
时间:2022-05-06 14:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Describe a hobby that you like

  Ok, well I have to say that my hobby is really about telling jokes. You know some people wouldn't call that a hobby because we think it's just an everyday thing. But I try to collect as many jokes as I can. The hobby involves part reading and part listening. Sometimes telling jokes involves listening to one joke and expanding it to another situation. There are jokes that involve word play; others just involve a surprising punch line. You need to keep a record and draw from that record whenever ,You can. I got started with it when I worked as a computer teacher. Each day I would bring in a joke to tell the students, and I would say it at the beginning of the class, to try and encourage them to come on time. The main thing is you have to know that the skill is not just telling the joke itself but the expressions you use and the building of suspense.

  Most people just think of a joke as being the punch line. No way-the best part of a joke is the process of telling it. You have to have a good memory for the process of a joke. Because jokes are easy to forget. You need to tell them almost right away to someone else once you've learned them, and you should always try to repeat them in a different, more expressive way. The impact it has on me is that essentially it makes it easier to tell people serious things. I guess you could say it is a bit of a paradox that the things people take most seriously are the things you tell them in a joke. So it has improved my public speaking enormously.

