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【#英语资源# 导语】2021年7月28日是唐山大地震45周年祭,我们每个人都要缅怀逝者,尊重生命,追念感恩当下生活来之不易,®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Today, the 45th Anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake, recalling the earthquake mourning 45 years ago, paying tribute to the dead, paying tribute to the living, for the light of human nature shining in the disaster, for writing unique and magnificent family and country memories, and for living up to every day when the sun rises!

  At 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976, this is a "black" number engraved in Chinese memory. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan City, Hebei Province, with heavy casualties. Hundreds of thousands of residents turned into refugees who lost their homes in the twinkling of an eye.

  45 years in a flash. The deep scar of the Tangshan earthquake has been engraved in the hearts of many people. We commemorate the disaster, we remember the disaster, all in order to stay away from the disaster. Today's Tangshan, it is difficult to see the traces of the earthquake. Standing on Fenghuang Mountain in the center of the city, looking around, there are rows of high-rise buildings and wide and tidy streets.

  After the earthquake, the people of Tangshan built a livable new city on the ruins and rubble in only 10 years. In 1990, the United Nations awarded Tangshan the "Habitat Honor Award", which is the first "Habitat Award" in Chinese history.

  Tangshan belongs to all mankind. The human tragedy 45 years ago tore the hearts of people from different regions, different skin colors and different faiths. It was very late that I found in the old newspaper that when the news of the Tangshan earthquake spread to the other side of the Strait, which was completely isolated from us, the people of Taiwan had launched a brotherly disaster relief fund-raising with tears in their eyes. For more than a decade, because the article "me and my Tangshan" has been incorporated into middle school textbooks, Hong Kong teenagers have always been full of special concerns about Tangshan. Some students are even familiar with the names of the dead children in the small mourning hall of PLA 255 hospital.

  This is the legend of life. People have never felt the value of "living" as strongly as at that moment. One survivor saved more than ten people, and more than ten survivors robbed hundreds of lives. When 100000 rescue people's Liberation Army and 10000 medical team members gathered from all directions, the blood of the living and the dead fused together and wrote a big word "man" in the black world.

  This is a record of human nature. In a cruel way, the great earthquake tore away all the decoration and shelter on the planet, exposing the most basic relationship between nature and man. People have never seen themselves as vividly as they did on the ruins of Tangshan 40 years ago: fragile and strong, humble and broad, evil and kind; Never like Tangshan in the past 40 years, it has stood up from the ruins and surprisingly demonstrated the great power of self rescue and his rescue, from the city to the soul

  This is 2006, our Tangshan. We pay tribute to the dead. We salute the living. We remember yesterday firmly and look forward to tomorrow with hope. The hands that wipe away tears hold each other tightly. We are together and will never be separated.

  I think in addition to remembering and mourning, we should also publicize some common sense of earthquake risk avoidance, self rescue and mutual rescue, and strengthen the ability of earthquake prediction to minimize losses. It is hoped that earthquake prediction can develop as rapidly as aerospace technology.


  This year marks the 45th Anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake.

  45 years ago, a world shaking earthquake razed Tangshan into ruins and reduced 240000 lives to ghosts. 40 years later, the new city rose and the ruins were no longer. Except for the survivors of the disaster and a small number of people related to it, for more people, the "Tangshan earthquake" has become a cold history.

  At 3:42 on July 28 45 years ago, a major earthquake shocked the world and destroyed Tangshan, an important industrial city in Eastern Hebei, China. Today, 45 years later, people in Tangshan came out of the black shadow of the great earthquake. At 3:42 on July 28 45 years ago, a big earthquake destroyed Tangshan. A set of statistics after the earthquake are as follows: 242769 people were killed, 164851 seriously injured, more than 700000 people were slightly injured, 15886 families were disintegrated, more than 7000 families were cut off from smoking, 3817 became paraplegic patients, 25061 were physically disabled, 3675 old people became widows, and 4204 children under the age of 10 had no parents.

  How many clear images, unforgettable moments and shocking details are left to today's people about this disaster? History should not only consist of grand narration and ending words. More living history is actually cherished in the memory of small people around you and me.

  45 years is just a moment in the long river of history. 40 years is not a short time for a city, which is enough to wipe away the scars of disaster. 40 years is a long time for a person who survived. On the road of rebuilding his life, those who were originally teenagers entered middle age and those who were originally middle age entered old age.

  In 45 years, the first batch of houses built in Tangshan after the earthquake have become old. The trees planted after the earthquake have already become shade and timber. The earthquake was only six months old. One of the smallest earthquake orphans, Dang Yuxin, had his own children.

  What is "earthquake resistant spirit"? There are 16 words to sum it up: "selflessness, sharing weal and woe, perseverance and courage to move forward". Selflessness is self sacrifice, selfless dedication, putting aside personal interests and devoting all our efforts to the disaster relief and reconstruction of Tangshan. Sharing weal and woe means that neighbors and cadres and the masses help each other and share weal and woe. In particular, the majority of Party members and cadres have worked with the masses in the face of major disasters and established a new relationship between the party and the masses and between cadres and the masses. Perseverance means advancing in the face of difficulties, not giving in to the earthquake, not bowing to difficulties, and rebuilding our homes with the spirit of Taishan and not bending down.

  To forge ahead bravely is to be unwilling to lag behind, be unwilling to show weakness, and dare to be the first. In the struggle against the earthquake, we show a strong enterprising spirit, constantly strive for self-improvement and forge ahead bravely. Earthquake resistant spirit is also the soul of the rise of Tangshan. People give up their small homes for everyone, themselves for others, and parts for the overall situation. Their hard sweat has brought the reconstruction, rise and development of the new Tangshan. The seismic spirit has distinct characteristics of the times and valuable spiritual wealth. The heroic sons and daughters of Tangshan wrote earth shaking historical chapters after the earthquake. Despite the lack of food, clothing, water and housing at that time, the people of Tangshan were united, shared weal and woe, the officers and soldiers were united, the cadres, fish and water defeated natural disasters, and the new Tangshan rose in ruins.

  Tangshan earthquake is a rare disaster in the world. Foreign countries say that "Tangshan has been erased from the earth". The heroic Tangshan people did not bow their heads in the face of disasters and quickly produced "anti-seismic coal", "anti-seismic steel", "anti-seismic electricity" and "anti-seismic vehicles" with "anti-seismic spirit"... The first batch of bicycles were assembled seven days after the earthquake; The first truck of coal was produced ten days after the earthquake; Fourteen days after the earthquake, the power plant began to generate electricity; The first locomotive was built 20 days after the earthquake; The first furnace of steel was refined 28 days after the earthquake. The anti-seismic spirit is also the urban spirit integrated into the blood of Tangshan people, which has a profound heritage among the people. The family and friendship tempered in that catastrophe reflects the true and pure love in human nature.

  The new Tangshan rising from the earthquake ruins has not only continued the brilliance of a hundred years of history, but also created today's brilliance.


  July 28 of each year is a very ordinary and ordinary day on the calendar, but it is a dark and worrying day for millions of Tangshan people, especially those who have experienced the disaster.

  Tangshan, a beautiful city located in the fortress of Beijing and Tianjin, is the "bridgehead" connecting the capital in the northeast. It contains a variety of mineral resources such as coal and iron. More than 100 years ago, it was a well-known heavy industrial city in the country. Many first standard rail roads were built here, and the first railway station was built here, It can be said that this is the zero starting point of China's railway.

  Especially after the founding of the people's Republic of China, under the care of the Party Central Committee, Tangshan was like being planted with wings to take off. However, just as the people of Tangshan were struggling to advance on the broad road of socialism, a disaster came. In the early morning of July 28, 1976, with the shaking of the earth, Tangshan, a heavy industrial city with a population of one million, was razed to ruins, More than 300000 people were killed and injured in an instant. The disaster shocked the world.

  However, our heroic people in Tangshan were not overwhelmed by the disaster. Just after the earthquake stopped and the aftershocks were still happening, the people in Tangshan carried forward the communist spirit of putting others before themselves, public affairs before private interests, began to produce self-help, and wrote a strong and Tragic Song of sharing weal and woe.

  After the earthquake, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council urgently ordered the whole country to rescue quickly. With the support of the people of the whole country, the railways and airports resumed traffic less than 10 days after the earthquake, and the major factories resumed production a month later. There was no plague in the process of disaster relief, which can be said to have created a miracle in the history of world disaster relief.

  In the protection of the water system around the city, Tangshan is dotted with three urban parks: Danan lake, Dacheng mountain and Fenghuang mountain. There are many tall buildings, shops and many expressways such as Tanggang and Tangjin. The navigation of Tangshan airport has set up an air bridge leading to the whole country and even the world, which has inserted the wings of take-off for Tangshan.

  Today's great changes in Tangshan shocked the world. This city, which was predicted to disappear from the map after the earthquake, once again stands on the Bank of Bohai Bay and will become a dazzling pearl on the Bank of Bohai Bay in the near future. Looking back on the past, more than 30 years have passed. In addition to our heroic Tangshan people's hard work, we also owe the ever-changing here to our wise leadership - the great Communist Party of China.

  Now we will continue to carry forward the spirit of selfless earthquake resistance and build a more prosperous and better new Tangshan!

