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【#英语资源# 导语】壮阔江河是您奔流的血脉,苍茫大地是您宽广的胸怀,您经历了多少的苦难,终于迎来今天的灿烂,而今,繁荣昌盛、国泰民安是我最衷心的祝愿!下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Our motherland has 56 nationalities and a long cultural history.

  Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, our motherland has experienced many ups and downs from a poor country to a prosperous and powerful Asian power. Our motherland was strong and unyielding in the face of disasters. It took up the mountains and seas with a generous arm, held the people tightly in its arms, and united our people with a strong cohesion. It overcame many difficulties and won.

  Especially since the reform, China's economic take-off is amazing! The people's living standards have been greatly improved. Majestic bridges, tall buildings and highways paint earth shaking changes in the motherland. The 5.12 earthquake let the world see the moving scene of the motherland fearless and united in the face of disaster.

  The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games realized the Centennial dream of the motherland. The excellent performance of Chinese athletes added infinite brilliance to the motherland and left a good impression on the world. The successful launch of Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft marks a new milestone in China's space technology.

  Our motherland is standing in the east of the world with a new attitude. As the new generation of our motherland in the future, we should study harder, forge ahead actively, and use our intelligence to make our motherland move towards a brighter and brilliant tomorrow.

  I love my motherland. I wish my mother will always shine.


  The valuable spirit of defending the motherland and caring for the people's livelihood has enabled the Chinese nation to survive through disasters. The content of patriotism is very extensive. Loving the mountains and rivers of the motherland, loving the history of the nation, caring for the fate of the motherland, fighting bravely in times of crisis and dying for the motherland are all manifestations of patriotism. In the five thousand years of development of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation has formed a great national spirit with patriotism as the core.

  It is precisely because of the deep love for the motherland that the hardworking and intelligent Chinese people have jointly opened up a vast territory and created a brilliant culture. Shouldering the task of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, actively safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the motherland, and the territory of the motherland should not be lost or occupied by separatists; We should love the history and culture of the motherland, improve national self-esteem and self-confidence, and do our best to create a more brilliant national culture.

  Today, China has entered a new historical period. China's accession to the WTO has brought China closer to all countries in the world. Opportunities and challenges coexist. We will face more and more new situations and problems. To promote the great cause of China's reform and opening up and accelerate the process of socialist modernization, we need to constantly carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism. Only in this way can the Chinese nation regain its momentum and make greater contributions to human civilization and progress.

  When a young man is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when a young man is strong, the country is strong. We should meet the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, enhance our patriotic feelings and sense of responsibility to revitalize the motherland, and establish national self-esteem and self-confidence; Carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation, hold high the banner of patriotism, forge ahead, constantly strive for self-improvement, work hard and tenaciously, and truly turn the ambition of patriotism into a trip to serve the country. Today we study hard to revitalize China and tomorrow we will contribute our strength to creating a brilliant future for the motherland!


  In the twinkling of an eye, 70 years have passed. In this year's National Day file, the tribute film "me and my motherland" will be released in nine days. As one of the first films launched by the publicity film Bureau in mid-2019, the film is produced by the "Chinese film dream team" and a passionate expression of the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China.

  It must be "the first time to see the production on National Day". The film party also held a full lineup ceremony in the National Library. The main creators attended and appeared in the National Library. It can be said that it gathered half of the Chinese film circle, told each story affectionately carrying the national era memory, and shared the experience and feelings behind the creation.

  "Me and my motherland" is jointly directed by Chen Kaige, Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, Wen Muye, starring Huang Bo, Zhang Yi, Wu Jing, Ma Yili, ge you and others. It is the advertisement of several generations of Chinese filmmakers to "pay tribute to time with light and shadow". It mainly tells the experience closely related to the major events of the motherland and presents a gift film for the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China.

  The film is not just a gift film recording the development and changes of the motherland in the 1970s. The plot more reflects the living conditions of ordinary people and connects the common memory of the whole people. All the actors in the crew perform at zero pay. Everyone performs very sincerely and wholeheartedly for the motherland. It is a film worth watching.

  In the play, Zhang Yi and Ren Suxi. Zhang Jiayi told the touching story of Deng Jiaxian, the "founder of the two bombs", who "gave up his family to report to the country". Xu Zheng also integrated his women's volleyball memory into it. At the age of 12, he experienced the moment when China's women's volleyball team won the Olympic games and became a witness of this history.

  When the women's volleyball team won the championship, Wu Jing was only ten years old at that time. He frankly said, "I have practiced for four years and won numerous medals, but when I see the women's volleyball team win the championship, I will be very excited and feel that it is a matter of infinite glory to fight for the honor of the motherland". Ma Yili also introduced the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team that will never be recognized. ", We recalled the memory of that year together.

  Six of the leading actors gathered on the stage and shouted "we are all Chinese". The whole picture was full of patriotism and pushed the atmosphere to a climax. At the scene, Ren Dahua and Hui Yinghong also shared their personal memory of Hong Kong's return. "When Hong Kong returned, I finally knew I had a country and could tell everyone that I was Chinese.", Ren Dahua also expressed that "I was born in a police family, and my father and brother are both policemen. On the day of Hong Kong's return, every ordinary policeman and ordinary citizen used every minute to describe his urgent mood of looking forward to returning on time".

  Their memories were full of expectations for the return at that time. Finally, there was a country. We may not have experienced the mood at that time, but after listening to these words, we really felt this expectation. In addition to these starring actors, many actors said many words they wanted to express to the country. In short, they were full of patriotism.

  At the end of the grand ceremony, all the main creators sang "me and my motherland" together, expressed it again with songs, deeply remembered in the hearts of every audience, and demonstrated the true meaning of Chinese filmmakers to the motherland. The film is very worth watching, so I hope you can watch "me and my motherland" for the first time and discuss our feelings together.


  When the women's volleyball team members stood on the podium, the five-star red flag was flying high, and the National Anthem echoed in the Gymnasium... All these formed the classic picture in the memory of the audience. In that era when there was no mobile phone and no Internet, the relationship between people was closer and their attention was relatively focused. "Therefore, the topic of a game ran through from beginning to end. It brought us a strong sense of enrichment in the spiritual world," Xu Zheng said.

  In the story, Xu Zheng closely combined the women's volleyball team spirit with the emotion of the times. Through his unique narrative style, Xu Zheng "moved the exciting women's volleyball final of the" > Olympic Games of the Los Angeles Olympic Games 35 years ago to "live broadcast" in the Shanghai alley. With the neighborhood of the alley, he revisited the legend of the women's volleyball team again and recreated the peak moment when the Chinese women's volleyball team won the Olympic champion for the first time.

  Xu Zheng recalled: "at that time, it was really crowded to watch such a game. In the 1980s, it was also at the beginning of reform and opening up, which gave us Chinese a dose of cardiotonic and planted a seed of self-confidence." sports can most unite people's hearts. Xu Zheng said that the spirit of women's volleyball is not only women's volleyball, but also sports, "The cohesion it produces can make you feel that there is such a sense of connection between you and your motherland."


  For 5000 years, China has a lot of glorious history and many proud things. In the distant time of 5000 years, many countries wanted to invade China, but because our people were united, friendly and unremitting, the foreigners who invaded our country were finally driven away by us.

  In 1949, a grand founding ceremony was held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. During this period, there was a man named Lin Zhiyuan. He was an engineer. He was responsible for the power system of raising the flag. In order to ensure safety, Lin Zhiyuan studied every detail. When people learned that they needed rare metals, they turned out all the metals in their home. It was really tearful!

  I feel moved by the return and hello in Beijing. The return tells the story of the handover ceremony of Hong Kong's return. It is mainly about negotiations between Chinese diplomats and foreigners. The Chinese flag should be raised every minute! Hello, Beijing. It was a driver who drew the tickets for the opening ceremony. All kinds of ostentation along the way were "bought" by a child from Sichuan! It turned out that the railing of the Beijing Olympic Games was repaired by the child's father. His father died in Wenchuan. The taxi driver was very moved and finally gave the ticket to the "> child from Sichuan!

  Our motherland is the greatest, our motherland is also the largest and most united country! I am proud of being a Chinese! I love your motherland!


  On the second day of the National Day holiday, my mother took me to watch me and my motherland and finished the film with tears.

  This film is very moving. It is divided into seven parts to talk about the development of the motherland. What impresses me most is the first part - the night before yesterday. It tells about the arduous preparations for the founding ceremony on October 1, 1949. The protagonist Lin Zhiyuan didn't go home to reunite with his family for a month and didn't close his eyes for three days and nights. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the flag raising ceremony, he devoted himself to the research on the electric flag raising pole, again and again, again and again. Failure, again, failure, again, even climb up the flagpole, fix the pulley, sweat, I don't know how many times. With his unremitting efforts and the help of many patriots, the flag raising ceremony of the founding ceremony was finally carried out smoothly.

  Our happy life now is bought by thousands of revolutionary predecessors with blood. The ever-changing changes of our motherland are also fought by revolutionary predecessors with sweat and tears. We should love our motherland. At the same time, as a primary school student, we should strive to learn cultural knowledge and contribute to our motherland in the future. Let our motherland more prosperous!


  The world is still that world, and China is no longer that China. As soon as the trailer of "me and my motherland" came out, it ignited every Chinese heart, and I was among them, making countless Chinese people cry.

  The seven stories in the film are historical moments that are deeply shocked and unforgettable in people's hearts. "Eve" mainly tells the story of the founding of the people's Republic of China on October 1, 1949. "Meet" mainly tells the story of the success of China's first atomic bomb explosion. "Winning" mainly tells the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team winning the Olympic Games on August 8, 1984 and winning the third consecutive World Series for the first time. "Return" mainly tells the story of Hong Kong's return on July 1, 1997. "Hello Beijing" mainly tells the story of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, 2008. Daytime meteor mainly tells the story of the successful landing of the return capsule of Shenzhou 11 spacecraft in 2016. Escort mainly tells the story of the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese war on September 3, 2015.

  When the people of the world heard the sentence "the Central People's Government of the people's Republic of China was established today", the five-star red flag marked not only the birth of a country, but also a disaster stricken nation. In the humiliation of a century, it finally straightened its waist and stood up!

  Loving the motherland, hometown and people is the responsibility of every Chinese to ignite the heart of a child; Strive for the prosperity of the motherland!


  Motherland, my mother, the Great Wall is your unyielding back, the silk road is your fresh blood, the rolling Yellow River is your boiling blood, and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is your unyielding will

  Looking back on the past, the Chinese nation suffered a lot of humiliation and was subjected to endless humiliation by foreign aggressors. However, with the increasing prosperity of the motherland and the continuous development of China's science and technology, China has launched Shenzhou V, Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou VII rockets one after another. With the launch after launch, China is also refreshing its own record step by step. This is not only a great leap forward in China's aerospace technology, but also a great leap forward in science and technology. Since then, Chinese footprints have been left in space and Chinese names have been written down; The Olympic Games have realized China's dream for many years. At the games, Chinese athletes ranked first in the gold medal list with excellent sports skills and tenacious fighting spirit. At the same time, it also makes foreigners who despise us dumbfounded and look at us differently

  Looking back on history, our hearts are surging; Looking forward to the future, we are full of pride. This series of successes has proved China's strong strength and that China stands like a giant in the east of the world.

  But now some primary school students will think that patriotism is the business of adults. They are still young. When they are patriotic in the future, they can only do themselves well now! But this idea is wrong. We should be patriotic since childhood and always think about what we can do for our motherland. Although our strength is very small and can't be like adults, we can still do a lot for our motherland. For example, caring for the environment, greening our homes, turning off the water and turning off the lights... These things seem ordinary, but as long as we can work hard and do it consistently, we can contribute our part to our country. Only when we make our motherland prosperous will the people not be bullied.      There is a good saying: if a young man is rich, the country is rich; A strong youth makes a strong country. As a teenager in the 21st century, I shoulder the important task of making the motherland prosperous. We should establish lofty aspirations from childhood, learn knowledge well, grow up and serve the motherland.

  I am honored to be a Chinese and a descendant of the Chinese people. After the 63 years of the Republic, we have too many feelings, too many moves and too much to thank. We stand at the crossroads of history, look back and look forward to.

  Motherland, my mother! I love you, long live the motherland!


  The film is based on the story of seven real events. From the founding ceremony in 1949 to the military parade in 2015, it is the footprints left by our great motherland step by step. Among them, the most impressive stories are "the night before yesterday" and "meet".

  Eve is about the eve of the founding ceremony in 1949. During the last test of electric flag raising, it was found that the rotating shaft on the flag raising pole was broken and had to be replaced. But the shaft can only be made by alloying three metal substances. So the staff can only ask the people for help. They sat on the roof and shouted with their horns for a long time, but no one answered.

  Just when they were almost desperate, a light suddenly came from a distance, and it was getting closer and closer. Then, more and more light beams came from behind... When I looked at it, I saw groups of people coming with lights and items they thought could help. The staff put various items into the furnace, refined them into alloy, made a new rotating shaft, then broke through the heavy security resistance, climbed up the flag platform and installed the new rotating shaft on the flag pole.

  On October 1, 1949, the great leader Chairman Mao stood at the Tiananmen Gate Tower and solemnly announced to the world: "the people's Republic of China has been established!" at the same time, he solemnly pressed the flag raising button. At this time, all the staff were very nervous and excited. They stared at the five-star red flag rising slowly... Finally, when the five-star red flag successfully rose to the top of the flagpole and stayed, they were relieved and smiled happily.

  "Meet" tells about some failures in the manufacture of atomic bombs by scientific researchers. We evacuated quickly according to the instructions of our superiors. Only when Gaoyuan ignored the safety, returned to the dangerous post and pulled away the nuclear power shaft could the disaster be avoided. At the same time, he had to be hospitalized because of nuclear radiation.

  In the hospital bed, the leader whispered to him that please pay attention to the situation in the street these days. So he asked the nurse every day if there was anything moving in the street, but the nurse's answer was always No.

  Finally one day, he couldn't help it. He got out of bed secretly and took a bus outside. A girl came to him on the bus. In fact, this is his girlfriend. But they haven't met since Gao Jin entered the nuclear power plant. Gao Yuan wants to meet his girlfriend, but if the atomic bomb is not successfully launched, he can't reveal his identity.

  At this time, I saw a sea of people on the street, people cheering, holding a red banner in their hands, which said "I love you, China!" it turned out that China's first atomic bomb was successfully launched! A happy and proud smile appeared on Gao Yuan's face. But he never saw his girlfriend again.

  After watching this film, I learned about the development process of our dear motherland from the founding of the people's Republic of China to the present. I can't be calm for a long time. We want to pay tribute to those heroes who are anonymous and pay silently! They have made great sacrifices for the strength of the motherland and the safety of the people! As children of the mother of the motherland, we are the hope and future of the motherland. We must not live up to the expectations of our predecessors. We must cherish this hard won happiness, listen to the teachings of teachers and parents, study hard, and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland when we grow up!

  Here, I want to say: "I love you, my dear motherland!"


  "Me and my motherland" tells about seven people who have contributed or made extraordinary contributions to the motherland in different positions, whether they are engineer Lin Zhiyuan, Dongdong who dares to make choices, or taxi driver Zhang Beijing. These people all show the essence of our Chinese people. Of course, the most unforgettable ones are champion and engineer Lin Zhiyuan.

  Winning the championship is about Dongdong's friend Xiaomei's transfer. That night, Xiaomei had to fly to the United States. Dongdong was very unlucky that day, because the whole village was watching the Chinese women's volleyball team win the championship, but there was a problem with the antenna, so Dongdong had to get the antenna. What he wanted to give Xiaomei could have been realized, But at that time, he made a big decision to let the whole village watch the women's volleyball team win the title and win glory for the country. It is obvious that Dongdong is a patriotic person. His spiritual character is worth learning. He should be as enthusiastic as Dongdong and the women's volleyball team and win glory for the country.

  In addition, engineer Lin Zhiyuan worked so hard behind the electric flagpole. All these are the efforts of patriotic engineer Lin Zhiyuan. But he said that this is what he should do. It reminds me of countless soldiers and countless people who make efforts for the country. They are all great heroes!

  I felt deeply after reading "me and my motherland". I hope I can join the ranks of these heroes and be patriotic like these people. I want this spirit to last forever!

