macroscopic 肉眼可见的
magnet 磁铁,磁铁石 The pin was extracted with a magnet
magnify 放大,扩大 I want to magnify this picture
maintain 维持,保持 maintain law and order
malfunction 发生功能障碍,发生障碍 If the computer malfunctions it fails to work properly
maltreat 粗暴地对待,虐待 We’ll not intervene unless the children are being physically
manifest 显然的,明了的 manifest superiority
manipulate (熟练地)操作 Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory chopsticks with great dexterity
mature 熟的,成熟的 a mature fruit
meet 遇见,碰到 He met her there by chance
melt 使融化,使熔化 The sun melted the snow
mend 修理,修补 mend clothes
merit 长处,优点,价值,功绩 merits and demerits
migrate 移居(尤指移居国外),迁移 migrate to another country
minimum 最低限度,最少量,最低点
minor 较小的,较少的,较不重要的
mislead 把……引错方向,把……引入歧途
moan 呻吟声,呜咽声 Each time she moved her leg she let out a ~ .
mobilize 动员 Our country’s in great danger, we must ~ the army.
mock 嘲笑,嘲弄 He had ~ed her modest ambitions.
model 模型,原形 build airplane ~s
modify 修改,更改 ~a law momentary 片刻的,瞬息的 a ~ feeling of fear
monitor (学校的)班长 a ~ in class 5.
mortgage 抵押(借款)He will have to ~ his land for a loan.
motion 动,运动 the ~ of the planets
motive 动机,目的 be proper in~
mount 登上, 爬上~ the steps
multiply 乘,相乘~ 7 and 8
muscle 肌肉 facial ~s
mutual 相互的, 彼此的 ~ aid