唐山大地震 四十五周年_纪念唐山大地震四十五周年英语作文


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【#英语资源# 导语】纪念唐山大地震四十五周年,45年前,一场举世震撼的大地震将唐山夷为一片废墟,24万条生命沦为亡魂。一夕之间,祖国大地遭受重创,但是地震无情,人间有爱,今年是唐山大地震第四十五周年的纪念日,让我们共同缅怀在地震中丧生的同胞们,以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  July 28, 1976 may be a day we will never forget. In the deep night scene, we were awakened by a roar of the earth. The sky was dark and full of gloomy atmosphere, but it seemed so calm in the storm. Looking at the dark sky, a waste area had no previous vitality. My heart hurt, that is, thousands of lives had been lost in just 23 seconds.

  Perhaps I would think that it was God's test for us. We were like the grass of new life, but the natural disaster was a fire. As poet Li Bai said, the wild fire could not burn out, and the pounding wind could blow again. Even if the natural disaster destroyed our houses and our homes, it could not destroy our firm faith and confidence.

  When I saw this film, I deeply felt that the most selfless people in the world were the people's Liberation Army uncles. They worked night and night, and they didn't miss a minute. Even if there was a glimmer of vitality, they would hold up the hope of tomorrow. They put life and death aside and left the hope of life to others. They were as resolute as giants, fell in the muddy wind and rain, got up and struggled to find life, Perhaps the most selfish is that they never accept the favor of the people and do not ask for return.

  After reading it, I flashed an idea. I remembered how shocking the 5.12 earthquake last year was. The worst hit place was not Wenchuan, but Beichuan. The uncle of the people's Liberation Army heard a weak voice saying that the uncle of the people's Liberation Army was so touching about my mother, and his parents blocked the slate with a weak body in order to save himself. He was saved. Asking for a kiss was a great thing Love, but the scourge is ruthless.

  We are like bamboo, bamboo leaves are exploited, bamboo branches are stopped, bamboo whips are cut, and deep buried bamboo roots. We are tenacious forever.


  The earth was shaking, the tree fell, the bridge collapsed, and the tall building suddenly became a piece of rubble. Earthquake! This is the Tangshan earthquake! The loud bang was mixed with the mourning of the wounded and the crying of the child. Although it's just a movie, I'm still shocked by the thrilling scene.

  Among the tens of thousands of victims, a little boy named Fangda was taken away by the earthquake. He and his mother live by each other, but he is not discouraged, does not bow to difficulties, from the start of the tricycle, to the establishment of a company, become a boss, have their own house, car. How many difficulties have the disabled people with one hand experienced!

  What is more rare is that when he succeeds, he does not forget his mother and wants to receive her to Hangzhou to live, and she will not go; She still disagreed with her mother buying a house in Tangshan; Fonda wants to persuade her mother to get rid of her pain earlier and forget about the past and move to a new life. His mother and his opinions are not unified, and Fangda does not demand it. Different mothers argue.

  In the new year, in order not to let his mother lonely, he would not hesitate to quarrel with his daughter-in-law, leaving his children beside his mother. He always makes the best efforts to make his mother happy and try his best to be a good son.

  I admire Fonda! Admire his tenacity, not to bow to fate, to spell out his own world; I admire Fonda! Admire him filial piety, success does not forget mother, is it for father? Or for my sister? It turns out that it was a family of four! I admire Fonda! Admire his strong ambition, a young man with an arm to let the mother who has experienced a good life; By contrast, his sister and sister, although full of limbs, are cold in her heart. What did she do for her mother?

  Perhaps, fate is unfair, let the child lose their parents too early, perhaps life is cruel, let healthy children become disabled; Fangda and I both lost their father's love, and let us endure the test of life; But fortunately, I have a healthy body and many relatives to help. I believe that Fonda can do something with one hand. I can carry the blue sky with my hands if I have perfect limbs!

  Do not bow to setbacks, do not bow to difficulties, serve mother, answer family expectations, with their hands to develop a better future!


  My hometown is in Tangshan. Everyone must know the Tangshan earthquake. How many people lost their precious lives because of the earthquake. There is only one life. I heard grandma tell me about it. Now let me tell you about it.

  When people were sleeping, a blue light appeared in the sky, and then there was a loud noise in the distance, as if thousands of people were beating drums or thundering. After the loud noise, someone suddenly shouted, "earthquake, earthquake, run away." the sleeping people were frightened to wake up. They only heard a bang, one building fell down, and then another fell down, Some people even ran out of the house naked without time to put on their clothes. They are so eager to live. Some parents trade their lives for their children's lives. Our parents are so great.

  Suddenly there was a big crack in the ground, and grandma's foot fell in. Grandpa took great effort to pull grandma's foot out of the devil's big mouth.

  After the earthquake, there were scattered tiles everywhere, and the living people shouted the names of their relatives. What a chilling scene.

  Those who survived the earthquake must love themselves more.

