
时间:2022-09-15 20:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】秋天,是一个金色的季节,也是一个丰收的季节,以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  The arrival of autumn is the time when the earth becomes clear; The arrival of autumn is a time when people enjoy a happy atmosphere during the Mid Autumn Festival, when they barbecue together, eat moon cakes and grapefruit, and watch the moon; The arrival of autumn may also be the period when the ruthless Typhoon was rampant in Fujian. The autumn rain and wind also came together. Autumn! You are here.

  The taste of autumn is sweet. We have been looking forward to it for a whole year, and finally came to the annual Mid Autumn Festival. We barbecued meat together. And every piece of meat that overflows with fragrance has a different taste. When you eat the tender and juicy pieces of meat, it feels like the meat pieces are beating on my taste buds. It is really delicious! Let's watch the moon together. The round and bright moon is hanging high in the sky, which makes people relaxed and happy. The bright moon sprinkles on the river like a fairy. We all ate delicious moon cakes and juicy and delicious pomelos. When the pomelo pulp was bitten, the juice in the pomelo was like a bomb in our mouth. These delicious foods were indescribable.

  Sometimes, the taste of autumn is bitter. When we barbecue together, we find that our most missed relatives have not enjoyed the beautiful atmosphere together, and we always feel depressed; The farmer worked hard for years, but a typhoon or heavy rain destroyed his efforts; In autumn, beautiful flowers slowly turn from bright colors to dark yellow. When they are about to wither, they will begin to fall to the ground one by one.

  All seasons have different feelings, and autumn also has different flavors. So as long as you use your sharp mind to flavor, you will certainly have a beautiful autumn flavor.


  Autumn is coming, my grandpa's house is golden.

  When we went to Grandpa's house, we suddenly saw red flowers bearing one after another, one like a cherry. The red pink powder was really beautiful! I asked, "What is this?" Mother said: "This may be the Joy." Dad said: "This may be Luanshu." I said, "This is a cherry tree." Dad said, "Cherry tree is a *! It's definitely Luan tree!" Mother argued again: "It's obviously a happy life." We quarreled for a while before continuing our journey.

  When I had lunch at my grandfather's house, I shook the big tree outside the courtyard with all my strength. I heard a "clatter" and dropped some leaves. I took some of them. The leaves were golden red and very crisp. A gentle break would break them into pieces. But no matter how you step on it, hum! He could not break it. I was out of breath and said, "Hum, I must break you into pieces."

  The dishes in grandpa's garden grow very well. The chili that grandpa brought us is very hot. While drinking water, the hot mother said, "It's really hot! It's five times hotter than the supermarket." Grandma's "jiamo sauce" is very delicious. I ate more than half of it in a few days. Hmm, I ate it with relish. Grandfather's vegetables include cabbage, celery, leeks, cucumbers, bamboo shoots, tomatoes... Grandfather's persimmons are very many. They are red and sweet, like little lanterns. The leaves have fallen, and the persimmons are still on the trees. Every time we come back from grandpa's house, grandpa brings us a lot of food.

  I like autumn, I prefer the autumn at my grandpa's house.


  When autumn comes, the whole nature has changed. As long as the wind blows, the fragrance of autumn girl will float to my nose.

  Look, in the orchard, the apples are big and red, like small balls. I can't wait to eat it. The fat and heavy grapefruit was hanging on the branch, which was about to break. A gust of autumn wind blew, and the pomelos looked like children playing on the swings! Pomegranate put on red clothes, put on the crown and prepared to attend the banquet. The golden oranges hang on the trees. Some of them play hide and seek under the leaves; Some enjoy the cool below; Others are chatting!

  In the garden, chrysanthemums put on their beautiful clothes and were preparing to perform for us. Look, the purple chrysanthemums look like octopuses, crawling around in the vines, as if they are telling us that autumn is coming.

  In the fields, the rice fields are like a big golden ocean with waves. The red maple leaves on the trees are like fans. As long as the wind blows gently, they will fall on the ground, and the ground will become a piece of golden cloth. When the autumn wind blows, maple leaves rustle and sing beautiful songs. They fall to the ground, and when people step on them, they will make a squeaking sound.

  Autumn, I love you so much.


  Send us to the spring with spring and the summer with scorching sun. At this time, the beautiful autumn girl also walked to us with happy dance steps.

  On the north and south corridor of the campus, I saw 19 ginkgo trees on one side of the road. The leaves on the trees are different colors, some are dark green, some are golden yellow, some are dark yellow, some are half green and half yellow... The tall and straight ginkgo trees bear many fruits, most of which fall on the ground, giving off a bad smell.

  I came to the "White Deer Island" Ecological Park again on Sunday. There is a maple forest. The red maple leaves dance in the air like butterflies. Now I think of a poem:

  "The stone path of the Hanshan Mountain is inclined at a distance, and there are people living in the place where white clouds are growing. Stop to sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February."

  I came to the park again. A burst of fragrance came, and I said loudly: "It must be osmanthus, because the beautiful osmanthus is the most fragrant in autumn." I walked along the fragrance of flowers. It's really sweet osmanthus. There are two kinds of osmanthus, one is golden osmanthus, the other is silver osmanthus. Now many osmanthus flowers have fallen.

  I also saw several caterpillars running in a race on a tall and straight tree to see who was the first.

  How beautiful autumn is! I hope it can accompany me to spend a beautiful day.


  Now it is August, and the leaves on the tree are already red, like red lanterns.

  There is a row of maple trees beside the road, whose leaves are as good as the sunset. At this time, the autumn wind rustled, as if Mother Qiu was caressing her frozen child with her warm hands. But no one expected that she was too forceful and blew several maple leaves down. The children danced gracefully in the air and landed on the grass. Mother Qiu hurriedly blew the maple leaves up again, He said to them, "I'm sorry, my good boy. Just now, my mother accidentally lost you. Is it OK?" The children replied in a loud voice, "It's OK, Mom." Qiu's mother told the children a little story, and the children slowly fell asleep while listening.

  Qiu's mother came to the next tree again, which also made the children on the tree fall asleep. Seeing this, I thought to myself: Mother Qiu is really a great mother. She will take care of her children every day until winter. Every day on my way to school, I see Qiu's mother everywhere.

  I think: next autumn, my mother will show up and take good care of her children. It will also be great.


  Autumn has finally arrived. Every corner of nature has changed greatly. Let's have a look!

  The yard is covered with fallen leaves, just like a small golden blanket!

  The chrysanthemums in the garden opened, and they quietly put on their golden clothes, just like golden girls. There are some purple flowers beside the chrysanthemums. From a distance, these chrysanthemums look like spiders crawling in the grass.

  The fruits in the orchard are ripe, including apples, grapefruit, pomegranates and sugarcane. The apple trees are full of red faced apples, like shy little girls. The pomelo is heavy and big, hanging on the branch like a balloon. Pomegranate looks like a little girl. She is going to the dance with her crown on. Sugarcane is like sticks, long and thick.

  The fields are also golden, and the rice is like a group of small soldiers, with neat lines. Seen from afar, the rice fields are like the golden sea.

  Ah, the door of autumn is open, and every corner of nature is fragrant and intoxicating. I like autumn!


  Autumn is coming, the weather is getting cooler, and the sky is blue like a piece of cloth.

  The big tree stood upright like a soldier. The leaves on the tree were golden and looked like a fan. Miss Qiu blew the leaves to the river. Some of them fell to the river and used them as slides for ants. Some of them fell into the river and whispered to fish. Some of them fell into the fields and covered the earth with gold carpets. Some of them played hide and seek behind trees.

  The swallow chirped: "Winter is coming soon, and we will fly back to the south." The little swallow said goodbye to the tree and flew to the blue sky.

  The golden yellow wind in the field makes a rustling sound.

  An ant looked at the leaves as a boat. An ant called up quickly. Winter was coming, and we were going to spend the winter. The fish in the pond said with bubbles, "Winter is coming, and the water is getting more and more stuffy. We should swim to the river for ventilation. The fish swam to the river for a rest.

  How beautiful autumn is!


  When autumn comes, the whole nature has changed. As long as the wind blows, the fragrance of autumn girl will float to my nose.

  Look, in the orchard, the apples are big and red, like small balls. I can't wait to eat it. The fat and heavy grapefruit was hanging on the branch, which was about to break. A gust of autumn wind blew, and the pomelos looked like children playing on the swings! Pomegranate put on red clothes, put on the crown and prepared to attend the banquet. The golden oranges hang on the trees. Some of them play hide and seek under the leaves; Some enjoy the cool below; Others are chatting!

  In the garden, chrysanthemums put on their beautiful clothes and were preparing to perform for us. Look, the purple chrysanthemums look like octopuses, crawling around in the vines, as if they are telling us that autumn is coming.

  In the fields, the rice fields are like a big golden ocean with waves. The red maple leaves on the trees are like fans. As long as the wind blows gently, they will fall on the ground, and the ground will become a piece of golden cloth. When the autumn wind blows, maple leaves rustle and sing beautiful songs. They fall to the ground, and when people step on them, they will make a squeaking sound.

  Autumn, I love you so much.


  When autumn comes, the blue sky looks like a transparent blue glass. White clouds floating in the sky, sometimes like a group of white rabbits, sometimes like a few sheep, sometimes like white cotton.

  A gust of autumn wind blew, chrysanthemums opened in the wind, maple leaves all over the mountains were red, and golden leaves on Chinese parasol trees were flying all over the sky, like butterflies dancing. On the hillside, persimmons are ripe, like red lanterns hanging on trees; In the fields, the rice is ripe and glittering, and the sorghum is ripe and red.

  A gust of autumn wind blew, and the little animals got busy. The wild geese now form a "person" and then a "one" and fly to the south. Ants flock to look for food for the winter. The gluttonous brown bear had a full stomach and was ready to have a good sleep in winter.

  The sun shines on the earth. The children go out of their homes and come to the park and the grass. Some are doing sports under the guidance of their parents, some are chasing and playing, and some are flying kites. They sang, danced, smiled sweetly and laughed happily.

  Ah, how beautiful autumn is! Beautiful scenery, I love you, autumn!


  Autumn is coming. The sky is high and the clouds are light. The autumn wind is blowing gently. The geese will fly south in a word.

  Autumn is a golden world, and the leaves have become golden. When the breeze blows, the golden leaves are flying in the air, just like a dancing golden butterfly.

  In the fields, the crops are ripe, like a golden sea. The golden wheat waves rise and fall one after another in the cool autumn wind, and the harvesters rumble.

  The fruits in the orchard are ripe and full of branches. The fiery apples hang on the tree like little lanterns. They stick out their heads quietly and smile and wave to us.

  Big pears were hanging on the trees and swaying around. They were so yellow and water was so vivid that my mouth was watering! They are like giant gourds swinging on trees!

  The grape trellis is full of clusters of grapes, some are purple, some are green, some are half purple and half green. They are like a pearl, very beautiful!

  How beautiful autumn is! Compose a golden symphony. Everything is so brilliant and dazzling.
