【#英语口语# 导语】医学英语又称医用英语,是主要针对医学、医药、病理方面的专业英语。®文档大全网整理了五篇医学英语口语情景对话,欢迎阅读!
Good morning. is that nursing department? 早上好!是护理部吗?
Yes, can I help you? 是的,我能帮助你吗?
Well , I'd like to speak to head nurse Huang.是的,我想找黄护士长。
Hold the line, please.请等一下。
Sorry, keep you waiting .she is not here. May I take you message? 对不起,让你久等了。护士长不在。需要留言么?
I'll call back later. Bye.我回头再打给她。
Hello. This is the surgery department 你好,这是外科 。
This is Mary speaking. Can I talk to doctor Wang?我是马丽,我能找一下王医生吗?
He has an operation this morning. Do you have anything urgent?他有一个手术今天上午。你有急事吗?
Yes, I think so.是的。
Well I'll tell him as soon as he comes back. May I take your telephone number?等他回来后我马上告诉他。你能不能留下你的电话号码?
It is 95678312. 号码是95678312 。
I got it. Bye. 我记下了。再见。
Patient: Excuse me, where do I queue up to register?病人:劳驾,我挂号该排哪一队?
Nurse:What's the problem?护士: 哪不舒服?
Patient: Since this morning I've had high temperature, and I feel generally wretched.病人:上午起,我发起了高烧,浑身疲乏无力。
Nurse: In that case, you'd better go to the Medical Department.护士:像你这样的情况,还是去看看内科吧。
Patient: which way do I go?病人: 谢谢,去内科怎么走?
Nurse:Go up to the second floor , and you'll see it sign-post-ed to the right. Give the doctor your registration card.护士:上了二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了。
Patient: Is it very busy?病人:内科病人多不多?
Nurse:Normally yes, but today you are lucky.护士:往日很多,可今天却不多。
Patient: Oh, good. Thank you.病人:噢,谢谢。
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Patient: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.
Doctor: I'll just take a look. Where does it hurt?
Patient: It's hard to say. It hurts all over.
Doctor: Does it hurt when I do this?
Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.
Doctor: You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But, to be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.
Patient: OK. See you later.
AYou must know you've been scheduled to have an operation the day after BYes. But I don't know the exact time.您一定知道,您的手术安排在后天。是的,但是我不知道确切时间。
AThe operation starts at 10 0'clock. But you'll get an injection of anaesthesia about 30 to 45 minutes in advance. If your family comes to see you before the operation, they should come before 8:30.手术10点开始。但是你得提前30至45分钟注射麻醉剂。如果您的家人手术前要来看您,就应该在8点半以前来。
BOh, I see. I will tell my wife. Thank you for telling me so much.哦,我知道了,我会告诉我妻子的。谢谢你告诉我这么多。
AIt's nothing. Did your doctor explain to you about what operation you are going to have?没什么,您的医生向您说了要动什么手术了吗?
BYes, of course. I am going to have my appendix removed.当然了,我要做切除阑尾的手术。
AOK. Have you signed the consent?好的,在手术同意书上签字了吗?
BYes. Here it is.签了,给您。