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【#小学英语# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学五年级上册第三单元英语试卷【三篇】》 供您查阅。


一、        选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)
(   )1.  A. tall          B. strong         C. delicious
(   )2.  A. Monday      B. chicken        C. Friday
(   )3.  A. maths        B. sandwich       C. music
(   )4.  A. sweet        B. cheap          C. expensive
(   )5.  A. salad        B. fruit            C. hamburger
二、        根据提示语,将方框中的单词归类。(10分)
A.apple    B. onion   C. beef   D. banana   E. pear
F. chicken   G. tomato   H. carrot   I. peach   J. fish
三、看图,写单词。( 15分)

(   )1. What’s your favourite ________?  ——Salad.
       A. food         B. fruit        C. colour
(   )2. I love ice cream. It’s ______________.
       A. sweet        B. hot         C. fresh
(   )3. What would you like to eat?
A.        I like some fish and noodles.
B.        I have some fish and noodles.
C.        I’d like some fish and noodles.
(   )4.Here you are. ——________________
        A. No.         B. Thanks.        C. Great.
(   )5.What’s you favourite fruit?
        A. apple       B. tea        C. hamburger
(   )6. I’m __________. Let’s go to the restaurant to eat something.
        A. angry      B. hungry      C. thirsty
(   )7. The food is ________sweet. It’s not healthy.
         A. to       B. two      C. too
(   )8. Carrots and onions are __________.
        A. meat     B. vegetables     C. fruits
(   )9. I’d like rice and vegetables __________ lunch today.
        A. for        B. at         C. on
(   )10. I like carrot juice. ___________ fresh and healthy.
       A. It’s         B. It        C. They’re
(   )11. 当你问别人“你想吃什么”时,你说:_______
A.        What would you like to eat?
B.        What would you like to drink?
C.        What do you like? 
(   )12.当你告诉别人“今天午饭我吃洋葱和牛肉”时,你说:___
A.        I have potatoes and mutton for lunch today.
B.        I have onion and beef for lunch today.
C.        I have green beans and pork for lunch today.
(   )13.当你告诉别人“我想吃鱼肉和三明治”时,你说:___
A.        I have fish sandwich.
B.        I’d like fish sandwich.
C.        I like fish sandwich.
(   )14. 当你对别人说“这种食物很美味”时,你说:____________
       A. It’s fresh.     B. It’s delicious.     C. It’s healthy.
(   )15. 当你对别人说:“我最喜欢的食物是鸡肉”时,你说:____
A.        I ‘d like chicken.
B.        I have some chicken.
C.        My favorite food is chicken.
(   )1. What’s your favourite food?          A. Me too.
(   )2. I like banana.                      B. Beef.
(   )3. What’s your favourite fruite?          C. Pears.
(   )4.What would you like to drink?         D. I’d like some milk.
on    healthy    eat    delicious    favourite     hot
1. We have noodles_________ Thursdays.
2. I don’t like pepper(辣椒). It’s too_____________.
3. I love vegetables and fruit. They’re _______________.
4. What’s your ____________ food? 
5. ——What would you like to ___________? ——Bread and hot dag.
6. The chicken is ____________.
The animals are having a party in the forest(森林). Mrs Rabbit likes tomatoes very much. They are sweet. She doesn’t like green beans. They’re not fresh. Bananas are Mr Monkey’s favourite food. They are sweet and healthy. But he doesn’t like onions. They are smelly(臭). Mr Sheep likes carrots. They are fresh and delicious. He doesn’t like potatoes. Mr Tiger’s favourite food is beef, but there is no beef here.
(   ) 1. Mrs Rabbit likes sweet tomatoes very much.
(   ) 2. Mrs Rabbit likes green beans, too.
(   ) 3. Mr Monkey likes banana but not onions.
(   ) 4. Mr Sheep doesn’t like potatoes .
(   ) 5. Mr Tiger doesn’t like beef.



一、     选择题。
(   )1.______ would you like for lunch?   A. Where    B. What   C. Who
(   )2. What would you like _______ lunch?   A. to   B. for    C. have
(   )3.________________?   --I’d like some tomatoes .
A. What do you have for dinner on Mondays ?    
B. What do you have for  on Mondays ?   C What would you like for dinner?
(   )4. What would like for lunch ?   --_________________.
A. I like mutton.    B. I’d like mutton .   C. I have mutton.
(   )5._____ do you have for dinner?   A. What’s     B. Who   C. What
(   )6.What do you have for lunch _______ Mondays?    A. on   B. in   C. at
(   )7. What do you have for breakfast on Fridays?  --_______________
A. I have English .     B. I have cabbage .     C. I’d like cabbage .
(   )8.-- I have tofu. _______________?    -- I have onions.
A. What day is it today?    B. What’s your favourite food?    C. What about you?
(   )9.The fish _____ tasty.        A. are   B. is    C. has
(   )10. The grapes ______ sour .     A. is    B. are   C.
(   )11.What’s your favourite _______ ?  -- Fish . It’s fresh.
(   )12. What’s your favourite _______ ?   --Watermelons. They are sweet.
(   )13. What’s your favourite _______ ?   --Eggplant . It’s tasty.
(   )14.I like apples. ____________ sweet.   A. It’s   B. They’re   C. are they
(   )15. I like tofu. ________ healthy.    A. Is it    B. They’re   C. It’s
(   )16. I’m heavy now. I ______ eat vegetables.  A. am   B.would like  C. have to
(   )17.How many ___do you have ? --I have four.  A. muttons  B. tomatos C. apples
(   )18.I can see two ________ in the picture.   A. banana   B. orange  C. oranges
(   )19. What would Amy like ? --____________.
A.   I’d like cakes.   B. She’d like cakes.  C. We’d like cakes.
(   )20. –_________________?    -- Wednesdays. We have P.E. class.
A. What’s your favourite day?       B. What’s your favourite class?
C.What’s your favourite food?
(   )21. What _____ your favourite food?    A. are   B. is    C. have
(   )22. I_____ like bananas.   A. can’t    B. don’t   C. am not 
二、     写出缩写形式。
1.I would _____ 2. do not _______ 3. is not ________4. are not________5. he is _____
6.they are ______7. we are _______ 8. you are _______9.she is _____ 10. it is_______
1.mutton_________ 2. potapo________3.cabbage_________4.fruit______5.grape ____    6. fish ______ 7. tomato_________ 8. pork_____  9. eggplant _______ 10.tofu _____
1. What would you like for lunch?                  A. I have pork .
2. What do you have on Thursdays?                 B. I’d like mutton .
3.What do you have for lunch on Thursdays?          C. I have English and music.
4.What’s your favourite food ?                      E. I like apples.
5. What’s your favourite fruit?                       F. I like tofu.
1.     The fish is t _________ .
2.     I like cucumbers. Because it’s f________________ and healthy.
3.     I don’t like grapes. They are s____________.
4.     The watermelons are s______________ .
5.     Beef is my f________________ food.
  Today is Wednesday. We have potatoes, pork and green beans for lunch .Potatoes are my favourite my mother food. But I don’t like potatoes. I like pork. It’s tasty and healthy. What about my father? His favourite food is green beans . They are fresh. For dinner, we have tomatoes , beef and cabbage. My father, my mother and I like the dinner. After dinner, we eat some apples. Apples are our favourite fruit. They are healthy.
1.     What day is it today? ________________________________________________
2.What do we have for lunch today? _________________________________________
3.What’s my mother favourite food? ________________________________________
4. What’s my father favourite food? ________________________________________
6.     What’s our favourite fruit? ____________________________________________
Sarah:  What’s your favourite food, WuYifan?
Wu: I like mutton , chicken and fish .
Sarah: What’s your favourite fruie?
Wu: I like watermelons. They’re sweet. What about you?
Sarah: I like grapes.
Wu: I don’t like grapes. They’re sour . I like carrot juice. It’s fresh and healthy.
Sarah: Me too. Carrot juice is tasty.
(   )1. Wu Yifan likes mutton and pork.
(   )2. Watermelon is Sarah’s favourite fruit.
(   )3. Sarah likes grapes.
(   )4. Carrot juice is healthy.
(   )5. Sarah and Wu Yifan like carrot juice.
1.     Wu Yifan’s favourite food is ________________ , _____________ and _________.
2.     Wu Yifan likes watermelons . They’re __________________ .
3.     Wu Yifan doesn’t like grapes . They’re ________________________ .
4. Carrot juice is _________________ and _____________ .Sarah and Wu Yifan like it.




1.土豆__________               2.西红柿__________
3.豆腐__________               4.咸的__________
5.葡萄__________               6.为;给__________
7.午餐__________               8.鱼__________
9.水果__________               10.青豆__________
11.茄子__________              12.最喜爱的__________
13.我们__________              14.新鲜的__________
15.酸的__________              16.甜的__________
1.they're__________  2.don't__________
1.cabbage/'kQbIdZ/____________             2.pork/pOːk/____________
3.mutton/'mVtEn/____________             4.healthy/'helTI/____________
5.now/naʊ/____________                   6.eat/iːt/____________
7.have to____________                   8.I'd like____________

(  )1.menu    (  )2.Mew Mew         (  )3.sound
A.听起来  B.猫咪;咪 咪  C.菜单 


(  )1.What's your favourite fruit? 
(  )2.What do you have for lunch on Mondays?        
(  )3.I like apples.They're sweet.                
(  )4.I like fruit.       
(  )5.We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.


