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【#英语口语# 导语】英语口语对话是提高口语表达能力的重要方法之一。在进行英语口语对话的过程中,要注重以下几个方面:首先,要选择合适的对话对象,可以是英语母语者或者其他正在学习英语的人;其次,要注重对话的流畅度和准确性,不断练习口语表达,提高自己的英语水平。©文档大全网为大家整理了五篇英语口语对话,欢迎阅读!


1.英语口语对话 篇一

  Front Desk: Can I help you?我能为您服务吗?

  Tom: Yes. I urgently need a room for tomorrow night, and do you have any vacancies?我急需一个房间要明晚住,请问你们还有空房吗?

  Front Desk: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like?还有空房。您需要什么样的房间?

  Tom: I'd like a suite with an ocean view, please.我想要一个可以看到海景的套房。

  Front Desk: No problem, sir.没问题,先生。

  Tom: What is the price of the suite?价格如何?

  Front Desk: It is US$ 250 per night.每晚250美元。

  Tom: It is a little high. I'm told that your hotel is offering discount now.价格有点高。我听说你们酒店正在打折。

  Front Desk: Yes, but the offer ended yesterday. I'm sorry.是的,但打折期昨天就结束了。很抱歉。

2.英语口语对话 篇二

  Man:May I check-in now for my 3:30 flight?我要坐3:30的航班,请问现在可以办理登机手续了吗?

  Ariline Worker:Oh,you must be going to Chicago this afternoon.噢,您一定是今天下午去芝加哥。

  Man:Yes,I have a business meeting to attend there tomorrow morning.是的,我要去那里参加一个明天早上的商务会议。

  Ariline Worker:Very good,we hope to get you there on time today. May I see your ID?很好,希望我们可以让您今天准时到达那里,我可以看看您的身份证吗?

  Man:Here it is.给。

  Ariline Worker:Would you prefer an aisle or window seat?您喜欢靠过道的座位还是靠窗户的。

  Man:Window seat,please.靠窗户的座位吧。

  Ariline Worker:OK,I have put you in Seat 21A.好的,我给您安排在21A这个座位。

  Man:Thank you.谢谢。

  Airline Worker:Do you have any bags to check today,sir?您今天又行李包需要托运的吗,先生?

  Man:No,I just have my carry-on bag.没有,我只有一个随身的包。

  Ariline Worker:Very well then. Your departure gate is 45. Boarding begins 30 minutes before departure. Have a wonderful flight,sir.好的,您在445号登机口登机。飞机起飞前30分钟开始登机,旅途愉快,先生。

3.英语口语对话 篇三

  A:Could you please reserve a taxi for me?你可以为我预约一辆出租车吗?

  B: Do you think a private vehicle might be more to your liking?你认为私家车可能更符合你的喜好吗?

  A: A private vehicle? No, thanks, I won't need one.私家车? 不,谢谢,我不需要。

  B: Even better than a private vehicle is a limo. How does that sound?甚至比一辆私家车还贵。 听上去怎么样?

  A: Taxi, please.出租车就好了。

  B: Where will you be headed?你要去哪里?

  A: Rockefeller Center. Can you get the taxi here immediately, please?洛克菲勒中心。 你能马上叫出租车吗?

  B: A taxi will be here in just a minute, sir.先生,一辆出租车将在短短的一分钟内到达。

  A: Good. I'll get my coat and come downstairs.一个好的。 我得到我的外套,下楼。

  B: The taxi will be ready when you are, sir.先生,出租车准备好了。

4.英语口语对话 篇四

  1.I'd like to ask someone to take a photo for us.我想请人给咱们照张相。

  2.That will be a good shot.这照片拍出来效果应该不错。

  3.Will you stand closer to her?你站得离她近点儿,好吗?

  4.No, I need to use a flash.4.这样不行,我需要用闪光灯。

  5.I'll shoot the sculpture from various angles.5.我要从不同角度给这个雕塑拍照。

  6.Say cheese. OK?6.说茄子,好吗?

  7.Let me take a close-up of you.7.我给你照一张特写吧。

  8.We need to have the films developed.8.我们得把胶卷洗了。

5.英语口语对话 篇五

  S: This is a good basic computer package. It's got a good CPU, 256 megabytes of RAM, and a DVD player.


  C: Does it come with a modem?


  S: Yes, it has a built-in modem. You just plug a phone line into the back of the computer.


  C: How about the monitor?


  S: A 15-inch monitor is included in the deal. If you want, you can switch it for a 17-inch monitor, for a little more money.


  C: That's okay. A 15-inch is good enough. All right, I'll take it.

