篇五

  I was walking on the road to school, and a faint black cloud floated in the sky. I had an ominous feeling - it was going to rain! I walked towards the school with anxious steps.

  Gradually, the sky will fall a few drops of Drizzle, I hold up a black umbrella. But it's still too late. The sky changed from a light rain to a pouring rain. Just one zebra crossing away! I took a step forward, but to my surprise, my foot directly stepped into a puddle, and a cold stream of water made me feel uncomfortable. When I arrived at school, I found my pants, socks, and shoes all wet. My heart is very upset, alas, whether to make a phone call or not! After a moment of contemplation, I made a decision. So, I worked hard and called my mother and said, "Mom, my socks are wet!" My mother listened and said anxiously, "Okay, Mom will bring them to you right away. Don't catch a cold!" "Hmm, okay," I said.

  After more than ten minutes of waiting, I saw the figure in the classroom, it was Mom! I ran out of the classroom and saw my mother. I looked up at my mother, her hair was all wet. I was extremely moved. After my mother changed it for me, she said, "Baby, I'll go first!" I couldn't help but shed tears. At that moment, I grew up! At that moment, I felt like I had grown up! Tears flow silently, not only my tears, but also my past childishness and ignorance. Watching my mother leave behind. At that moment, I grew up.

  The sky cleared, leaving only rain and a pure white sky all over the ground.
